# Pony.fm - A community for pony fan music. # Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Deltchev # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. window.pfm.preloaders['tracks'] = [ 'tracks', '$state' (tracks) -> tracks.loadFilters() ] module.exports = angular.module('ponyfm').controller "tracks", [ '$scope', 'tracks', '$state', 'focus', 'meta' ($scope, tracks, $state, focus, meta) -> meta.setTitle('Browse Tracks') $scope.recentTracks = null $scope.query = tracks.mainQuery $scope.filters = tracks.filters $scope.toggleListFilter = (filter, id) -> $scope.query.toggleListFilter filter, id $state.transitionTo 'content.tracks.list', {filter: $scope.query.toFilterString()} $scope.setFilter = (filter, value) -> $scope.query.setFilter filter, value $state.transitionTo 'content.tracks.list', {filter: $scope.query.toFilterString()} $scope.setListFilter = (filter, id) -> $scope.query.setListFilter filter, id $state.transitionTo 'content.tracks.list', {filter: $scope.query.toFilterString()} $scope.clearFilter = (filter) -> $scope.query.clearFilter filter $state.transitionTo 'content.tracks.list', {filter: $scope.query.toFilterString()} tracks.mainQuery.listen (searchResults) -> $scope.tracks = searchResults.tracks $scope.currentPage = parseInt(searchResults.current_page) $scope.totalPages = parseInt(searchResults.total_pages) delete $scope.nextPage delete $scope.prevPage $scope.nextPage = $scope.currentPage + 1 if $scope.currentPage < $scope.totalPages $scope.prevPage = $scope.currentPage - 1 if $scope.currentPage > 1 $scope.allPages = [1..$scope.totalPages] # TODO: turn this into a directive # The actual first page will always be in the paginator. $scope.pages = [1] # This logic determines how many pages to add prior to the current page, if any. firstPage = Math.max(2, $scope.currentPage-3) $scope.pages = $scope.pages.concat [firstPage..$scope.currentPage] unless $scope.currentPage == 1 pagesLeftToAdd = 8-$scope.pages.length lastPage = Math.min($scope.totalPages - 1, $scope.currentPage+1+pagesLeftToAdd) $scope.pages = $scope.pages.concat([$scope.currentPage+1..lastPage]) unless $scope.currentPage >= lastPage # The actual last page will always be in the paginator. $scope.pages.push($scope.totalPages) unless $scope.totalPages in $scope.pages $scope.pageSelectorShown = false $scope.gotoPage = (page) -> $state.transitionTo 'content.tracks.list', {filter: $state.params.filter, page: page} $scope.showPageSelector = () -> $scope.pageSelectorShown = true focus('#pagination-jump-destination') $scope.hidePageSelector = () -> $scope.pageSelectorShown = false $scope.jumpToPage = (inputPageNumber) -> $scope.gotoPage(inputPageNumber) $scope.$on '$destroy', -> tracks.mainQuery = tracks.createQuery() ]