<div class="uploader"> <div class="dropzone" uploader> <p>Drop files here to begin your upload!</p> </div> <p>FLAC, WAV, and AIFF files will be accepted. Each file can be up to 200 MB in size.</p> <p>Tracks must be a <strong>minimum</strong> of 30 seconds long.</p> <p>Please note that you need to publish your tracks after uploading them before they will become available to the public.</p> <ul class="uploads"> <li ng-repeat="upload in data.queue" ng-class="{'uploading': upload.isUploading, 'has-error': upload.error != null, 'is-processing': upload.isUploading && upload.error == null && upload.progress >= 100}" ng-animate="'upload-queue'"> <p> <span ng-show="!upload.success"> <strong ng-show="upload.isUploading && upload.error == null && upload.progress >= 100">Processing</strong> <strong ng-show="upload.isUploading && upload.error == null && upload.progress < 100">Uploading</strong> <strong ng-show="upload.error != null">Error</strong> {{upload.name}} - <strong ng-show="upload.error != null">{{upload.error}}</strong> </span> <span ng-show="upload.success"> <a href="/account/tracks/edit/{{upload.trackId}}" class="btn btn-small btn-primary"> Publish </a> {{upload.name}} </span> </p> <div class="bar" pfm-progress-bar="upload.progress"></div> </li> </ul> </div>