using UnityEngine; using System; namespace UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects { [ExecuteInEditMode] [RequireComponent(typeof(Camera))] [AddComponentMenu("Image Effects/Cinematic/Lens Aberrations")] public class LensAberrations : MonoBehaviour { #region Attributes [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field)] public class SettingsGroup : Attribute {} [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field)] public class SimpleSetting : Attribute {} [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field)] public class AdvancedSetting : Attribute {} #endregion #region Settings public enum SettingsMode { Simple, Advanced } [Serializable] public struct DistortionSettings { public bool enabled; [Range(-100f, 100f), Tooltip("Distortion amount.")] public float amount; [Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Distortion center point (X axis).")] public float centerX; [Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Distortion center point (Y axis).")] public float centerY; [Range(0f, 2f), Tooltip("Amount multiplier on X axis.")] public float amountX; [Range(0f, 2f), Tooltip("Amount multiplier on Y axis.")] public float amountY; [Range(0.5f, 2f), Tooltip("Global screen scaling.")] public float scale; public static DistortionSettings defaultSettings { get { return new DistortionSettings { enabled = false, amount = 0f, centerX = 0.5f, centerY = 0.5f, amountX = 1f, amountY = 1f, scale = 1f }; } } } [Serializable] public struct VignetteSettings { public bool enabled; [Tooltip("Use the \"Advanced\" mode if you need more control over the vignette shape and smoothness at the expense of performances.")] public SettingsMode mode; [Tooltip("Vignette color. Use the alpha channel for transparency.")] public Color color; [SimpleSetting, Range(0f, 3f), Tooltip("Amount of vignetting on screen.")] public float intensity; [SimpleSetting, Range(0.1f, 3f), Tooltip("Smoothness of the vignette borders.")] public float smoothness; [AdvancedSetting, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Vignette radius in screen coordinates.")] public float radius; [AdvancedSetting, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Smoothness of the vignette border. Tweak this at the same time as \"Falloff\" to get more control over the vignette gradient.")] public float spread; [AdvancedSetting, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Smoothness of the vignette border. Tweak this at the same time as \"Spread\" to get more control over the vignette gradient.")] public float falloff; [AdvancedSetting, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Lower values will make a square-ish vignette.")] public float roundness; [Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Blurs the corners of the screen. Leave this at 0 to disable it.")] public float blur; [Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Desaturate the corners of the screen. Leave this to 0 to disable it.")] public float desaturate; public static VignetteSettings defaultSettings { get { return new VignetteSettings { enabled = false, mode = SettingsMode.Simple, color =, intensity = 1.2f, smoothness = 1.5f, radius = 0.7f, spread = 0.4f, falloff = 0.5f, roundness = 1f, blur = 0f, desaturate = 0f }; } } } [Serializable] public struct ChromaticAberrationSettings { public bool enabled; [Tooltip("Use the \"Advanced\" mode if you need more control over the chromatic aberrations at the expense of performances.")] public SettingsMode mode; [Range(-2f, 2f)] public float tangential; [AdvancedSetting, Range(0f, 2f)] public float axial; [AdvancedSetting, Range(0f, 2f)] public float contrastDependency; public static ChromaticAberrationSettings defaultSettings { get { return new ChromaticAberrationSettings { enabled = false, mode = SettingsMode.Simple, tangential = 0f, axial = 0f, contrastDependency = 0f }; } } } #endregion [SettingsGroup] public DistortionSettings distortion = DistortionSettings.defaultSettings; [SettingsGroup] public VignetteSettings vignette = VignetteSettings.defaultSettings; [SettingsGroup] public ChromaticAberrationSettings chromaticAberration = ChromaticAberrationSettings.defaultSettings; private enum Pass { BlurPrePass, Simple, Desaturate, Blur, BlurDesaturate, ChromaticAberrationOnly, DistortOnly } [SerializeField] private Shader m_Shader; public Shader shader { get { if (m_Shader == null) m_Shader = Shader.Find("Hidden/LensAberrations"); return m_Shader; } } private Material m_Material; public Material material { get { if (m_Material == null) m_Material = ImageEffectHelper.CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(shader); return m_Material; } } private void OnEnable() { if (!ImageEffectHelper.IsSupported(shader, false, false, this)) enabled = false; } private void OnDisable() { if (m_Material != null) DestroyImmediate(m_Material); m_Material = null; } private void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) { if (!vignette.enabled && !chromaticAberration.enabled && !distortion.enabled) { Graphics.Blit(source, destination); return; } material.DisableKeyword("DISTORT"); material.DisableKeyword("UNDISTORT"); if (distortion.enabled) { float amount = 1.6f * Math.Max(Mathf.Abs(distortion.amount), 1f); float theta = 0.01745329251994f * Math.Min(160f, amount); float sigma = 2f * Mathf.Tan(theta * 0.5f); Vector4 p0 = new Vector4(2f * distortion.centerX - 1f, 2f * distortion.centerY - 1f, distortion.amountX, distortion.amountY); Vector3 p1 = new Vector3(distortion.amount >= 0f ? theta : 1f / theta, sigma, 1f / distortion.scale); material.SetVector("_DistCenterScale", p0); material.SetVector("_DistAmount", p1); if (distortion.amount >= 0f) material.EnableKeyword("DISTORT"); else material.EnableKeyword("UNDISTORT"); } material.SetColor("_VignetteColor", vignette.color); if (vignette.mode == SettingsMode.Simple) { material.SetVector("_Vignette1", new Vector4(vignette.intensity, vignette.smoothness, vignette.blur, 1f - vignette.desaturate)); material.DisableKeyword("VIGNETTE_ADVANCED"); } else { float r1 = 0.5f * vignette.radius; float r2 = r1 + vignette.spread; float falloff = Math.Max(0.000001f, (1f - vignette.falloff) * 0.5f); float roundness = (1f - vignette.roundness) * 6f + vignette.roundness * 2f; material.SetVector("_Vignette1", new Vector4(r1, 1f / (r2 - r1), vignette.blur, 1f - vignette.desaturate)); material.SetVector("_Vignette2", new Vector3(falloff, 0.5f / falloff, roundness)); material.EnableKeyword("VIGNETTE_ADVANCED"); } material.DisableKeyword("CHROMATIC_SIMPLE"); material.DisableKeyword("CHROMATIC_ADVANCED"); if (chromaticAberration.enabled && !Mathf.Approximately(chromaticAberration.tangential, 0f)) { if (chromaticAberration.mode == SettingsMode.Advanced) material.EnableKeyword("CHROMATIC_ADVANCED"); else material.EnableKeyword("CHROMATIC_SIMPLE"); Vector4 chromaParams = new Vector4(2.5f * chromaticAberration.tangential, 5f * chromaticAberration.axial, 5f / Mathf.Max(Mathf.Epsilon, chromaticAberration.contrastDependency), 5f); material.SetVector("_ChromaticAberration", chromaParams); } if (vignette.enabled && vignette.blur > 0f) { // Downscale + gaussian blur (2 passes) int w = source.width / 2; int h = source.height / 2; RenderTexture tmp1 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(w, h, 0, source.format); RenderTexture tmp2 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(w, h, 0, source.format); material.SetVector("_BlurPass", new Vector2(1f / w, 0f)); Graphics.Blit(source, tmp1, material, (int)Pass.BlurPrePass); material.SetVector("_BlurPass", new Vector2(0f, 1f / h)); Graphics.Blit(tmp1, tmp2, material, (int)Pass.BlurPrePass); material.SetVector("_BlurPass", new Vector2(1f / w, 0f)); Graphics.Blit(tmp2, tmp1, material, (int)Pass.BlurPrePass); material.SetVector("_BlurPass", new Vector2(0f, 1f / h)); Graphics.Blit(tmp1, tmp2, material, (int)Pass.BlurPrePass); material.SetTexture("_BlurTex", tmp2); if (vignette.desaturate > 0f) Graphics.Blit(source, destination, material, (int)Pass.BlurDesaturate); else Graphics.Blit(source, destination, material, (int)Pass.Blur); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(tmp2); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(tmp1); } else if (vignette.enabled && vignette.desaturate > 0f) { Graphics.Blit(source, destination, material, (int)Pass.Desaturate); } else if (vignette.enabled) { Graphics.Blit(source, destination, material, (int)Pass.Simple); } else if (chromaticAberration.enabled) { Graphics.Blit(source, destination, material, (int)Pass.ChromaticAberrationOnly); } else // Distortion enabled { Graphics.Blit(source, destination, material, (int)Pass.DistortOnly); } } } }