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4: {fileID: 1842252934} - 114: {fileID: 1842252933} - 114: {fileID: 1842252935} m_Layer: 0 m_Name: Rewired Input Manager m_TagString: Untagged m_Icon: {fileID: 0} m_NavMeshLayer: 0 m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 m_IsActive: 1 --- !u!114 &1842252933 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 1842252932} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 581b3e3c96df0ef42aef16b63b27b87f, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: _dontDestroyOnLoad: 1 _userData: configVars: updateLoop: 1 alwaysUseUnityInput: 0 windowsStandalonePrimaryInputSource: 0 osx_primaryInputSource: 0 linux_primaryInputSource: 0 windowsUWP_primaryInputSource: 0 xboxOne_primaryInputSource: 0 useXInput: 1 useNativeMouse: 1 useEnhancedDeviceSupport: 1 windowsStandalone_useSteamRawInputControllerWorkaround: 1 android_supportUnknownGamepads: 0 useSteamControllerSupport: 1 maxJoysticksPerPlayer: 1 autoAssignJoysticks: 1 assignJoysticksToPlayingPlayersOnly: 0 distributeJoysticksEvenly: 1 reassignJoystickToPreviousOwnerOnReconnect: 1 defaultJoystickAxis2DDeadZoneType: 1 players: - _id: 9999999 _name: System _descriptiveName: System _startPlaying: 1 _defaultJoystickMaps: [] _defaultMouseMaps: [] _defaultKeyboardMaps: - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 3 _layoutId: 0 - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 4 _layoutId: 0 _defaultCustomControllerMaps: [] _startingCustomControllers: [] _assignMouseOnStart: 1 _excludeFromControllerAutoAssignment: 0 - _id: 1 _name: Player0 _descriptiveName: Player 1 _startPlaying: 1 _defaultJoystickMaps: - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 0 _layoutId: 0 - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 2 _layoutId: 0 - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 1 _layoutId: 0 - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 3 _layoutId: 0 - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 5 _layoutId: 0 _defaultMouseMaps: - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 0 _layoutId: 0 _defaultKeyboardMaps: - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 0 _layoutId: 1 - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 2 _layoutId: 1 - _enabled: 1 _categoryId: 5 _layoutId: 1 _defaultCustomControllerMaps: [] _startingCustomControllers: [] _assignMouseOnStart: 1 _excludeFromControllerAutoAssignment: 0 actions: - _id: 0 _name: Move Horizontal _type: 0 _descriptiveName: Move Horizontal _positiveDescriptiveName: Move Right _negativeDescriptiveName: Move Left _behaviorId: 2 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 1 _name: Move Vertical _type: 0 _descriptiveName: Move Vertical _positiveDescriptiveName: Move Up _negativeDescriptiveName: Move Down _behaviorId: 2 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 2 _name: Jump _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Jump _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 4 - _id: 3 _name: Fire _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Fire _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 4 _name: Duck _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Duck _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 4 - _id: 5 _name: Reload _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Reload _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 6 _name: Look Horizontal _type: 0 _descriptiveName: Look Horizontal _positiveDescriptiveName: Look Right _negativeDescriptiveName: Look Left _behaviorId: 1 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 7 _name: Look Vertical _type: 0 _descriptiveName: Look Vertical _positiveDescriptiveName: Look Up _negativeDescriptiveName: Look Down _behaviorId: 1 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 8 _name: Fire2 _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Secondary Fire _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 9 _name: Punch _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Punch _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 4 - _id: 10 _name: Activate _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Activate _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 11 _name: Map _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Open Map _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 12 _name: Communicate _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Communicate _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 13 _name: Suicide _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Suicide _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 0 - _id: 14 _name: ChangeSeat _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Change Seat _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 2 - _id: 15 _name: Radar _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Radar _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 2 - _id: 16 _name: Brake _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Brake _positiveDescriptiveName: Brake _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 2 - _id: 17 _name: Grenade _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Throw Grenade _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 4 - _id: 18 _name: Dig _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Dig _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 4 - _id: 19 _name: Run _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Run _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 4 - _id: 20 _name: Scope _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Use Scope _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 4 - _id: 21 _name: ToggleControlMapper _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Open Control Mapper _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 3 _userAssignable: 0 _categoryId: 1 - _id: 22 _name: UniversalCancel _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Universal Cancel _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 3 _userAssignable: 0 _categoryId: 1 - _id: 23 _name: Restricted1 _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Restricted1 _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 3 _userAssignable: 0 _categoryId: 1 - _id: 24 _name: Eject _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Eject _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 2 - _id: 25 _name: Accelerate _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Accelerate _positiveDescriptiveName: Accelerate _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 2 - _id: 26 _name: Action26 _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Action26 _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 3 - _id: 27 _name: Action27 _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Action27 _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 3 - _id: 28 _name: Crawl _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Crawl _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 4 - _id: 29 _name: MedKit _type: 1 _descriptiveName: Use Med Kit _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 4 - _id: 30 _name: UIHorizontal _type: 0 _descriptiveName: UI Horizontal _positiveDescriptiveName: UI Move Right _negativeDescriptiveName: UI Move Left _behaviorId: 3 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 5 - _id: 32 _name: UISubmit _type: 1 _descriptiveName: UI Submit _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 3 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 5 - _id: 33 _name: UICancel _type: 1 _descriptiveName: UI Cancel _positiveDescriptiveName: _negativeDescriptiveName: _behaviorId: 3 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 5 - _id: 31 _name: UIVertical _type: 0 _descriptiveName: UI Vertical _positiveDescriptiveName: UI Move Up _negativeDescriptiveName: UI Move Down _behaviorId: 3 _userAssignable: 1 _categoryId: 5 actionCategories: - _name: Default _descriptiveName: General _tag: _id: 0 _userAssignable: 1 - _name: System _descriptiveName: System _tag: _id: 1 _userAssignable: 0 - _name: Infantry _descriptiveName: Infantry _tag: _id: 4 _userAssignable: 1 - _name: Vehicle _descriptiveName: Vehicle _tag: _id: 2 _userAssignable: 1 - _name: Category2 _descriptiveName: Category2 _tag: _id: 3 _userAssignable: 1 - _name: UI _descriptiveName: UI _tag: _id: 5 _userAssignable: 1 actionCategoryMap: list: - categoryId: 0 actionIds: 010000000000000003000000080000000500000006000000070000000a0000000b0000000c0000000d000000 - categoryId: 1 actionIds: 150000001600000017000000 - categoryId: 2 actionIds: 1900000010000000180000000e0000000f000000 - categoryId: 3 actionIds: 1a0000001b000000 - categoryId: 4 actionIds: 1300000002000000040000001c00000009000000110000001d0000001400000012000000 - categoryId: 5 actionIds: 1e0000001f0000002000000021000000 inputBehaviors: - _id: 0 _name: Default _joystickAxisSensitivity: 1 _digitalAxisSnap: 1 _digitalAxisInstantReverse: 0 _digitalAxisGravity: 3 _digitalAxisSensitivity: 3 _mouseXYAxisMode: 0 _mouseOtherAxisMode: 0 _mouseXYAxisSensitivity: 1 _mouseXYAxisDeltaCalc: 0 _mouseOtherAxisSensitivity: 1 _customControllerAxisSensitivity: 1 _buttonDoublePressSpeed: .300000012 _buttonDeadZone: .5 _buttonDownBuffer: 0 - _id: 1 _name: Camera Look _joystickAxisSensitivity: 1 _digitalAxisSnap: 1 _digitalAxisInstantReverse: 0 _digitalAxisGravity: 3 _digitalAxisSensitivity: 3 _mouseXYAxisMode: 0 _mouseOtherAxisMode: 0 _mouseXYAxisSensitivity: 1 _mouseXYAxisDeltaCalc: 0 _mouseOtherAxisSensitivity: 1 _customControllerAxisSensitivity: 1 _buttonDoublePressSpeed: .300000012 _buttonDeadZone: .5 _buttonDownBuffer: 0 - _id: 2 _name: Movement _joystickAxisSensitivity: 1 _digitalAxisSnap: 1 _digitalAxisInstantReverse: 0 _digitalAxisGravity: 3 _digitalAxisSensitivity: 3 _mouseXYAxisMode: 0 _mouseOtherAxisMode: 0 _mouseXYAxisSensitivity: 1 _mouseXYAxisDeltaCalc: 0 _mouseOtherAxisSensitivity: 1 _customControllerAxisSensitivity: 1 _buttonDoublePressSpeed: .300000012 _buttonDeadZone: .5 _buttonDownBuffer: 0 - _id: 3 _name: UIControl _joystickAxisSensitivity: 1 _digitalAxisSnap: 1 _digitalAxisInstantReverse: 0 _digitalAxisGravity: 1000 _digitalAxisSensitivity: 1000 _mouseXYAxisMode: 0 _mouseOtherAxisMode: 0 _mouseXYAxisSensitivity: 1 _mouseXYAxisDeltaCalc: 0 _mouseOtherAxisSensitivity: 1 _customControllerAxisSensitivity: 1 _buttonDoublePressSpeed: .300000012 _buttonDeadZone: .5 _buttonDownBuffer: 0 mapCategories: - _name: Default _descriptiveName: Common _tag: _id: 0 _userAssignable: 1 _checkConflictsWithAllCategories: 0 _checkConflictsCategoryIds: 00000000020000000500000003000000 - _name: UI _descriptiveName: UI _tag: _id: 1 _userAssignable: 1 _checkConflictsWithAllCategories: 0 _checkConflictsCategoryIds: 0100000003000000 - _name: System _descriptiveName: System _tag: _id: 3 _userAssignable: 0 _checkConflictsWithAllCategories: 1 _checkConflictsCategoryIds: - _name: SystemMenu _descriptiveName: SystemMenu _tag: _id: 4 _userAssignable: 0 _checkConflictsWithAllCategories: 0 _checkConflictsCategoryIds: joystickLayouts: - _name: Default _descriptiveName: Default _id: 0 keyboardLayouts: - _name: Default _descriptiveName: Default _id: 0 - _name: Player1 _descriptiveName: Player1 _id: 1 - _name: Player2 _descriptiveName: Player2 _id: 2 mouseLayouts: - _name: Default _descriptiveName: Default _id: 0 customControllerLayouts: - _name: Default _descriptiveName: Default _id: 0 joystickMaps: - id: 0 categoryId: 0 layoutId: 0 name: hardwareGuidString: 83b427e4-086f-47f3-bb06-be266abd1ca5 customControllerUid: 0 actionElementMaps: - _actionCategoryId: 0 _actionId: 0 _elementType: 0 _elementIdentifierId: 0 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 0 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - 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_actionCategoryId: 5 _actionId: 31 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: 21 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 1 _keyboardKeyCode: 0 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 5 _actionId: 30 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: 22 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 1 _keyboardKeyCode: 0 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 5 _actionId: 32 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: 4 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 0 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 5 _actionId: 33 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: 5 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 0 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 5 _actionId: 34 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: 14 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 0 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - id: 2 categoryId: 1 layoutId: 0 name: hardwareGuidString: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 customControllerUid: 0 actionElementMaps: - 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id: 1 categoryId: 0 layoutId: 1 name: hardwareGuidString: customControllerUid: 0 actionElementMaps: - _actionCategoryId: 0 _actionId: 1 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: -1 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 119 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 0 _actionId: 0 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: -1 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 1 _keyboardKeyCode: 97 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 0 _actionId: 1 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: -1 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 1 _keyboardKeyCode: 115 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 0 _actionId: 0 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: -1 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 100 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 0 _actionId: 3 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: -1 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 306 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - 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id: 4 categoryId: 3 layoutId: 0 name: hardwareGuidString: customControllerUid: 0 actionElementMaps: - _actionCategoryId: 1 _actionId: 22 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: -1 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 27 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 1 _actionId: 21 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: -1 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 282 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 1 _actionId: 23 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: -1 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 283 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - id: 7 categoryId: 4 layoutId: 0 name: hardwareGuidString: customControllerUid: 0 actionElementMaps: - _actionCategoryId: 5 _actionId: 30 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: -1 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 0 _keyboardKeyCode: 275 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - _actionCategoryId: 5 _actionId: 30 _elementType: 1 _elementIdentifierId: -1 _axisRange: 0 _invert: 0 _axisContribution: 1 _keyboardKeyCode: 276 _modifierKey1: 0 _modifierKey2: 0 _modifierKey3: 0 - 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