<?php namespace Poniverse\Ponyfm\Http\Controllers\Api\Web; use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Session\Store; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models\AlexaSession; use Poniverse\Ponyfm\Models\Track; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class AlexaController extends Controller { /** * @var AlexaSession */ protected $session; public function handle(Request $request, LoggerInterface $logger) { $type = $request->json('request.type'); $intent = $request->json('request.intent.name'); $sessId = $request->json('session.user.userId', $request->json('context.System.user.userId')); if ($sessId) { $this->session = AlexaSession::find($sessId); if (!$this->session) { $this->session = new AlexaSession(); $this->session->id = $sessId; } } $logger->debug('Incoming Alexa Request', [ 'type' => $type, 'intent' => $intent ]); $logger->debug('Incoming Alexa Full Request', [ 'json' => json_encode($request->json()->all(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) ]); /** @var JsonResponse $response */ $response = $this->handleType($request); if ($response instanceof JsonResponse) { $logger->debug('Alexa Response', ['json' => $response->getContent()]); } if ($this->session) { $this->session->save(); } return $response; } public function handleType(Request $request) { $type = $request->json('request.type'); switch ($type) { case 'LaunchRequest': return $this->launch(); case 'PlayAudio'; return $this->play(); case 'AudioPlayer.PlaybackNearlyFinished': return $this->queueNextTrack(); case 'IntentRequest': return $this->handleIntent($request); default: return response()->make('', 204); } } public function handleIntent(Request $request) { $intent = $request->json('request.intent.name'); switch ($intent) { case 'AMAZON.PauseIntent': return $this->stop(); case 'PlayAudio': case 'AMAZON.ResumeIntent': return $this->play(); case 'AMAZON.NextIntent': return $this->queueNextTrack(true); case 'AMAZON.PreviousIntent': return $this->previousTrack(); case 'Author': return $this->author(); default: return response()->make('', 204); } } public function launch() { return [ 'version' => '1.0', 'sessionAttributes' => (object)[], 'response' => [ "outputSpeech" => [ "type" => "SSML", "ssml" => "<speak>If you want to play music, say 'Alexa, ask pony fm to play'</speak>" ], 'shouldEndSession' => true, ], ]; } public function unknown() { return [ 'version' => '1.0', 'sessionAttributes' => (object)[], 'response' => [ "outputSpeech" => [ "type" => "SSML", "ssml" => "<speak>Sorry, I don't recognise that command.</speak>" ], 'shouldEndSession' => true, ], ]; } public function author() { return [ 'version' => '1.0', 'sessionAttributes' => (object)[], 'response' => [ "outputSpeech" => [ "type" => "SSML", "ssml" => " <speak> Pony.fm was built by Pixel Wavelength for Viola to keep all her music in one place. </speak> " ], 'shouldEndSession' => true, ], ]; } public function play() { $track = array_first(Track::popular(1)); $this->session->put('current_position', 1); $this->session->put('track_id', $track['id']); return [ 'version' => '1.0', 'sessionAttributes' => (object)[], 'response' => [ 'directives' => [ [ 'type' => 'AudioPlayer.Play', 'playBehavior' => 'REPLACE_ALL', 'audioItem' => [ 'stream' => [ 'url' => $track['streams']['mp3'], 'token' => '1', 'offsetInMilliseconds' => 0, ], ], ], ], 'shouldEndSession' => true, ], ]; } public function queueNextTrack($replace = false) { $trackId = $this->session->get('track_id'); $position = $this->session->get('current_position', 1); $trackHistory = $this->session->get('track_history', []); $playlist = $this->session->get('playlist', []); $playlistNum = $this->session->get('playlist-num', 1); if (count($playlist) === 0) { $playlist = Track::popular(30); $this->session->put('playlist', $playlist); } if ($position === 30) { $playlist = Track::popular(30, false, $playlistNum * 30); $position = 1; $playlistNum++; } if (count($playlist) === 0) { return [ 'version' => '1.0', 'sessionAttributes' => (object)[], 'response' => [ "outputSpeech" => [ "type" => "SSML", "ssml" => " <speak> You've reached the end of the popular tracks today. To start from the beginning say 'Alexa, ask pony fm to play' </speak> "], 'directives' => [ [ 'type' => 'AudioPlayer.Stop' ], ], 'shouldEndSession' => true, ], ]; } $track = $playlist[$position-1]; $trackHistory[] = $trackId; $this->session->put('current_position', $position + 1); $this->session->put('track_id', $track['id']); $this->session->put('track_history', $trackHistory); $this->session->put('playlist-num', $playlistNum); $stream = [ 'url' => $track['streams']['mp3'], 'token' => $track['id'], 'offsetInMilliseconds' => 0, ]; if (!$replace) { $stream['expectedPreviousToken'] = $trackId; } return [ 'version' => '1.0', 'sessionAttributes' => (object)[], 'response' => [ 'directives' => [ [ 'type' => 'AudioPlayer.Play', 'playBehavior' => $replace ? 'REPLACE_ALL' : 'ENQUEUE', 'audioItem' => [ 'stream' => $stream, ], ], ] ], ]; } public function previousTrack() { $trackId = $this->session->get('track_id'); $position = $this->session->get('current_position', 1); $trackHistory = $this->session->get('track_history', []); $playlist = $this->session->get('playlist', []); $track = $playlist[$position-2]; $trackHistory[] = $trackId; $this->session->put('current_position', $position - 1); $this->session->put('track_id', $track['id']); $this->session->put('track_history', $trackHistory); $stream = [ 'url' => $track['streams']['mp3'], 'token' => $track['id'], 'offsetInMilliseconds' => 0, ]; return [ 'version' => '1.0', 'sessionAttributes' => (object)[], 'response' => [ 'directives' => [ [ 'type' => 'AudioPlayer.Play', 'playBehavior' => 'REPLACE_ALL', 'audioItem' => [ 'stream' => $stream, ], ], ] ], ]; } public function stop() { return [ 'version' => '1.0', 'sessionAttributes' => (object)[], 'response' => [ 'directives' => [ [ 'type' => 'AudioPlayer.Stop' ], ], 'shouldEndSession' => true, ], ]; } }