# Pony.fm - A community for pony fan music. # Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Deltchev # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. module.exports = angular.module('ponyfm').factory('player', [ '$rootScope' ($rootScope) -> readyDef = new $.Deferred() play = (track) -> self.currentTrack = track $rootScope.$broadcast 'player-starting-track', track streams = [] streams.push track.streams.mp3 streams.push track.streams.ogg if track.streams.ogg streams.push track.streams.aac if track.streams.aac track.progress = 0 track.progressSeconds = 0 track.loadingProgress = 0 self.currentSound = soundManager.createSound url: streams, volume: self.volume whileloading: () -> $rootScope.safeApply -> track.loadingProgress = (self.currentSound.bytesLoaded / self.currentSound.bytesTotal) * 100 whileplaying: () -> $rootScope.safeApply -> track.progressSeconds = self.currentSound.position / 1000 track.progress = (self.currentSound.position / (track.duration * 1000)) * 100 onfinish: () -> $rootScope.safeApply -> track.isPlaying = false self.playNext() onstop: () -> $rootScope.safeApply -> track.isPlaying = false self.isPlaying = false onplay: () -> $rootScope.safeApply -> track.isPlaying = true onresume: () -> $rootScope.safeApply -> track.isPlaying = true onpause: () -> $rootScope.safeApply -> track.isPlaying = false track.isPlaying = true self.isPlaying = true self.currentSound.play() updateCanGo = () -> self.canGoNext = self.playlistIndex < self.playlist.length - 1 self.canGoPrev = self.playlistIndex > 0 self = ready: false isPlaying: false currentTrack: null currentSound: null playlist: [] playlistIndex: 0 volume: 0 readyDef: readyDef.promise() canGoPrev: false canGoNext: false playPause: () -> return if !self.ready return if !self.isPlaying if self.currentSound.paused self.currentSound.play() else self.currentSound.pause() playNext: () -> return if !self.canGoNext self.currentSound.stop() if self.currentSound != null self.playlistIndex++ if self.playlistIndex >= self.playlist.length self.playlist.length = 0 self.currentTrack = null self.currentSong = null self.isPlaying = false return play self.playlist[self.playlistIndex] updateCanGo() playPrev: () -> return if !self.canGoPrev self.currentSound.stop() if self.currentSound != null self.playlistIndex-- if self.playlistIndex < 0 self.playlist.length = 0 self.currentTrack = null self.currentSong = null self.isPlaying = false return play self.playlist[self.playlistIndex] updateCanGo() seek: (progress) -> return if !self.currentSound self.currentSound.setPosition(progress) setVolume: (theVolume) -> theVolume = 100 if theVolume > 100 self.currentSound.setVolume(theVolume) if self.currentSound $.cookie('pfm-volume', theVolume) self.volume = theVolume playTracks: (tracks, index) -> return if !self.ready return if tracks.length == 0 if tracks[index].isPlaying self.playPause() return self.currentSound.stop() if self.currentSound != null $rootScope.$broadcast 'player-stopping-playlist' self.playlist.length = 0 self.playlist.push track for track in tracks self.playlistIndex = index $rootScope.$broadcast 'player-starting-playlist', tracks play tracks[index] updateCanGo() pfm.soundManager.done () -> self.ready = true self.setVolume($.cookie('pfm-volume') || 100) readyDef.resolve() self ])