buildscript { repositories { jcenter() maven { name 'forge' url '' } maven { name = 'sponge' url = '' } } dependencies { classpath group: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle', name: 'ForgeGradle', version: '3.+', changing: true classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:2.0.4' } } plugins { id 'org.ajoberstar.grgit' version '1.7.2' } apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' sourceCompatibility = '1.8' targetCompatibility = '1.8' compileJava.sourceCompatibility = '1.8' compileJava.targetCompatibility = '1.8' ext { revision = grgit.log().size() hash = grgit.head().abbreviatedId if (file('.git/shallow').exists()) { // don't clone with --depth revision = -1 hash += " shallow" } } version = "${project.minecraft_version}.${project.version}" if (project.release != 'RELEASE') { version += "-${project.release}" } if (project.release == 'SNAPSHOT') { version += "-${project.revision}-${project.hash}" } group = description = project.displayname archivesBaseName = sourceSets { common { // code shared between HDSkins and MineLP mods // TODO: Make this into a library? I mean, it's not a lot. compileClasspath += main.compileClasspath } client { // Client-only code compileClasspath += main.compileClasspath compileClasspath += main.output compileClasspath += common.output compileClasspath += hdskins.output ext.refMap = 'minelp.mixin.refmap.json' } main { // Non-client code. Called main because gradle calls it that // TODO: compileClasspath += common.output } // Litemod stuff, separated for future removal litemod { compileClasspath += main.compileClasspath compileClasspath += main.output compileClasspath += client.output } fml { compileClasspath += main.compileClasspath compileClasspath += main.output compileClasspath += client.output } } minecraft { mappings channel: project.mappings_channel, version: project.mappings_version + "-" + project.minecraft_version runs { client { workingDirectory project.file('run') property 'forge.logging.markers', 'SCAN,REGISTRIES,REGISTRYDUMP' property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug' // replace '@VERSION@', project.version mods { minelittlepony { source sourceSets.common source sourceSets.hdskins source sourceSets.client source sourceSets.main // replace '@VERSION@', project.version } // replace '@VERSION@', project.version } } } // replace '@VERSION@', project.version } repositories { // jcenter() maven { url = '' } } dependencies { // TODO: Add HDSkins as a dependency. It won't compile without it. minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.13.2-25.0.90' // use the same version as httpclient compile('org.spongepowered:mixin:0.7.11-SNAPSHOT') { transitive = false } } manifest { attributes 'Implementation-Version': "${project.version} (git-${project.hash})" } jar { from sourceSets.common.output from sourceSets.main.output from sourceSets.client.output from sourceSets.fml.output // replace '@VERSION@', project.version classifier 'base' extension 'jar' } task copyBGPones(type: Copy) { def illegals = /[^a-z0-9_\/.-]/ from "skins/Background Ponies" // TODO: What is tempDir???? into temporaryDir eachFile { if ( =~ illegals){ logger.warn("Sanitizing file with illegal characters: ${it.path}") =\s/, '_').replaceAll(illegals, '') } } } /* shadowJar { // classifier "mc$minecraft.version" // TODO: Remember, we still have to include HDSkins in our build litemod, even if it's a separate repository now from sourceSets.common.output from sourceSets.client.output from sourceSets.fml.output exclude "/assets/minelittlepony/textures/entity/pony" from(copyBGPones) { into "/assets/minelittlepony/textures/entity/pony" } // replace '@VERSION@', project.version dependencies { exclude dependency('') exclude dependency('org.spongepowered:mixin:') exclude 'META-INF/**' } relocate 'org.apache.http.entity.mime', '' exclude 'dummyThing' doLast { file('build/libs/' + archivesBaseName + '-' + version + '-base.jar').delete(); } } task srgJar(type: Jar) { from sourceSets.common.output from sourceSets.main.output from sourceSets.client.output from sourceSets.fml.output from sourceSets.hdskins.output // replace '@VERSION@', project.version classifier "mc$minecraft.version-srg" } */ task horseLib(type: Jar) { from sourceSets.common.output from sourceSets.main.output // replace '@VERSION@', project.version baseName = "HoarseLib" } //sourceJar.enabled = false //reobf { // srgJar { // mappingType = 'SEARGE' // } // // shadowJar{} //}