redirectIfTrailingSlash(); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Detect The Application Environment |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Laravel takes a dead simple approach to your application environments | so you can just specify a machine name or HTTP host that matches a | given environment, then we will automatically detect it for you. | */ $env = $app->detectEnvironment([ 'local' => [''] ]); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bind Paths |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we are binding the paths configured in paths.php to the app. You | should not be changing these here. If you need to change these you | may do so within the paths.php file and they will be bound here. | */ $app->bindInstallPaths(require __DIR__.'/paths.php'); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Load The Application |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we will load the Illuminate application. We'll keep this is in a | separate location so we can isolate the creation of an application | from the actual running of the application with a given request. | */ $framework = $app['path.base'].'/vendor/laravel/framework/src'; require $framework.'/Illuminate/Foundation/start.php'; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Return The Application |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This script returns the application instance. The instance is given to | the calling script so we can separate the building of the instances | from the actual running of the application and sending responses. | */ return $app;