. */ namespace Poniverse\Ponyfm\Commands; use Carbon\Carbon; use Config; use getID3; use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs; use Input; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models\Album; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Exceptions\InvalidEncodeOptionsException; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models\Genre; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models\Image; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Jobs\EncodeTrackFile; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models\Track; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models\TrackFile; use AudioCache; use File; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models\TrackType; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models\User; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException; class UploadTrackCommand extends CommandBase { use DispatchesJobs; private $_allowLossy; private $_allowShortTrack; private $_customTrackSource; private $_autoPublishByDefault; private $_losslessFormats = [ 'flac', 'pcm', 'adpcm', ]; public function __construct($allowLossy = false, $allowShortTrack = false, $customTrackSource = null, $autoPublishByDefault = false) { $this->_allowLossy = $allowLossy; $this->_allowShortTrack = $allowShortTrack; $this->_customTrackSource = $customTrackSource; $this->_autoPublishByDefault = $autoPublishByDefault; } /** * @return bool */ public function authorize() { return \Auth::user() != null; } /** * @throws \Exception * @return CommandResponse */ public function execute() { $user = \Auth::user(); $trackFile = \Input::file('track', null); if (null === $trackFile) { return CommandResponse::fail(['track' => ['You must upload an audio file!']]); } $audio = \AudioCache::get($trackFile->getPathname()); list($parsedTags, $rawTags) = $this->parseOriginalTags($trackFile, $user, $audio->getAudioCodec()); $track = new Track(); $track->user_id = $user->id; $track->title = Input::get('title', $parsedTags['title']); $track->duration = $audio->getDuration(); $track->save(); $track->ensureDirectoryExists(); if (!is_dir(Config::get('ponyfm.files_directory') . '/queued-tracks')) { mkdir(Config::get('ponyfm.files_directory') . '/queued-tracks', 0755, true); } $trackFile = $trackFile->move(Config::get('ponyfm.files_directory').'/queued-tracks', $track->id); $input = Input::all(); $input['track'] = $trackFile; $validator = \Validator::make($input, [ 'track' => 'required|' . ($this->_allowLossy ? 'audio_format:flac,pcm,adpcm,aac,mp3,vorbis|' : 'audio_format:flac,pcm,adpcm|') . ($this->_allowShortTrack ? '' : 'min_duration:30|') . 'audio_channels:1,2', 'auto_publish' => 'boolean', 'title' => 'string', 'track_type_id' => 'exists:track_types,id', 'genre' => 'string', 'album' => 'string', 'track_number' => 'integer', 'released_at' => 'date_format:'.Carbon::ISO8601, 'description' => 'string', 'lyrics' => 'string', 'is_vocal' => 'boolean', 'is_explicit' => 'boolean', 'is_downloadable' => 'boolean', 'is_listed' => 'boolean', 'cover' => 'image|mimes:png,jpeg|min_width:350|min_height:350', 'metadata' => 'json', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $track->delete(); return CommandResponse::fail($validator); } // Process optional track fields $autoPublish = (bool) ($input['auto_publish'] ?? $this->_autoPublishByDefault); if (Input::hasFile('cover')) { $track->cover_id = Image::upload(Input::file('cover'), $track->user_id)->id; } else { $track->cover_id = $parsedTags['cover_id']; } $track->title = $input['title'] ?? $parsedTags['title'] ?? $track->title; $track->track_type_id = $input['track_type_id'] ?? TrackType::UNCLASSIFIED_TRACK; $track->genre_id = isset($input['genre']) ? $this->getGenreId($input['genre']) : $parsedTags['genre_id']; $track->album_id = isset($input['album']) ? $this->getAlbumId($user->id, $input['album']) : $parsedTags['album_id']; if ($track->album_id === null) { $track->track_number = null; } else { $track->track_number = $input['track_number'] ?? $parsedTags['track_number']; } $track->released_at = isset($input['released_at']) ? Carbon::createFromFormat(Carbon::ISO8601, $input['released_at']) : $parsedTags['release_date']; $track->description = $input['description'] ?? $parsedTags['comments']; $track->lyrics = $input['lyrics'] ?? $parsedTags['lyrics']; $track->is_vocal = $input['is_vocal'] ?? $parsedTags['is_vocal']; $track->is_explicit = $input['is_explicit'] ?? false; $track->is_downloadable = $input['is_downloadable'] ?? true; $track->is_listed = $input['is_listed'] ?? true; $track->source = $this->_customTrackSource ?? 'direct_upload'; // If json_decode() isn't called here, Laravel will surround the JSON // string with quotes when storing it in the database, which breaks things. $track->metadata = json_decode(Input::get('metadata', null)); $track->original_tags = ['parsed_tags' => $parsedTags, 'raw_tags' => $rawTags]; $track->save(); try { $source = $trackFile->getPathname(); // Lossy uploads need to be identified and set as the master file // without being re-encoded. $audioObject = AudioCache::get($source); $isLossyUpload = !Str::startsWith($audioObject->getAudioCodec(), $this->_losslessFormats); if ($isLossyUpload) { if ($audioObject->getAudioCodec() === 'mp3') { $masterFormat = 'MP3'; } else if (Str::startsWith($audioObject->getAudioCodec(), 'aac')) { $masterFormat = 'AAC'; } else if ($audioObject->getAudioCodec() === 'vorbis') { $masterFormat = 'OGG Vorbis'; } else { $validator->messages()->add('track', 'The track does not contain audio in a known lossy format.'); $track->delete(); return CommandResponse::fail($validator); } $trackFile = new TrackFile(); $trackFile->is_master = true; $trackFile->format = $masterFormat; $trackFile->track_id = $track->id; $trackFile->save(); // Lossy masters are copied into the datastore - no re-encoding involved. File::copy($source, $trackFile->getFile()); } $trackFiles = []; foreach (Track::$Formats as $name => $format) { // Don't bother with lossless transcodes of lossy uploads, and // don't re-encode the lossy master. if ($isLossyUpload && ($format['is_lossless'] || $name === $masterFormat)) { continue; } $trackFile = new TrackFile(); $trackFile->is_master = $name === 'FLAC' ? true : false; $trackFile->format = $name; $trackFile->status = TrackFile::STATUS_PROCESSING_PENDING; if (in_array($name, Track::$CacheableFormats) && $trackFile->is_master == false) { $trackFile->is_cacheable = true; } else { $trackFile->is_cacheable = false; } $track->trackFiles()->save($trackFile); // All TrackFile records we need are synchronously created // before kicking off the encode jobs in order to avoid a race // condition with the "temporary" source file getting deleted. $trackFiles[] = $trackFile; } try { foreach($trackFiles as $trackFile) { $this->dispatch(new EncodeTrackFile($trackFile, false, true, $autoPublish)); } } catch (InvalidEncodeOptionsException $e) { $track->delete(); return CommandResponse::fail(['track' => [$e->getMessage()]]); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $track->delete(); throw $e; } return CommandResponse::succeed([ 'id' => $track->id, 'name' => $track->name, 'title' => $track->title, 'slug' => $track->slug, 'autoPublish' => $autoPublish, ]); } /** * Returns the ID of the given genre, creating it if necessary. * * @param string $genreName * @return int */ protected function getGenreId(string $genreName) { return Genre::firstOrCreate([ 'name' => $genreName, 'slug' => Str::slug($genreName) ])->id; } /** * Returns the ID of the given album, creating it if necessary. * The cover ID is only used if a new album is created - it will not be * written to an existing album. * * @param int $artistId * @param string|null $albumName * @param null $coverId * @return int|null */ protected function getAlbumId(int $artistId, $albumName, $coverId = null) { if (null !== $albumName) { $album = Album::firstOrNew([ 'user_id' => $artistId, 'title' => $albumName ]); if (null === $album->id) { $album->description = ''; $album->track_count = 0; $album->cover_id = $coverId; $album->save(); } return $album->id; } else { return null; } } /** * Extracts a file's tags. * * @param UploadedFile $file * @param User $artist * @param string $audioCodec * @return array the "processed" and raw tags extracted from the file * @throws \Exception */ protected function parseOriginalTags(UploadedFile $file, User $artist, string $audioCodec) { //========================================================================================================== // Extract the original tags. //========================================================================================================== $getId3 = new getID3; // all tags read by getID3, including the cover art $allTags = $getId3->analyze($file->getPathname()); // tags specific to a file format (ID3 or Atom), pre-normalization but with cover art removed $rawTags = []; // normalized tags used by Pony.fm $parsedTags = []; if ($audioCodec === 'mp3') { list($parsedTags, $rawTags) = $this->getId3Tags($allTags); } elseif (Str::startsWith($audioCodec, 'aac')) { list($parsedTags, $rawTags) = $this->getAtomTags($allTags); } elseif ($audioCodec === 'vorbis') { list($parsedTags, $rawTags) = $this->getVorbisTags($allTags); } elseif ($audioCodec === 'flac') { list($parsedTags, $rawTags) = $this->getVorbisTags($allTags); } elseif (Str::startsWith($audioCodec, ['pcm', 'adpcm'])) { list($parsedTags, $rawTags) = $this->getAtomTags($allTags); } //========================================================================================================== // Fill in the title tag if it's missing //========================================================================================================== $parsedTags['title'] = $parsedTags['title'] ?? pathinfo($file->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME); //========================================================================================================== // Determine the release date. //========================================================================================================== if ($parsedTags['release_date'] === null && $parsedTags['year'] !== null) { $parsedTags['release_date'] = Carbon::create($parsedTags['year'], 1, 1); } //========================================================================================================== // Does this track have vocals? //========================================================================================================== $parsedTags['is_vocal'] = $parsedTags['lyrics'] !== null; //========================================================================================================== // Determine the genre. //========================================================================================================== $genreName = $parsedTags['genre']; if ($genreName) { $parsedTags['genre_id'] = $this->getGenreId($genreName); } else { $parsedTags['genre_id'] = $this->getGenreId('Unknown'); } //========================================================================================================== // Extract the cover art, if any exists. //========================================================================================================== $coverId = null; if (array_key_exists('comments', $allTags) && array_key_exists('picture', $allTags['comments'])) { $image = $allTags['comments']['picture'][0]; if ($image['image_mime'] === 'image/png') { $extension = 'png'; } elseif ($image['image_mime'] === 'image/jpeg') { $extension = 'jpg'; } else { throw new BadRequestHttpException('Unknown cover format embedded in the track file!'); } // write temporary image file $tmpPath = Config::get('ponyfm.files_directory') . '/tmp'; $filename = $file->getFilename() . ".cover.${extension}"; $imageFilePath = "${tmpPath}/${filename}"; File::put($imageFilePath, $image['data']); $imageFile = new UploadedFile($imageFilePath, $filename, $image['image_mime']); $cover = Image::upload($imageFile, $artist); $coverId = $cover->id; } else { // no cover art was found - carry on } $parsedTags['cover_id'] = $coverId; //========================================================================================================== // Is this part of an album? //========================================================================================================== $albumId = null; $albumName = $parsedTags['album']; if ($albumName !== null) { $albumId = $this->getAlbumId($artist->id, $albumName, $coverId); } $parsedTags['album_id'] = $albumId; return [$parsedTags, $rawTags]; } /** * @param array $rawTags * @return array */ protected function getId3Tags($rawTags) { if (array_key_exists('tags', $rawTags) && array_key_exists('id3v2', $rawTags['tags'])) { $tags = $rawTags['tags']['id3v2']; } elseif (array_key_exists('tags', $rawTags) && array_key_exists('id3v1', $rawTags['tags'])) { $tags = $rawTags['tags']['id3v1']; } else { $tags = []; } $comment = null; if (isset($tags['comment'])) { // The "comment" tag comes in with a badly encoded string index // so its array key has to be used implicitly. $key = array_keys($tags['comment'])[0]; // The comment may have a null byte at the end. trim() removes it. $comment = trim($tags['comment'][$key]); // Replace the malformed comment with the "fixed" one. unset($tags['comment'][$key]); $tags['comment'][0] = $comment; } return [ [ 'title' => isset($tags['title']) ? $tags['title'][0] : null, 'artist' => isset($tags['artist']) ? $tags['artist'][0] : null, 'band' => isset($tags['band']) ? $tags['band'][0] : null, 'genre' => isset($tags['genre']) ? $tags['genre'][0] : null, 'track_number' => isset($tags['track_number']) ? $tags['track_number'][0] : null, 'album' => isset($tags['album']) ? $tags['album'][0] : null, 'year' => isset($tags['year']) ? (int) $tags['year'][0] : null, 'release_date' => isset($tags['release_date']) ? $this->parseDateString($tags['release_date'][0]) : null, 'comments' => $comment, 'lyrics' => isset($tags['unsynchronised_lyric']) ? $tags['unsynchronised_lyric'][0] : null, ], $tags ]; } /** * @param array $rawTags * @return array */ protected function getAtomTags($rawTags) { if (array_key_exists('tags', $rawTags) && array_key_exists('quicktime', $rawTags['tags'])) { $tags = $rawTags['tags']['quicktime']; } else { $tags = []; } $trackNumber = null; if (isset($tags['track_number'])) { $trackNumberComponents = explode('/', $tags['track_number'][0]); $trackNumber = $trackNumberComponents[0]; } return [ [ 'title' => isset($tags['title']) ? $tags['title'][0] : null, 'artist' => isset($tags['artist']) ? $tags['artist'][0] : null, 'band' => isset($tags['band']) ? $tags['band'][0] : null, 'album_artist' => isset($tags['album_artist']) ? $tags['album_artist'][0] : null, 'genre' => isset($tags['genre']) ? $tags['genre'][0] : null, 'track_number' => $trackNumber, 'album' => isset($tags['album']) ? $tags['album'][0] : null, 'year' => isset($tags['year']) ? (int) $tags['year'][0] : null, 'release_date' => isset($tags['release_date']) ? $this->parseDateString($tags['release_date'][0]) : null, 'comments' => isset($tags['comments']) ? $tags['comments'][0] : null, 'lyrics' => isset($tags['lyrics']) ? $tags['lyrics'][0] : null, ], $tags ]; } /** * @param array $rawTags * @return array */ protected function getVorbisTags($rawTags) { if (array_key_exists('tags', $rawTags) && array_key_exists('vorbiscomment', $rawTags['tags'])) { $tags = $rawTags['tags']['vorbiscomment']; } else { $tags = []; } $trackNumber = null; if (isset($tags['track_number'])) { $trackNumberComponents = explode('/', $tags['track_number'][0]); $trackNumber = $trackNumberComponents[0]; } return [ [ 'title' => isset($tags['title']) ? $tags['title'][0] : null, 'artist' => isset($tags['artist']) ? $tags['artist'][0] : null, 'band' => isset($tags['band']) ? $tags['band'][0] : null, 'album_artist' => isset($tags['album_artist']) ? $tags['album_artist'][0] : null, 'genre' => isset($tags['genre']) ? $tags['genre'][0] : null, 'track_number' => $trackNumber, 'album' => isset($tags['album']) ? $tags['album'][0] : null, 'year' => isset($tags['year']) ? (int) $tags['year'][0] : null, 'release_date' => isset($tags['date']) ? $this->parseDateString($tags['date'][0]) : null, 'comments' => isset($tags['comments']) ? $tags['comments'][0] : null, 'lyrics' => isset($tags['lyrics']) ? $tags['lyrics'][0] : null, ], $tags ]; } /** * Parses a potentially-partial date string into a proper date object. * * The tagging formats we deal with base their date format on ISO 8601, but * the timestamp may be incomplete. * * @link https://code.google.com/p/mp4v2/wiki/iTunesMetadata * @link https://wiki.xiph.org/VorbisComment#Date_and_time * @link http://id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames * * @param string $dateString * @return null|Carbon */ protected function parseDateString(string $dateString) { switch (Str::length($dateString)) { // YYYY case 4: return Carbon::createFromFormat('Y', $dateString) ->month(1) ->day(1); // YYYY-MM case 7: return Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m', $dateString) ->day(1); // YYYY-MM-DD case 10: return Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $dateString); break; default: // We might have an ISO-8601 string in our hooves. // If not, give up. try { return Carbon::createFromFormat(Carbon::ISO8601, $dateString); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { return null; } } } }