Pony.fm was created to organize the My Little Pony community's fan music.
The project is maintained by Poniverse, an
organization devoted to building and operating fan sites for the pony community.
Are you a developer?
Pony.fm is open-sourced under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL).
Join the project's development at GitHub!
Open-source credits
Pony.fm would not be possible without the efforts of the open-source community.
We thank the following projects, in no particular order, for providing the building
blocks for our own.
- Laravel - our backend framework of choice
- Angular.js - our front-end framework of choice
- PHP - for providing a batteries-loaded language to build great web apps in
- Composer - for making the management of PHP dependencies sane
- FFmpeg - for analyzing and dealing with every audio file we can throw at it
- Guzzle - for adding sanity to the art of making HTTP requests
- FFmpegPHP - for providing a sweet PHP interface to ffmpeg
- Laravel IDE Helper Generator - for making our IDE useful
- Laravel NewRelic Service Provider - for making it easy to monitor Pony.fm''s performance
- Vagrant - for making cross-platform dev environments possible
- AtomicParsley - for making it easy to work with tags in M4A files
- FLAC - FLAC is best audio codec /)
- OGG Vorbis - A great open-source audio codec
- FAAC - for encoding our AAC files
- LAME - for encoding our MP3 files
- gulp - for being our asset pipeline
- Node.js - for making JavaScript useful outside the browser
- SoundManager - for smoothing out cross-browser audio playback
- Moment.js - for making JavaScript dates sane
- Bootstrap - for its front-end components and making layouts easy
- LESS - for (almost) making CSS awesome
- jQuery - for being useful all over the place
- Angularytics - for making Google Analytics useful in a single-page app
- UI-Router - for making non-trivial Angular.js routes possible
- UI-Bootstrap - for making Bootstrap and Angular.js get along
- Revisionable - for making audit logs easy
- Colorbox - for allowing us to have pretty lightboxes
- Marked - for the Markdown parser
- angular-marked - for giving us an Angular way to use Marked
- angular-marked - for giving us an Angular way to use Marked
- chart.js - for giving us beautiful, programmable charts
- angular-chart.js - for making using chart.js with Angular easy