	<h1>Pony.fm BETA 2 Preview</h1>

		Welcome to Pony.fm's BETA 2 preview! If you were looking for the functional website, head on over to <a href="http://pony.fm" target="_blank">Pony.fm</a>.

		This is an early look at the next Pony.fm release. <a href="http://pony.fm" target="_blank">Pony.fm</a> is a music hosting website
		for Bronies - and you can learn more about it <a href="http://pony.fm/about" target="_blank">here</a>.

		This web application is under <strong>heavy development</strong>. While you are free to browse around, please note
		that although the track and user data on this site is a copy of Pony.fm - all data will be <strong>erased</strong> when
		the preview ends, or whenever we feel like. As such, please do not use this application for hosting your new music.

		At this time, many features are notably missing - such as:
		<li>Mobile friendly design</li>
		<li>Artist following</li>
		<li>Public playlists</li>
		<li>Music Downloads</li>
		And more. The layout and design is also subject to change in the future.
		However, we welcome any and all feedback - so if you have a suggestion or bug report, you can hop on over to
		<a href="http://mlpforums.com/forum/62-ponyfm/" target="_blank">Pony.fm's Forum</a>.
	<p>We hope you enjoy taking a look at the future of Pony.fm as much as we did building it!</p>