comment('Enumerating MLP Music Archive source files...'); $files = File::allFiles($mlpmaPath); $this->info(sizeof($files).' files found!'); $this->comment('Enumerating artists...'); $artists = File::directories($mlpmaPath); $this->info(sizeof($artists).' artists found!'); $this->comment('Importing tracks...'.PHP_EOL); $totalFiles = sizeof($files); $currentFile = 0; foreach($files as $file) { $currentFile++; $this->comment('['.$currentFile.'/'.$totalFiles.'] Importing track ['. $file->getFilename() .']...'); if (in_array($file->getExtension(), $this->ignoredExtensions)) { $this->comment('This is not an audio file! Skipping...'.PHP_EOL); continue; } // Has this track already been imported? $importedTrack = DB::table('mlpma_tracks') ->where('filename', '=', $file->getFilename()) ->first(); if ($importedTrack) { $this->comment('This track has already been imported! Skipping...' . PHP_EOL); continue; } //========================================================================================================== // Extract the original tags. //========================================================================================================== $getId3 = new getID3; // all tags read by getID3, including the cover art $allTags = $getId3->analyze($file->getPathname()); // tags specific to a file format (ID3 or Atom), pre-normalization but with cover art removed $rawTags = []; // normalized tags used by $parsedTags = []; if ($file->getExtension() === 'mp3') { list($parsedTags, $rawTags) = $this->getId3Tags($allTags); } else if ($file->getExtension() === 'm4a') { list($parsedTags, $rawTags) = $this->getAtomTags($allTags); } //========================================================================================================== // Determine the release date. //========================================================================================================== $modifiedDate = Carbon::createFromTimeStampUTC(File::lastModified($file->getPathname())); $taggedYear = $parsedTags['year']; $this->info('Modification year: '.$modifiedDate->year); $this->info('Tagged year: '.$taggedYear); if ($taggedYear !== null && $modifiedDate->year === $taggedYear) { $releasedAt = $modifiedDate; } else if ($taggedYear !== null && $modifiedDate->year !== $taggedYear) { $this->error('Release years don\'t match! Using the tagged year...'); $releasedAt = Carbon::create($taggedYear); } else { // $taggedYear is null $this->error('This track isn\'t tagged with its release year! Using the track\'s last modified date...'); $releasedAt = $modifiedDate; } // This is later used by the classification/publishing script to determine the publication date. $parsedTags['released_at'] = $releasedAt; //========================================================================================================== // Does this track have vocals? //========================================================================================================== $isVocal = $parsedTags['lyrics'] !== null; //========================================================================================================== // Determine which artist account this file belongs to using the containing directory. //========================================================================================================== $this->info('Path to file: '.$file->getRelativePath()); $path_components = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file->getRelativePath()); $artist_name = $path_components[0]; $album_name = array_key_exists(1, $path_components) ? $path_components[1] : null; $this->info('Artist: '.$artist_name); $this->info('Album: '.$album_name); $artist = User::where('display_name', '=', $artist_name)->first(); if (!$artist) { $artist = new User; $artist->display_name = $artist_name; $artist->email = null; $artist->is_archived = true; $artist->slug = Str::slug($artist_name); $slugExists = User::where('slug', '=', $artist->slug)->first(); if ($slugExists) { $this->error('Horsefeathers! The slug '.$artist->slug.' is already taken!'); $artist->slug = $artist->slug.'-'.Str::random(4); } $artist = $artist->save(); } //========================================================================================================== // Extract the cover art, if any exists. //========================================================================================================== $coverId = null; if (array_key_exists('comments', $allTags) && array_key_exists('picture', $allTags['comments'])) { $image = $allTags['comments']['picture'][0]; if ($image['image_mime'] === 'image/png') { $extension = 'png'; } else if ($image['image_mime'] === 'image/jpeg') { $extension = 'jpg'; } else if ($image['image_mime'] === 'image/gif') { $extension = 'gif'; } else { $this->error('Unknown cover art format!'); } // write temporary image file $imageFilename = $file->getFilename() . ".cover.$extension"; $imageFilePath = "$tmpPath/".$imageFilename; File::put($imageFilePath, $image['data']); $imageFile = new UploadedFile($imageFilePath, $imageFilename, $image['image_mime']); $cover = Image::upload($imageFile, $artist); $coverId = $cover->id; } else { $this->error('No cover art found!'); } //========================================================================================================== // Is this part of an album? //========================================================================================================== // Find the album if it exists and create it if it doesn't. $albumId = null; $albumName = $parsedTags['album']; if ($albumName !== null) { $album = Album::where('user_id', '=', $artist->id) ->where('title', '=', $albumName) ->first(); if (!$album) { $album = new Album; $album->title = $albumName; $album->user_id = $artist->id; $album->cover_id = $coverId; $album->save(); } $albumId = $album->id; } //========================================================================================================== // Save this track. //========================================================================================================== $title = $parsedTags['title']; // // $track = Track::where('user_id', '=', $artist->id) // ->where('title', '=', $title) // ->first(); // "upload" the track to Auth::loginUsingId($artist->id); $trackFile = new UploadedFile($file->getPathname(), $file->getFilename(), $allTags['mime_type']); Input::instance()->files->add(['track' => $trackFile]); $upload = new UploadTrackCommand(true); $result = $upload->execute(); // var_dump(null); if ($result->didFail()) { $this->error(json_encode($result->getValidator()->messages()->getMessages(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } else { DB::table('mlpma_tracks') ->insert([ 'track_id' => $result['id'], 'path' => $file->getRelativePath(), 'filename' => $file->getFilename(), 'extension' => $file->getExtension(), 'imported_at' => Carbon::now(), 'parsed_tags' => json_encode($parsedTags), 'raw_tags' => json_encode($rawTags), ]); $track = Track::find($result['id']); var_dump($track); $track->title = $parsedTags['title']; $track->cover_id = $coverId; $track->album_id = $albumId; $track->track_number = $parsedTags['track_number']; $track->released_at = $releasedAt; $track->is_vocal = $isVocal; $track->save(); } echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; } } /** * Get the console command arguments. * * @return array */ protected function getArguments() { return array(); } /** * Get the console command options. * * @return array */ protected function getOptions() { return array(); } /** * @param array $rawTags * @return array */ protected function getId3Tags($rawTags) { $tags = $rawTags['tags']['id3v2']; $comment = null; if (isset($tags['comment'])) { // The "comment" tag comes in with a badly encoded string index // so its array key has to be used implicitly. $key = array_keys($tags['comment'])[0]; // The comment may have a null byte at the end. trim() removes it. $comment = trim($tags['comment'][$key]); // Replace the malformed comment with the "fixed" one. unset($tags['comment'][$key]); $tags['comment'][0] = $comment; } return [ [ 'title' => $tags['title'][0], 'artist' => $tags['artist'][0], 'band' => isset($tags['band']) ? $tags['band'][0] : null, 'genre' => isset($tags['genre']) ? $tags['genre'][0] : null, 'track_number' => isset($tags['track_number']) ? $tags['track_number'][0] : null, 'album' => isset($tags['album']) ? $tags['album'][0] : null, 'year' => isset($tags['year']) ? (int) $tags['year'][0] : null, 'comments' => $comment, 'lyrics' => isset($tags['unsynchronised_lyric']) ? $tags['unsynchronised_lyric'][0] : null, ], $tags]; } /** * @param array $rawTags * @return array */ protected function getAtomTags($rawTags) { $tags = $rawTags['tags']['quicktime']; $trackNumber = null; if (isset($tags['track_number'])) { $trackNumberComponents = explode('/', $tags['track_number'][0]); $trackNumber = $trackNumberComponents[0]; } return [ [ 'title' => $tags['title'][0], 'artist' => $tags['artist'][0], 'band' => isset($tags['band']) ? $tags['band'][0] : null, 'album_artist' => isset($tags['album_artist']) ? $tags['album_artist'][0] : null, 'genre' => isset($tags['genre']) ? $tags['genre'][0] : null, 'track_number' => $trackNumber, 'album' => isset($tags['album']) ? $tags['album'][0] : null, 'year' => isset($tags['year']) ? (int) $tags['year'][0] : null, 'comments' => isset($tags['comments']) ? $tags['comments'][0] : null, 'lyrics' => isset($tags['lyrics']) ? $tags['lyrics'][0] : null, ], $tags]; } }