<?php /** * Pony.fm - A community for pony fan music. * Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Deltchev * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ use OAuth2\Client; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Exceptions\InvalidAccessTokenException; /** * Class Poniverse * * Just for the sake of being sane without an autoloader * this class is going to be a simple flat api class. */ class Poniverse { protected $clientId; protected $clientSecret; protected $accessToken; protected $redirectUri; protected $urls; /** * @var OAuth2\Client */ protected $client; /** * Initialises the class * * @param string $clientId * @param string $clientSecret * @param string $accessToken */ public function __construct($clientId, $clientSecret, $accessToken = '') { $this->urls = Config::get('poniverse.urls'); $this->clientId = $clientId; $this->clientSecret = $clientSecret; $this->accessToken = $accessToken; //Setup Dependencies $this->setupOAuth2(); $this->setupHttpful(); } protected function setupOAuth2() { require_once('oauth2/Client.php'); require_once('oauth2/GrantType/IGrantType.php'); require_once('oauth2/GrantType/AuthorizationCode.php'); $this->client = new \OAuth2\Client($this->clientId, $this->clientSecret); } protected function setupHttpful() { require_once('autoloader.php'); $autoloader = new SplClassLoader('Httpful', __DIR__."/httpful/src/"); $autoloader->register(); } public function setAccessToken($accessToken) { $this->accessToken = $accessToken; } public function getAuthenticationUrl($state) { return $this->client->getAuthenticationUrl($this->urls['auth'], $this->redirectUri, ['state' => $state]); } public function setRedirectUri($redirectUri) { $this->redirectUri = $redirectUri; } /** * Gets the OAuth2 Client * * @return \OAuth2\Client */ public function getClient() { return $this->client; } /** * Gets data about the currently logged in user * * @return array */ public function getUser() { $data = \Httpful\Request::get($this->urls['api'] . "users?access_token=" . $this->accessToken ); $result = $data->addHeader('Accept', 'application/json')->send(); return json_decode($result, true); } /** * Gets information about the given access token. * * @link https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-richer-oauth-introspection-06 * * @param $accessTokenToIntrospect * @return \Poniverse\AccessTokenInfo * @throws InvalidAccessTokenException * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException */ public function getAccessTokenInfo($accessTokenToIntrospect) { $token = $this->client->getAccessToken( Config::get('poniverse.urls.token'), Client::GRANT_TYPE_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, [] )['result']['access_token']; $request = \Httpful\Request::post($this->urls['api']. 'meta/introspect?token='.$accessTokenToIntrospect); /** @var Httpful\Response $result */ $result = $request ->addHeader('Accept', 'application/json') ->addHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer '.$token) ->send(); $data = json_decode($result, true); if (404 === $result->code) { throw new InvalidAccessTokenException('This access token is expired or invalid!'); } if (200 !== $result->code) { throw new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException(500, 'An unknown error occurred while contacting the Poniverse API.'); } $tokenInfo = new \Poniverse\AccessTokenInfo($accessTokenToIntrospect); $tokenInfo ->setIsActive($data['active']) ->setScopes($data['scope']) ->setClientId($data['client_id']); return $tokenInfo; } }