package com.minelittlepony.unicopia.entity; import java.util.Random; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityPose; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityType; import net.minecraft.entity.SpawnReason; import net.minecraft.entity.attribute.DefaultAttributeContainer; import net.minecraft.entity.attribute.EntityAttributes; import net.minecraft.entity.damage.DamageSource; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.mob.AmbientEntity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity; import net.minecraft.predicate.entity.EntityPredicates; import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvent; import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvents; import net.minecraft.util.Identifier; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import; import; public class ButterflyEntity extends AmbientEntity { private static final TrackedData RESTING = DataTracker.registerData(ButterflyEntity.class, TrackedDataHandlerRegistry.BOOLEAN); private static final TrackedData VARIANT = DataTracker.registerData(ButterflyEntity.class, TrackedDataHandlerRegistry.INTEGER); @Nullable private BlockPos hoveringPosition; private int ticksResting; public ButterflyEntity(EntityType type, World world) { super(type, world); setVariant(Variant.random(world.random)); setResting(true); } public static DefaultAttributeContainer.Builder createButterflyAttributes() { return createMobAttributes().add(EntityAttributes.GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH, 2); } @Override public float getSoundPitch() { return super.getSoundPitch() * 0.95F; } @Nullable @Override protected SoundEvent getHurtSound(DamageSource damageSourceIn) { return SoundEvents.ENTITY_BAT_HURT; } @Nullable @Override protected SoundEvent getDeathSound() { return null; } @Override protected void initDataTracker() { super.initDataTracker(); getDataTracker().startTracking(VARIANT, Variant.BUTTERFLY.ordinal()); getDataTracker().startTracking(RESTING, false); } @Override public boolean isPushable() { return false; } @Override public boolean collides() { return true; } @Override protected void pushAway(Entity entity) { } @Override protected void tickCramming() { } @Override public void tick() { super.tick(); Vec3d vel = getVelocity(); setVelocity(vel.x, vel.y * 0.6 + 0.02F, vel.z); } public boolean isResting() { return getDataTracker().get(RESTING); } public void setResting(boolean resting) { getDataTracker().set(RESTING, resting); if (!resting) { hoveringPosition = null; } } public Variant getVariant() { return Variant.byId(getDataTracker().get(VARIANT)); } public void setVariant(Variant variant) { getDataTracker().set(VARIANT, variant.ordinal()); } protected boolean isAggressor(Entity e) { if (e instanceof ButterflyEntity) { return false; } if (e instanceof PlayerEntity) { PlayerEntity player = (PlayerEntity)e; if (player.isCreative() || player.isSpectator()) { return false; } if (player.isSprinting() || player.forwardSpeed > 0 || player.sidewaysSpeed > 0) { return true; } } else if (!EntityPredicates.EXCEPT_CREATIVE_OR_SPECTATOR.test(e)) { return false; } return e.getVelocity().horizontalLength() > 1.4F; } @Override public void tickMovement() { super.tickMovement(); BlockPos below = new BlockPos(getPos().add(0, -0.5, 0)); if (isResting()) { if (world.getBlockState(below).isAir() || !world.getOtherEntities(this, getBoundingBox().expand(7), this::isAggressor).isEmpty() || (ticksResting++ > 40 && world.random.nextInt(500) == 0) || world.hasRain(below)) { setResting(false); } } else { ticksResting = 0; // invalidate the hovering position if (hoveringPosition != null && (!world.isAir(hoveringPosition) || hoveringPosition.getY() < 1)) { hoveringPosition = null; } BlockPos pos = getBlockPos(); // select a new hovering position if (hoveringPosition == null || random.nextInt(30) == 0 || hoveringPosition.getSquaredDistance(pos) < 4) { hoveringPosition = pos.add( random.nextInt(7) - random.nextInt(7), random.nextInt(6) - 2, random.nextInt(7) - random.nextInt(7) ); } // hover casually towards the chosen position Vec3d motion = Vec3d.ofCenter(hoveringPosition, 0.1).subtract(getPos()); Vec3d vel = getVelocity(); addVelocity( (Math.signum(motion.getX()) * 0.5 - vel.x) * 0.1, (Math.signum(motion.getY()) * 0.7 - vel.y) * 0.1, (Math.signum(motion.getZ()) * 0.5 - vel.z) * 0.1 ); float direction = (float)(MathHelper.atan2(vel.z, vel.x) * (180 / Math.PI)) - 90; forwardSpeed = 0.5F; headYaw += MathHelper.wrapDegrees(direction - headYaw); if (random.nextInt(100) == 0 && world.getBlockState(below).isOpaque()) { setResting(true); } if (!world.isClient && age % 20 == 0 && world.random.nextInt(200) == 0) { for (Entity i : world.getOtherEntities(this, getBoundingBox().expand(20))) { if (i.getType() == getType()) { return; } } ButterflyEntity copy = (ButterflyEntity)getType().create(world); copy.copyPositionAndRotation(this); world.spawnEntity(copy); } } } @Override public boolean shouldRender(double distance) { double d = 64 * getRenderDistanceMultiplier(); return distance < d * d; } @Override public boolean handleFallDamage(float distance, float damageMultiplier, DamageSource cause) { return false; } @Override protected void fall(double y, boolean onGroundIn, BlockState state, BlockPos pos) { } @Override public boolean canSpawn(WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason) { return reason != SpawnReason.NATURAL || (getY() >= world.getSeaLevel() && world.getLightLevel(getBlockPos()) > 3); } @Override public float getEyeHeight(EntityPose pose) { return getHeight() / 2; } public enum Variant { BUTTERFLY, YELLOW, LIME, RED, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, MAGENTA, PINK, HEDYLIDAE, LYCAENIDAE, NYMPHALIDAE, MONARCH, WHITE_MONARCH, BRIMSTONE; private static final Variant[] VALUES = Variant.values(); private final Identifier skin = new Identifier("unicopia", "textures/entity/butterfly/" + name().toLowerCase() + ".png"); public Identifier getSkin() { return skin; } static Variant byId(int index) { return VALUES[Math.max(0, index) % VALUES.length]; } static Variant random(Random rand) { return VALUES[rand.nextInt(VALUES.length)]; } } }