
return [

    | Default NewRelic Integration Settings

     * Will automatically name transactions in NewRelic,
     * using the Laravel route name, action or request.
     * Set this to false to use the NewRelic default naming
     * scheme, or to set your own in your application.
    'auto_name_transactions' => true,

     * Define the name used when automatically naming transactions.
     * a token string:
     *      a pattern you define yourself, available tokens:
     *          {controller} = Controller@action or Closure@path
     *          {method} = GET / POST / etc.
     *          {route} = route name if named, otherwise same as {controller}
     *          {path} = the registered route path (includes variable names)
     *          {uri} = the actual URI requested
     *      anything that is not a matched token will remain a string literal
     *      example:
     *          "GET /world" with pattern 'hello {path} you really {method} me' would return:
     *          'hello /world you really GET me'
    'name_provider' => '{route}',

     * Will cause an exception to be thrown if the NewRelic
     * PHP agent is not found / installed
    'throw_if_not_installed' => false,
