package com.minelittlepony.client.model; import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelPart; import; import net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.AnimalModel; import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import; import com.minelittlepony.mson.api.ModelContext; import com.minelittlepony.mson.api.MsonModel; import static com.minelittlepony.model.PonyModelConstants.*; /** * Modified from ModelElytra. */ public class PonyElytra extends AnimalModel implements MsonModel { public boolean isSneaking; private ModelPart rightWing; private ModelPart leftWing; @Override public void init(ModelContext context) { rightWing = context.findByName("right_wing"); leftWing = context.findByName("left_wing"); } @Override protected Iterable getHeadParts() { return ImmutableList.of(); } @Override protected Iterable getBodyParts() { return ImmutableList.of(leftWing, rightWing); } /** * Sets the model's various rotation angles. * * See {@link AbstractPonyModel.setRotationAngles} for an explanation of the various parameters. */ @Override public void setAngles(T entity, float limbDistance, float limbAngle, float age, float headYaw, float headPitch) { float rotateX = PI / 2; float rotateY = PI / 8; float rotateZ = PI / 12; float rpY = BODY_RP_Y_NOTSNEAK; if (entity.isFallFlying()) { float velY = 1; Vec3d motion = entity.getVelocity(); if (motion.y < 0) { velY = 1 - (float) Math.pow(-motion.normalize().y, 1.5); } rotateX = velY * PI * (2 / 3F) + (1 - velY) * rotateX; rotateY = velY * (PI / 2) + (1 - velY) * rotateY; } else if (isSneaking) { rotateX = PI * 1.175F; rotateY = PI / 2; rotateZ = PI / 4; rpY = BODY_RP_Y_SNEAK; } leftWing.pivotX = 5; leftWing.pivotY = rpY; if (entity instanceof AbstractClientPlayerEntity) { AbstractClientPlayerEntity player = (AbstractClientPlayerEntity) entity; player.elytraPitch += (rotateX - player.elytraPitch) / 10; player.elytraYaw += (rotateY - player.elytraYaw) / 10; player.elytraRoll += (rotateZ - player.elytraRoll) / 10; leftWing.pitch = player.elytraPitch; leftWing.yaw = player.elytraYaw; leftWing.roll = player.elytraRoll; } else { leftWing.pitch = rotateX; leftWing.yaw = rotateZ; leftWing.roll = rotateY; } rightWing.pivotX = -leftWing.pivotX; rightWing.pivotY = leftWing.pivotY; rightWing.pitch = leftWing.pitch; rightWing.yaw = -leftWing.yaw; rightWing.roll = -leftWing.roll; } }