package com.minelittlepony.model; import net.minecraft.client.render.VertexConsumer; import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack; import java.util.UUID; public interface IPart extends PonyModelConstants { /** * Sets the model's various rotation angles. * * See {@link AbstractPonyMode.setRotationAndAngle} for an explanation of the various parameters. */ default void setRotationAndAngles(boolean rainboom, UUID interpolatorId, float move, float swing, float bodySwing, float ticks) { } /** * Renders this model component. */ void renderPart(MatrixStack stack, VertexConsumer vertices, int overlayUv, int lightUv, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, UUID interpolatorId); /** * Sets whether this part should be rendered. */ default void setVisible(boolean visible) { } }