package com.minelittlepony.unicopia.entity; import net.minecraft.block.ShapeContext; import net.minecraft.entity.*; import*; import net.minecraft.entity.mob.FlyingEntity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity; import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound; import; import; import net.minecraft.util.math.*; import net.minecraft.util.shape.VoxelShape; import net.minecraft.util.shape.VoxelShapes; import; import java.util.function.Consumer; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.entity.collision.EntityCollisions; public class AirBalloonEntity extends FlyingEntity implements EntityCollisions.ComplexCollidable { private static final byte HAS_BALLOON = 1; private static final byte HAS_BURNER = 2; private static final byte BURNER_ACTIVE = 4; private static final TrackedData FLAGS = DataTracker.registerData(AirBalloonEntity.class, TrackedDataHandlerRegistry.INTEGER); private Vec3d prevVehicleVel = Vec3d.ZERO; private Vec3d velocityBeforeTick = Vec3d.ZERO; public AirBalloonEntity(EntityType type, World world) { super(type, world); } @Override protected void initDataTracker() { super.initDataTracker(); dataTracker.startTracking(FLAGS, 0); } public boolean hasBalloon() { return getFlag(HAS_BALLOON); } public void setHasBalloon(boolean hasBalloon) { setFlag(HAS_BALLOON, hasBalloon); } public boolean hasBurner() { return getFlag((byte)(HAS_BURNER | HAS_BALLOON)); } public void setHasBurner(boolean hasBurner) { setFlag(HAS_BURNER, hasBurner); } public boolean isBurnerActive() { return getFlag((byte)(HAS_BURNER | BURNER_ACTIVE | HAS_BALLOON)); } public void setBurnerActive(boolean burnerActive) { setFlag(BURNER_ACTIVE, burnerActive); } private boolean getFlag(byte flag) { return (dataTracker.get(FLAGS).intValue() & flag) == flag; } private void setFlag(byte flag, boolean val) { int v = dataTracker.get(FLAGS); dataTracker.set(FLAGS, val ? (v | flag) : (v & ~flag)); } private boolean isAirworthy() { return hasBalloon() && isBurnerActive(); } @Override public void tick() { prevVehicleVel = getVelocity(); setAir(getMaxAir()); if (isAirworthy()) { setVelocity(getVelocity() .add(getWind(world, getBlockPos())) .normalize() .multiply(0.2) .add(0, isBurnerActive() ? 0.00F : isTouchingWater() ? 0.02F : -0.06F, 0)); } else { addVelocity(0, -0.03, 0); if (isSubmergedInWater()) { double yy = getVelocity().y; setVelocity(getVelocity().multiply(0.9, 0.4, 0.9).add(0, Math.abs(yy) / 2F, 0)); } } if (isLeashed()) { Vec3d leashPost = getHoldingEntity().getPos(); Vec3d pos = getPos(); if (leashPost.distanceTo(pos) >= 5) { Vec3d newVel = leashPost.subtract(pos).multiply(0.01); setVelocity(newVel.lengthSquared() < 0.03 ? Vec3d.ZERO : newVel); } } super.tick(); velocityBeforeTick = getVelocity(); float weight = 0; if (velocityBeforeTick.length() > 0.01 && !isSubmergedInWater()) { Box box = getInteriorBoundingBox(); for (Entity e : world.getOtherEntities(this, box.expand(-0.2, 1, -0.2))) { updatePassenger(e, box, !onGround); weight++; } if (hasBalloon()) { Box balloonBox = getBalloonBoundingBox(); for (Entity e : world.getOtherEntities(this, balloonBox.expand(1.0E-7))) { updatePassenger(e, balloonBox, false); } } } if (getVelocity().y > -0.6 && !isTouchingWater()) { if (isBurnerActive()) { weight -= 3; } addVelocity(0, MathHelper.clamp(-weight / 10F, -1, isLeashed() ? 0.2F : 1), 0); } } private void updatePassenger(Entity e, Box box, boolean checkBasket) { Vec3d pos = e.getPos(); double xx = checkBasket ? MathHelper.clamp(pos.x, box.minX, box.maxX) : pos.x; double zz = checkBasket ? MathHelper.clamp(pos.z, box.minZ, box.maxZ) : pos.z; double yy = pos.y; Box entityBox = e.getBoundingBox(); if ((Math.abs(velocityBeforeTick.y) > 0.0001F && entityBox.minY < box.maxY) || (entityBox.minY > box.maxY && entityBox.minY < box.maxY + 0.01)) { yy = box.maxY - Math.signum(velocityBeforeTick.y) * 0.01; } if (xx != pos.x || zz != pos.z || yy != pos.y) { e.setPos(xx + velocityBeforeTick.x, yy, zz + velocityBeforeTick.z); } Vec3d vel = e.getVelocity(); if (vel.lengthSquared() >= prevVehicleVel.lengthSquared()) { vel = vel.subtract(prevVehicleVel); } e.setVelocity(vel.multiply(0.5).add(velocityBeforeTick.multiply(0.65))); Living.updateVelocity(e); if (e instanceof ServerPlayerEntity ply) { ply.networkHandler.sendPacket(new EntityVelocityUpdateS2CPacket(ply)); } e.setOnGround(true); if (horizontalSpeed != 0) { e.distanceTraveled = 0; e.horizontalSpeed = 0; if (e instanceof LivingEntity l) { l.limbAnimator.setSpeed(0); l.limbAnimator.updateLimbs(0, 1); } } } @Override public void onPlayerCollision(PlayerEntity player) { // updatePassenger(player, getInteriorBoundingBox(), false); } @Override public boolean isCollidable() { return true; } @Override public boolean isPushable() { return true; } @Override public void pushAwayFrom(Entity entity) { } @Override public void pushAway(Entity entity) { } @Override public Box getVisibilityBoundingBox() { if (hasBalloon()) { return getBoundingBox().union(getBalloonBoundingBox()); } return getBoundingBox(); } protected Box getInteriorBoundingBox() { return getBoundingBox().contract(0.7, 0, 0.7); } protected Box getBalloonBoundingBox() { return getBoundingBox().offset(0.125, 11, 0).expand(2.25, 0, 2); } @Override public void getCollissionShapes(ShapeContext context, Consumer output) { Box box = getBoundingBox().expand(0.3, 0, 0.3); double wallheight = box.maxY + 0.7; double wallThickness = 0.7; // front left (next to door) output.accept(VoxelShapes.cuboid(new Box(box.minX, box.minY, box.minZ, box.minX + wallThickness + 0.2, wallheight, box.minZ + wallThickness))); // front right (next to door) output.accept(VoxelShapes.cuboid(new Box(box.maxX - wallThickness - 0.2, box.minY, box.minZ, box.maxX, wallheight, box.minZ + wallThickness))); // back output.accept(VoxelShapes.cuboid(new Box(box.minX, box.minY, box.maxZ - wallThickness, box.maxX, wallheight, box.maxZ))); // left output.accept(VoxelShapes.cuboid(new Box(box.maxX - wallThickness, box.minY, box.minZ, box.maxX, wallheight, box.maxZ))); // right output.accept(VoxelShapes.cuboid(new Box(box.minX, box.minY, box.minZ, box.minX + wallThickness, wallheight, box.maxZ))); // top of balloon if (hasBalloon()) { output.accept(VoxelShapes.cuboid(getBoundingBox().offset(0.125, 6, 0).expand(2.25, 3, 2))); } } @Override public void readCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound compound) { super.readCustomDataFromNbt(compound); setHasBalloon(compound.getBoolean("hasBalloon")); setHasBurner(compound.getBoolean("hasBurner")); setBurnerActive(compound.getBoolean("burnerActive")); } @Override public void writeCustomDataToNbt(NbtCompound compound) { super.writeCustomDataToNbt(compound); compound.putBoolean("hasBalloon", hasBalloon()); compound.putBoolean("hasBurner", hasBurner()); compound.putBoolean("burnerActive", isBurnerActive()); } static Vec3d getWind(World world, BlockPos pos) { return Vec3d.ofCenter(pos).normalize().multiply(1, 0, 1).multiply(0.002);//.multiply((world.getRandom().nextFloat() - 0.5) * 0.2); } }