# Pony.fm - A community for pony fan music. # Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Deltchev # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . module.exports = angular.module('ponyfm').controller "application", [ '$scope', 'auth', '$location', 'upload', '$state', '$stateParams', '$injector', '$rootScope', 'playlists', 'notifications' ($scope, auth, $location, upload, $state, $stateParams, $injector, $rootScope, playlists, notifications) -> $scope.auth = auth.data $scope.$state = $state $scope.$stateParams = $stateParams $scope.isPinnedPlaylistSelected = false $scope.notifActive = false $scope.nCount = 0 $scope.nCountFormatted = '0' $scope.isPlaying = false $loadingElement = null loadingStateName = null if 'serviceWorker' of navigator console.log 'Service Worker is supported' navigator.serviceWorker.register('service-worker.js').then((reg) -> console.log 'SW registered', reg ).catch (err) -> console.log 'SW register failed', err notifications.serviceWorkerSupported = false $scope.menuToggle = () -> $rootScope.$broadcast('sidebarToggled') if $scope.notifActive notifications.markAllAsRead() $scope.notifActive = false $scope.notifPulloutToggle = () -> $scope.notifActive = !$scope.notifActive if !$scope.notifActive notifications.markAllAsRead() $rootScope.$on 'player-starting-track', () -> $scope.isPlaying = true window.isPlaying = true $rootScope.$on 'player-stopping', () -> $scope.isPlaying = false $rootScope.$on 'notificationsUpdated', () -> $scope.nCount = notifications.getUnreadCount() if $scope.nCount > 99 $scope.nCountFormatted = '99+' else $scope.nCountFormatted = $scope.nCount if window.pfm.error $state.transitionTo 'errors-' + window.pfm.error $rootScope.safeApply = (fn) -> phase = $rootScope.$$phase if (phase == '$apply' || phase == 'digest') fn() return $rootScope.$apply fn $scope.logout = () -> auth.logout().done -> location.reload() $scope.isActive = (loc) -> $location.path() == loc $scope.$on '$viewContentLoaded', () -> window.setTimeout (-> window.handleResize()), 0 if $loadingElement $loadingElement.removeClass 'loading' $loadingElement = null $scope.stateIncludes = (state) -> if $loadingElement newParts = state.split '.' oldParts = loadingStateName.split '.' for i in [0..newParts.length] continue if !newParts[i] return false if newParts[i] != oldParts[i] return true else $state.includes(state) statesPreloaded = {} $scope.$on '$stateChangeStart', (e, newState, newParams, oldState, oldParams) -> $rootScope.$broadcast('sidebarHide') if $scope.notifActive notifications.markAllAsRead() $scope.notifActive = false $scope.isPinnedPlaylistSelected = false if oldState.name.indexOf('content.artist.') != -1 && newState.name.indexOf('content.artist.') == -1 $('.top-bar').css('background': '') if newState.name == 'content.playlist' $scope.isPinnedPlaylistSelected = playlists.isPlaylistPinned newParams.id return if !oldState || !newState.controller preloader = window.pfm.preloaders[newState.controller] return if !preloader if statesPreloaded[newState] delete statesPreloaded[newState] return e.preventDefault() loadingStateName = newState.name selector = '' newParts = newState.name.split '.' oldParts = oldState.name.split '.' zipped = _.zip(newParts, oldParts) for i in [0..zipped.length] break if !zipped[i] || zipped[i][0] != zipped[i][1] selector += ' ui-view ' selector += ' ui-view ' if newState.name != oldState.name $loadingElement = $ selector $loadingElement.addClass 'loading' stateToInject = angular.copy newState stateToInject.params = newParams try $injector.invoke(preloader, null, {$state: stateToInject}).then -> statesPreloaded[newState] = true $state.transitionTo newState, newParams, {location: 'replace'} catch error $state.transitionTo newState, newParams ]