. */ namespace Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models; use External; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Config; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile; /** * Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models\Image * * @property integer $id * @property string $filename * @property string $mime * @property string $extension * @property integer $size * @property string $hash * @property integer $uploaded_by * @property \Carbon\Carbon $created_at * @property \Carbon\Carbon $updated_at */ class Image extends Model { const NORMAL = 1; const ORIGINAL = 2; const THUMBNAIL = 3; const SMALL = 4; public static $ImageTypes = [ self::NORMAL => ['id' => self::NORMAL, 'name' => 'normal', 'width' => 350, 'height' => 350], self::ORIGINAL => ['id' => self::ORIGINAL, 'name' => 'original', 'width' => null, 'height' => null], self::SMALL => ['id' => self::SMALL, 'name' => 'small', 'width' => 100, 'height' => 100], self::THUMBNAIL => ['id' => self::THUMBNAIL, 'name' => 'thumbnail', 'width' => 50, 'height' => 50] ]; public static function getImageTypeFromName($name) { foreach (self::$ImageTypes as $cover) { if ($cover['name'] != $name) { continue; } return $cover; } return null; } /** * @param UploadedFile $file * @param $user * @param bool $forceReupload forces the image to be re-processed even if a matching hash is found * @return Image * @throws \Exception */ public static function upload(UploadedFile $file, $user, bool $forceReupload = false) { $userId = $user; if ($user instanceof User) { $userId = $user->id; } $hash = md5_file($file->getPathname()); $image = Image::whereHash($hash)->whereUploadedBy($userId)->first(); if (!$forceReupload && $image) { return $image; } if ($forceReupload) { // delete existing versions of the image $filenames = scandir($image->getDirectory()); $imagePrefix = $image->id.'_'; $filenames = array_filter($filenames, function(string $filename) use ($imagePrefix) { return Str::startsWith($filename, $imagePrefix); }); foreach($filenames as $filename) { unlink($image->getDirectory().'/'.$filename); } } else { $image = new Image(); } try { $image->uploaded_by = $userId; $image->size = $file->getSize(); $image->filename = $file->getClientOriginalName(); $image->extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $image->mime = $file->getMimeType(); $image->hash = $hash; $image->save(); $image->ensureDirectoryExists(); foreach (self::$ImageTypes as $coverType) { if ($coverType['id'] === self::ORIGINAL && $image->mime === 'image/jpeg') { $command = 'cp "'.$file->getPathname().'" '.$image->getFile($coverType['id']); } else { // ImageMagick options reference: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php $command = 'convert 2>&1 "' . $file->getPathname() . '" -background white -alpha remove -alpha off -strip'; if ($image->mime === 'image/jpeg') { $command .= ' -quality 100 -format jpeg'; } else { $command .= ' -quality 95 -format png'; } if (isset($coverType['width']) && isset($coverType['height'])) { $command .= " -thumbnail ${coverType['width']}x${coverType['height']}^ -gravity center -extent ${coverType['width']}x${coverType['height']}"; } $command .= ' "' . $image->getFile($coverType['id']) . '"'; } External::execute($command); chmod($image->getFile($coverType['id']), 0644); } return $image; } catch (\Exception $e) { $image->delete(); throw $e; } } protected $table = 'images'; public function getUrl($type = self::NORMAL) { $type = self::$ImageTypes[$type]; return action('ImagesController@getImage', ['id' => $this->id, 'type' => $type['name'], 'extension' => $this->extension]); } public function getFile($type = self::NORMAL) { return $this->getDirectory() . '/' . $this->getFilename($type); } public function getFilename($type = self::NORMAL) { $typeInfo = self::$ImageTypes[$type]; return $this->id . '_' . $typeInfo['name'] . '.'.$this->extension; } public function getDirectory() { $dir = (string)(floor($this->id / 100) * 100); return Config::get('ponyfm.files_directory') . '/images/' . $dir; } public function ensureDirectoryExists() { $destination = $this->getDirectory(); umask(0); if (!is_dir($destination)) { mkdir($destination, 0777, true); } } }