package com.minelittlepony.client.model; import com.minelittlepony.api.model.*; import; import com.minelittlepony.api.pony.meta.SizePreset; import com.minelittlepony.client.transform.PonyTransformation; import com.minelittlepony.mson.util.RenderList; import com.minelittlepony.util.MathUtil; import com.minelittlepony.util.MathUtil.Angles; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Supplier; import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelPart; import net.minecraft.client.render.VertexConsumer; import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack; import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity; import net.minecraft.util.*; import net.minecraft.util.math.*; /** * Foundation class for all types of ponies. */ public abstract class AbstractPonyModel extends ClientPonyModel { public static final float NECK_X = 0.166F; public static final float LEG_SNEAKING_PITCH_ADJUSTMENT = 0.4F; public static final float BODY_RIDING_PITCH = MathHelper.PI * 3.8F; public static final float BODY_SNEAKING_PITCH = 0.4F; public static final float FRONT_LEGS_Y = 8; public static final Pivot ORIGIN = new Pivot(0, 0, 0); public static final Pivot HEAD_SNEAKING = new Pivot(0, 6, -2); public static final Pivot BODY_SNEAKING = new Pivot(0, 7, -4); public static final Pivot BODY_RIDING = new Pivot(0, 1, 4); public static final Pivot FONT_LEGS_SLEEPING = new Pivot(0, 2, 6); public static final Pivot BACK_LEGS_SLEEPING = new Pivot(0, 2, -6); protected final ModelPart neck; public final RenderList helmetRenderList; protected final RenderList neckRenderList; public final RenderList headRenderList; protected final RenderList bodyRenderList; protected final RenderList vestRenderList; protected final RenderList legsRenderList; protected final RenderList sleevesRenderList; protected final RenderList mainRenderList; private final List parts = new ArrayList<>(); public AbstractPonyModel(ModelPart tree) { super(tree); neck = tree.getChild("neck"); mainRenderList = RenderList.of() .add(withStage(BodyPart.BODY, bodyRenderList = RenderList.of(body).add(body::rotate))) .add(withStage(BodyPart.NECK, neckRenderList = RenderList.of(neck))) .add(withStage(BodyPart.HEAD, headRenderList = RenderList.of(head))) .add(withStage(BodyPart.LEGS, legsRenderList = RenderList.of().add(leftArm, rightArm, leftLeg, rightLeg))) .add(withStage(BodyPart.LEGS, sleevesRenderList = RenderList.of().add(leftSleeve, rightSleeve, leftPants, rightPants))) .add(withStage(BodyPart.BODY, vestRenderList = RenderList.of(jacket))) .add(withStage(BodyPart.HEAD, helmetRenderList = RenderList.of(hat))); } protected

P addPart(P part) { parts.add(part); return part; } protected RenderList forPart(Supplier part) { return (stack, vertices, overlay, light, color) -> { part.get().renderPart(stack, vertices, overlay, light, color, attributes); }; } protected RenderList forPart(SubModel part) { return (stack, vertices, overlay, light, color) -> { part.renderPart(stack, vertices, overlay, light, color, attributes); }; } @Override public void render(MatrixStack stack, VertexConsumer vertices, int overlay, int light, int color) { mainRenderList.accept(stack, vertices, overlay, light, color); } protected RenderList withStage(BodyPart part, RenderList action) { return (stack, vertices, overlay, light, color) -> { stack.push(); transform(part, stack); action.accept(stack, vertices, overlay, light, color); stack.pop(); }; } /** * Sets the model's various rotation angles. */ @Override public final void setAngles(T entity, float limbAngle, float limbSpeed, float animationProgress, float headYaw, float headPitch) { attributes.checkRainboom(entity, this, animationProgress); PonyModelPrepareCallback.EVENT.invoker().onPonyModelPrepared(entity, this, ModelAttributes.Mode.OTHER); super.setAngles(entity, limbAngle, limbSpeed, animationProgress, headYaw, headPitch); resetPivot(head, neck, leftArm, rightArm, leftLeg, rightLeg); setModelAngles(entity, limbAngle, limbSpeed, animationProgress, headYaw, headPitch); leftSleeve.copyTransform(leftArm); rightSleeve.copyTransform(rightArm); leftPants.copyTransform(leftLeg); rightPants.copyTransform(rightLeg); jacket.copyTransform(body); hat.copyTransform(head); } protected void setModelAngles(T entity, float limbAngle, float limbSpeed, float animationProgress, float headYaw, float headPitch) { float pitch = attributes.motionPitch * MathHelper.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE; head.setAngles( MathHelper.clamp(attributes.isSleeping ? 0.1f : headPitch / 57.29578F, -1.25f - pitch, 0.5f - pitch), attributes.isSleeping ? (Math.signum(MathHelper.wrapDegrees(headYaw)) * 1.3F) : headYaw * MathHelper.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE, 0 ); float wobbleAmount = getWobbleAmount(); body.yaw = wobbleAmount; neck.yaw = wobbleAmount; rotateLegs(limbAngle, limbSpeed, animationProgress, entity); if (onSetModelAngles != null) { onSetModelAngles.poseModel(this, limbAngle, limbSpeed, animationProgress, entity); } if (!attributes.isSwimming && !attributes.isGoingFast) { holdItem(limbSpeed); } swingItem(entity); if (attributes.isCrouching) { ponyCrouch(); } else if (riding) { ponySit(); } else { adjustBody(0, ORIGIN); if (!attributes.isLyingDown) { animateBreathing(animationProgress); } if (attributes.isSwimmingRotated) { rightLeg.pivotZ -= 1.5F; leftLeg.pivotZ -= 1.5F; } } if (attributes.isLyingDown) { ponySleep(); } if (attributes.isHorsey) { head.pivotY -= 3; head.pivotZ -= 2; head.pitch = 0.5F; } parts.forEach(part -> part.setPartAngles(attributes, limbAngle, limbSpeed, wobbleAmount, animationProgress)); } public void setHeadRotation(float animationProgress, float yaw, float pitch) { head.yaw = yaw * MathHelper.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE; head.pitch = pitch * MathHelper.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE; hat.copyTransform(head); } /** * Aligns legs to a sneaky position. */ protected void ponyCrouch() { adjustBody(BODY_SNEAKING_PITCH, BODY_SNEAKING); HEAD_SNEAKING.set(head); rightArm.pitch -= LEG_SNEAKING_PITCH_ADJUSTMENT; leftArm.pitch -= LEG_SNEAKING_PITCH_ADJUSTMENT; } protected void ponySleep() { rightArm.pitch = -MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG; leftArm.pitch = -MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG; rightLeg.pitch = MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG; leftLeg.pitch = MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG; FONT_LEGS_SLEEPING.add(rightArm); FONT_LEGS_SLEEPING.add(leftArm); BACK_LEGS_SLEEPING.add(rightLeg); BACK_LEGS_SLEEPING.add(leftLeg); } protected void ponySit() { adjustBodyComponents(BODY_RIDING_PITCH, BODY_RIDING); neck.setPivot(NECK_X, 0, 0); head.setPivot(0, 0, 0); leftLeg.pivotZ = 14; leftLeg.pivotY = 17; leftLeg.pitch = -MathHelper.PI / 4; leftLeg.yaw = -MathHelper.PI / 7; leftLeg.pitch += body.pitch; rightLeg.pivotZ = 15; rightLeg.pivotY = 17; rightLeg.pitch = -MathHelper.PI / 4; rightLeg.yaw = MathHelper.PI / 7; rightLeg.pitch += body.pitch; leftArm.roll = -MathHelper.PI * 0.06f; leftArm.pitch += body.pitch; rightArm.roll = MathHelper.PI * 0.06f; rightArm.pitch += body.pitch; } /** * * Used to set the legs rotation based on walking/crouching animations. * * Takes the same parameters as {@link AbstractPonyModel.setRotationAndAngles} * */ protected void rotateLegs(float move, float swing, float ticks, T entity) { if (attributes.isSwimming) { rotateLegsSwimming(move, swing, ticks, entity); } else { rotateLegsOnGround(move, swing, ticks, entity); } float sin = MathHelper.sin(body.yaw) * 5; float cos = MathHelper.cos(body.yaw) * 5; rightArm.pivotZ = 2 + sin; leftArm.pivotZ = 2 - sin; float legRPX = attributes.getMainInterpolator().interpolate("legOffset", cos - getLegOutset() - 0.001F, 2); if (attributes.isHorsey) { legRPX += 2; } rightArm.pivotX = -legRPX; rightLeg.pivotX = -legRPX; leftArm.pivotX = legRPX; leftLeg.pivotX = legRPX; rightArm.yaw += body.yaw; leftArm.yaw += body.yaw; if (attributes.isHorsey) { rightArm.pivotZ = leftArm.pivotZ = -1; rightArm.pivotY = leftArm.pivotY = 6; rightLeg.pivotZ = leftLeg.pivotZ = 19; rightLeg.pivotY = leftLeg.pivotY = 6; } } /** * Rotates legs in a quopy fashion whilst swimming. * * Takes the same parameters as {@link AbstractPonyModel.setRotationAndAngles} */ protected void rotateLegsSwimming(float move, float swing, float ticks, T entity) { float lerp = entity.isSwimming() ? (float)attributes.motionLerp : 1; float legLeft = (MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG + MathHelper.sin((move / 3) + 2 * MathHelper.PI/3) / 2) * lerp; float left = (MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG + MathHelper.sin((move / 3) + 2 * MathHelper.PI) / 2) * lerp; float right = (MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG + MathHelper.sin(move / 3) / 2) * lerp; leftArm.setAngles(-left, -left/2, left/2); rightArm.setAngles(-right, right/2, -right/2); leftLeg.setAngles(legLeft, 0, leftLeg.roll); rightLeg.setAngles(right, 0, rightLeg.roll); } /** * Rotates legs in quopy fashion for walking. * */ protected void rotateLegsOnGround(float move, float swing, float ticks, T entity) { float angle = MathHelper.PI * (float) Math.pow(swing, 16); float baseRotation = move * 0.6662F; // magic number ahoy float scale = swing / 4; float rainboomLegLotation = attributes.getMainInterpolator().interpolate( "rainboom_leg_rotation", attributes.isGoingFast ? 1 : 0, 5 ); float yAngle = 0.2F * rainboomLegLotation; leftArm.setAngles(MathHelper.lerp(rainboomLegLotation, MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + angle) * scale, -MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation), -yAngle, 0); rightArm.setAngles(MathHelper.lerp(rainboomLegLotation, MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + MathHelper.PI + angle / 2) * scale, -MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation), yAngle, 0); leftLeg.setAngles(MathHelper.lerp(rainboomLegLotation, MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + MathHelper.PI - (angle * 0.4f)) * scale, MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation), yAngle, leftLeg.roll); rightLeg.setAngles(MathHelper.lerp(rainboomLegLotation, MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + angle / 5) * scale, MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation), -yAngle, rightLeg.roll); } protected float getLegOutset() { if (attributes.isLyingDown) { return 3.6f; } if (attributes.isCrouching) { return 1; } return 5; } /** * Adjusts legs as if holding an item. Delegates to the correct arm/leg/limb as necessary. */ protected void holdItem(float limbSpeed) { alignArmForAction(getArm(Arm.LEFT), leftArmPose, rightArmPose, limbSpeed, 1); alignArmForAction(getArm(Arm.RIGHT), rightArmPose, leftArmPose, limbSpeed, -1); } @Override public ModelPart getBodyPart(BodyPart part) { switch (part) { default: case HEAD: return head; case NECK: return neck; case TAIL: case LEGS: case BACK: case BODY: return body; } } /** * Aligns an arm for the appropriate arm pose * * @param arm The arm model to align * @param pose The post to align to * @param limbSpeed Degree to which each 'limb' swings. */ protected void alignArmForAction(ModelPart arm, ArmPose pose, ArmPose complement, float limbSpeed, float sigma) { switch (pose) { case ITEM: arm.yaw = 0; boolean both = pose == complement; if (attributes.shouldLiftArm(pose, complement, sigma)) { float swag = 1; if (!getAttributes().isFlying && both) { swag -= (float)Math.pow(limbSpeed, 2); } float mult = 1 - swag/2; arm.pitch = arm.pitch * mult - (MathHelper.PI / 10) * swag; arm.roll = -sigma * (MathHelper.PI / 15); arm.roll += 0.3F * -limbSpeed * sigma; if (attributes.isCrouching) { arm.pivotX -= sigma * 2; } } break; case EMPTY: arm.yaw = 0; break; case BLOCK: arm.pitch = (arm.pitch / 2 - 0.9424779F) - 0.3F; arm.yaw = sigma * MathHelper.PI / 9; arm.roll += 0.3F * -limbSpeed * sigma; if (complement == pose) { arm.yaw -= sigma * MathHelper.PI / 18; } arm.pivotX += sigma; arm.pivotZ += 3; if (attributes.isCrouching) { arm.pivotY += 4; } break; case BOW_AND_ARROW: aimBow(arm, limbSpeed); break; case CROSSBOW_HOLD: aimBow(arm, limbSpeed); arm.pitch = head.pitch - MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG; arm.yaw = head.yaw + 0.06F; break; case CROSSBOW_CHARGE: aimBow(arm, limbSpeed); arm.pitch = -0.8F; arm.yaw = head.yaw + 0.06F; arm.roll += 0.3F * -limbSpeed * sigma; break; case THROW_SPEAR: arm.pitch = MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * 2; arm.roll += (0.3F * -limbSpeed + 0.6F) * sigma; arm.pivotY ++; break; case SPYGLASS: float addedPitch = sneaking ? -0.2617994F : 0; float minPitch = sneaking ? -1.8F : -2.4F; arm.pitch = MathHelper.clamp(head.pitch - 1.9198622F - addedPitch, minPitch, 3.3F); arm.yaw = head.yaw; if (sneaking) { arm.pivotY += 9; arm.pivotX -= 6 * sigma; arm.pivotZ -= 2; } if (getSize() == SizePreset.TALL) { arm.pivotY += 1; } if (getSize() == SizePreset.FOAL) { arm.pivotY -= 2; } break; case TOOT_HORN: arm.pitch = MathHelper.clamp(head.pitch, -0.55f, 1.2f) - 1.7835298f; arm.yaw = head.yaw - 0.1235988f * sigma; arm.pivotY += 3; arm.roll += 0.3F * -limbSpeed * sigma; break; case BRUSH: arm.pitch = arm.pitch * 0.5f - 0.62831855f; arm.yaw = 0; arm.roll += 0.3F * -limbSpeed * sigma; break; default: break; } } protected void aimBow(ModelPart arm, float limbSpeed) { arm.pitch = MathUtil.Angles._270_DEG + head.pitch + (MathHelper.sin(limbSpeed * 0.067F) * 0.05F); arm.yaw = head.yaw - 0.06F; arm.roll = MathHelper.cos(limbSpeed * 0.09F) * 0.05F + 0.05F; if (sneaking) { arm.pivotY += 4; } } /** * Animates arm swinging. Delegates to the correct arm/leg/limb as neccessary. * * @param entity The entity we are being called for. */ protected void swingItem(T entity) { if (getSwingAmount() > 0 && !attributes.isLyingDown) { Arm mainSide = getPreferredArm(entity); swingArm(getArm(mainSide)); } } /** * Animates arm swinging. * * @param arm The arm to swing */ protected void swingArm(ModelPart arm) { float swing = 1 - (float)Math.pow(1 - getSwingAmount(), 3); float deltaX = MathHelper.sin(swing * MathHelper.PI); float deltaZ = MathHelper.sin(getSwingAmount() * MathHelper.PI); float deltaAim = deltaZ * (0.7F - head.pitch) * 0.75F; arm.pitch -= deltaAim + deltaX * 1.2F; arm.yaw += body.yaw * 2; arm.roll = -deltaZ * 0.4F; } /** * Animates the arm's breathing animation when holding items. * * @param animationProgress Total whole and partial ticks since the entity's existence. * Used in animations together with {@code swing} and {@code move}. */ protected void animateBreathing(float animationProgress) { float cos = MathHelper.cos(animationProgress * 0.09F) * 0.05F + 0.05F; float sin = MathHelper.sin(animationProgress * 0.067F) * 0.05F; if (attributes.shouldLiftArm(rightArmPose, leftArmPose, -1)) { ModelPart arm = getArm(Arm.RIGHT); arm.roll += cos; arm.pitch += sin; } if (attributes.shouldLiftArm(leftArmPose, rightArmPose, 1)) { ModelPart arm = getArm(Arm.LEFT); arm.roll += cos; arm.pitch += sin; } } protected void adjustBody(float pitch, Pivot pivot) { adjustBodyComponents(pitch, pivot); if (!attributes.isHorsey) { neck.setPivot(NECK_X + pitch, pivot.y(), pivot.z()); rightLeg.pivotY = FRONT_LEGS_Y; leftLeg.pivotY = FRONT_LEGS_Y; } else { neck.setPivot(NECK_X + pitch, pivot.y() - 1, pivot.z() - 2); neck.pitch = Angles._30_DEG; } } protected void adjustBodyComponents(float pitch, Pivot pivot) { body.pitch = pitch; body.pivotY = pivot.y(); body.pivotZ = pivot.z(); } @Override public float getRiderYOffset() { switch ((SizePreset)getSize()) { case NORMAL: return 0.4F; case FOAL: case TALL: case BULKY: default: return 0.25F; } } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { super.setVisible(visible); neck.visible = visible; hat.visible &= !attributes.isHorsey; parts.forEach(part -> part.setVisible(visible, attributes)); } @Override public final void setArmAngle(Arm arm, MatrixStack matrices) { super.setArmAngle(arm, matrices); positionheldItem(arm, matrices); } protected void positionheldItem(Arm arm, MatrixStack matrices) { float left = arm == Arm.LEFT ? -1 : 1; UseAction action = getAttributes().heldStack.getUseAction(); if (action == UseAction.SPYGLASS && getAttributes().itemUseTime > 0) { Arm main = getAttributes().mainArm; if (getAttributes().activeHand == Hand.OFF_HAND) { main = main.getOpposite(); } if (main == arm) { matrices.translate(left * -0.05F, 0.5F, 0.2F); matrices.multiply(RotationAxis.POSITIVE_X.rotationDegrees(-60)); return; } } matrices.translate(-left * 0.1F, 0.45F, 0); if (getAttributes().heldStack.getUseAction() == UseAction.BLOCK && getAttributes().itemUseTime == 0) { matrices.translate(left * 0.02F, -0.25F, 0); } } @Override public void transform(BodyPart part, MatrixStack stack) { if (attributes.isHorsey) { stack.translate(0, 0.1F, 0); } if (attributes.isSleeping || attributes.isRiptide) { stack.multiply(RotationAxis.POSITIVE_X.rotationDegrees(90)); stack.multiply(RotationAxis.POSITIVE_Y.rotationDegrees(180)); } if (attributes.isLyingDown && !attributes.isSleeping) { stack.translate(0, 1.35F, 0); } if (attributes.isHorsey) { if (part == BodyPart.BODY) { stack.scale(1.5F, 1, 1.5F); } neck.visible = head.visible; } else { neck.hidden = !head.visible; } PonyTransformation.forSize(getSize()).transform(this, part, stack); } }