env('PONYFM_DATASTORE'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Use sendfile? |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | sendfile is a way of letting the web server serve files that aren't | normally in its document root. If the web server is configured for it, | use this setting - otherwise, track files and images will be served by | the PHP process. | */ 'sendfile' => env('USE_SENDFILE', true), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Google Analytics ID |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If provided, Pony.fm will track activity in the given Google Analytics | profile. | */ 'google_analytics_id' => env('GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID', null), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Show "Powered by Pony.fm" footer? |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If true, a "Powered by Pony.fm" footer is used to comply with the | license's attribution requirement. This should only be disabled on | the official Pony.fm website, since that already shares its name with | the open-source project. | */ 'use_powered_by_footer' => env('USE_POWERED_BY_FOOTER', true), ];