. */ class Assets { public static function styleIncludes($area = 'app') { if (!Config::get("app.debug")) { return ''; } $styles = self::mergeGlobs(self::getStylesForArea($area)); $retVal = ""; foreach ($styles as $style) { $filename = self::replaceExtensionWith($style, ".less", ".css"); $retVal .= ""; } return $retVal; } private static function replaceExtensionWith($filename, $fromExtension, $toExtension) { $fromLength = strlen($fromExtension); return substr($filename, -$fromLength) == $fromExtension ? substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - $fromLength) . $toExtension : $filename; } /** Merges an array of paths that are passed into "glob" into a list of unique filenames. * Note that this method assumes the globs should be relative to the "app" folder of this project */ private static function mergeGlobs($globs) { $files = []; $filesFound = []; foreach ($globs as $glob) { foreach (glob("../resources/assets/" . $glob, GLOB_BRACE) as $file) { if (isset($filesFound[$file])) { continue; } $filesFound[$file] = true; $files[] = substr($file, 20); // chop off ../app/ } } return $files; } private static function getStylesForArea($area) { if ($area == 'app') { return [ "styles/base/jquery-ui.css", "styles/base/colorbox.css", "styles/app.less", ]; } else { if ($area == 'embed') { return [ "styles/embed.less" ]; } } throw new Exception(); } }