<h1>User Management</h1> <div class="stretch-to-bottom"> <section class="user-creator"> <h2>Create an archived artist profile</h2> <p>Archived profiles are for organizing music by artists who aren't on Pony.fm themselves. They can always be claimed by the artist and converted to a "proper" profile later.</p> <pfm-user-creator></pfm-user-creator> </section> <section class="user-search"> <h2>Search for a user by name</h2> <p>Use the universal search in the sidebar. /)</p> </section> <section class="user-merger"> <h2>Merge profiles</h2> <p>Ask a Pony.fm developer or sysadmin to run the following for you: <pre>./artisan accounts:merge</pre></p> </section> </div>