
use Illuminate\Support\Str;

 * Pony.fm - A community for pony fan music.
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Feld0.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class PfmValidator extends Illuminate\Validation\Validator
    private static $reservedNames = [
        'about' => null,
        'account' => null,
        'accounts' => null,
        'admin' => null,
        'administration' => null,
        'administrator' => null,
        'admins' => null,
        'album' => null,
        'albums' => null,
        'animation' => null,
        'animations' => null,
        'api' => null,
        'articles' => null,
        'artist' => null,
        'artists' => null,
        'audio' => null,
        'aurora-gleam' => null,
        'auth' => null,
        'azura' => null,
        'blog' => null,
        'blogs' => null,
        'book' => null,
        'books' => null,
        'buffy' => null,
        'comment' => null,
        'comments' => null,
        'create' => null,
        'dev' => null,
        'developer' => null,
        'developers' => null,
        'edit' => null,
        'editor' => null,
        'error' => null,
        'errors' => null,
        'fair-dice' => null,
        'fairdice' => null,
        'faq' => null,
        'favorite' => null,
        'favourite' => null,
        'favourites' => null,
        'follow' => null,
        'followers' => null,
        'following' => null,
        'gemini-star' => null,
        'genre' => null,
        'genres' => null,
        'home' => null,
        'log-out' => null,
        'login' => null,
        'logout' => null,
        'mail' => null,
        'mlp-forums' => null,
        'mlpforums' => null,
        'mlpforums-advertising-program' => null,
        'movie' => null,
        'movies' => null,
        'music' => null,
        'new' => null,
        'news' => null,
        'notification' => null,
        'notifications' => null,
        'nova-blast' => null,
        'page' => null,
        'pages' => null,
        'pixel-wavelength' => null,
        'pixelwavelength' => null,
        'playlist' => null,
        'playlists' => null,
        'poniverse' => null,
        'pony-fm' => null,
        'ponyfm' => null,
        'ponyverse' => null,
        'ponyville-live' => null,
        'ponyvillelive' => null,
        'profile' => null,
        'profiles' => null,
        'register' => null,
        'sign-in' => null,
        'sign-up' => null,
        'signin' => null,
        'signup' => null,
        'template' => null,
        'templates' => null,
        'track' => null,
        'tracks' => null,
        'tunes' => null,
        'upload' => null,
        'uploader' => null,
        'user' => null,
        'users' => null,
        'viridian-meadows' => null,
        'web' => null,
        'word-play' => null,
        'wordplay' => null,
        'www' => null,

     * Determine if a given rule implies that the attribute is required.
     * @param  string $rule
     * @return bool
    protected function implicit($rule)
        return $rule == 'required' or $rule == 'accepted' or $rule == 'required_with' or $rule == 'required_when';

     * Validate the audio format of the file.
     * @param  string $attribute
     * @param  array $value
     * @param  array $parameters
     * @return bool
    public function validateAudioFormat($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        // attribute is the file field
        // value is the file array itself
        // parameters is a list of formats the file can be, verified via ffmpeg
        $file = AudioCache::get($value->getPathname());
        $codecString = $file->getAudioCodec();

        // PCM, ADPCM, and AAC come in several variations as far as FFmpeg
        // is concerned. They're all acceptable for Pony.fm, so we check what
        // the codec string returned by FFmpeg starts with instead of looking
        // for an exact match for these.
        if (in_array('adpcm', $parameters) && Str::startsWith($codecString, 'adpcm')) {
            return true;

        if (in_array('pcm', $parameters) && Str::startsWith($codecString, 'pcm')) {
            return true;

        if (in_array('aac', $parameters) && Str::startsWith($codecString, 'aac')) {
            return true;

        if (in_array('alac', $parameters) && Str::startsWith($codecString, 'alac')) {
            return true;

        return in_array($file->getAudioCodec(), $parameters);

     * Validate the sample rate of the audio file.
     * @param  string $attribute
     * @param  array $value
     * @param  array $parameters
     * @return bool
    public function validateSampleRate($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        // attribute is the file field
        // value is the file array itself
        // parameters is a list of sample rates the file can be, verified via ffmpeg
        $file = AudioCache::get($value->getPathname());

        return in_array($file->getAudioSampleRate(), $parameters);

     * Validate the number of channels in the audio file.
     * @param  string $attribute
     * @param  array $value
     * @param  array $parameters
     * @return bool
    public function validateAudioChannels($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        // attribute is the file field
        // value is the file array itself
        // parameters is a list of sample rates the file can be, verified via ffmpeg
        $file = AudioCache::get($value->getPathname());

        return in_array($file->getAudioChannels(), $parameters);

     * Validate the bit rate of the audio file.
     * @param  string $attribute
     * @param  array $value
     * @param  array $parameters
     * @return bool
    public function validateAudioBitrate($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        // attribute is the file field
        // value is the file array itself
        // parameters is a list of sample rates the file can be, verified via ffmpeg
        $file = AudioCache::get($value->getPathname());

        return in_array($file->getAudioBitRate(), $parameters);

     * Validate the duration of the audio file, in seconds.
     * @param  string $attribute
     * @param  array $value
     * @param  array $parameters
     * @return bool
    public function validateMinDuration($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        // attribute is the file field
        // value is the file array itself
        // parameters is an array containing one value: the minimum duration
        $file = AudioCache::get($value->getPathname());

        return $file->getDuration() >= (float) $parameters[0];

     * Require a field when the value of another field matches a certain value.
     * @param string $attribute
     * @param array $value
     * @param array $parameters
     * @return bool
    /** OLD CODE
     * public function validate_required_when($attribute, $value, $parameters)
     * {
     * if ( Request::get($parameters[0]) === $parameters[1] && static::required($attribute, $value) ){
     * return true;.
     * } else {
     * return false;
     * }
     * }

    // custom required_when validator
    public function validateRequiredWhen($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        if (Request::get($parameters[0]) == $parameters[1]) {
            return $this->validate_required($attribute, $value);

        return true;

    // custom image width validator
    public function validateMinWidth($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        return getimagesize($value->getPathname())[0] >= $parameters[0];

    // custom image height validator
    public function validateMinHeight($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        return getimagesize($value->getPathname())[1] >= $parameters[0];

    public function validateTextareaLength($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        return strlen(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $value)) <= $parameters[0];

     * This validation rule is intended to avoid collisions between user profile
     * slugs and site functionality.
     * @param $attribute
     * @param $value
     * @param $parameters
     * @return bool false if the given value is a reserved slug
    public function validateIsNotReservedSlug($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        return ! array_key_exists($value, static::$reservedNames) &&
               // Pony.fm shortlinks are in the form: /{letter}{series of numbers}
               ! preg_match('/^[a-z]?\d+$/', $value);