From 078e1c935468c83a93dd63c8be870ff013fd6995 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=C2=ADSollace?= <>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 09:20:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] New translations en_us.json (German)

 .../resources/assets/unicopia/lang/de_de.json | 22 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/unicopia/lang/de_de.json b/src/main/resources/assets/unicopia/lang/de_de.json
index bc176ec0..5956f32c 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/assets/unicopia/lang/de_de.json
+++ b/src/main/resources/assets/unicopia/lang/de_de.json
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-  "block.unicopia.bed.not_safe": "You may not rest here, there are enemies nearby",
-  "block.unicopia.bed.not_tired": "You do not feel tired right now",
-  "block.unicopia.bed.no_sleep.nocturnal": "You can only sleep in the day or during thunderstorms",
+  "block.unicopia.bed.not_safe": "Du kannst jetzt nicht schlafen, es sind Monster in der Nähe",
+  "block.unicopia.bed.not_tired": "Du bist noch nicht müde",
+  "block.unicopia.bed.no_sleep.nocturnal": "Du kannst nur tagsüber oder bei Gewittern schlafen",
   "sleep.not_possible.nocturnal": "No amount of rest can pass this day",
   "sleep.skipping_day": "Sleeping through this day",
-  "ability.unicopia.empty_hooves": "I need to find a jar",
-  "ability.unicopia.indoors": "I can't see the sky from here",
-  "ability.unicopia.too_low": "I need to get higher up",
-  "ability.unicopia.clear_skies": "The skies already look pretty clear",
-  "ability.unicopia.too_calm.1": "I need to get angrier...",
-  "ability.unicopia.too_calm.2": "I don't feel angry...",
-  "ability.unicopia.too_calm.3": "Bruce made it look easier than this...",
-  "ability.unicopia.too_calm.4": "Celestia give me strength...",
+  "ability.unicopia.empty_hooves": "Ich muss ein Jar finden",
+  "ability.unicopia.indoors": "Ich kann den Himmel von hier nicht sehen",
+  "ability.unicopia.too_low": "Ich muss höher steigen",
+  "ability.unicopia.clear_skies": "Der Himmel sieht bereits ziemlich klar aus",
+  "ability.unicopia.too_calm.1": "Ich muss noch wütender werden...",
+  "ability.unicopia.too_calm.2": "Ich fühle mich nicht wütend...",
+  "ability.unicopia.too_calm.3": "Bruce hat es einfacher aussehen lassen als es ist...",
+  "ability.unicopia.too_calm.4": "Celestia gibt mir Kraft...",
   "itemGroup.unicopia.items": "Unicopia",
   "itemGroup.unicopia.foraging": "Unicopia - Foraging",
   "itemGroup.unicopia.earth_pony": "Unicopia - Ponyville",