using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; /// /// Handles the network culling. /// [RequireComponent(typeof(PhotonView))] public class NetworkCullingHandler : MonoBehaviour { #region VARIABLES private int orderIndex; private CullArea cullArea; private List previousActiveCells, activeCells; private PhotonView pView; private Vector3 lastPosition, currentPosition; #endregion #region UNITY_FUNCTIONS /// /// Gets references to the PhotonView component and the cull area game object. /// private void OnEnable() { if (pView == null) { pView = GetComponent(); if (!pView.isMine) { return; } } if (cullArea == null) { cullArea = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); } previousActiveCells = new List(0); activeCells = new List(0); currentPosition = lastPosition = transform.position; } /// /// Initializes the right interest group or prepares the permanent change of the interest group of the PhotonView component. /// private void Start() { if (!pView.isMine) { return; } if (PhotonNetwork.inRoom) { if (cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions == 0) { = cullArea.FIRST_GROUP_ID; PhotonNetwork.SetReceivingEnabled(cullArea.FIRST_GROUP_ID, true); PhotonNetwork.SetSendingEnabled(cullArea.FIRST_GROUP_ID, true); } else { CheckGroupsChanged(); InvokeRepeating("UpdateActiveGroup", 0.0f, 1.0f / PhotonNetwork.sendRateOnSerialize); } } } /// /// Checks if the player has moved perviously and updates the interest groups if necessary. /// private void Update() { if (!pView.isMine) { return; } lastPosition = currentPosition; currentPosition = transform.position; // This is a simple position comparison of the current and the previous position. // When using Network Culling in a bigger project keep in mind that there might // be more transform-related options, e.g. the rotation, or other options to check. if (currentPosition != lastPosition) { CheckGroupsChanged(); } } /// /// Cancels all (upcoming) invoke calls. /// private void OnDisable() { CancelInvoke(); } #endregion /// /// Checks if the interest groups have changed and perform action if necessary. /// private void CheckGroupsChanged() { if (cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions == 0) { return; } previousActiveCells = new List(activeCells); activeCells = cullArea.GetActiveCells(transform.position); if (activeCells.Count != previousActiveCells.Count) { UpdateInterestGroups(); return; } foreach (int groupId in activeCells) { if (!previousActiveCells.Contains(groupId)) { UpdateInterestGroups(); return; } } } /// /// Unsubscribes from old and subscribes to new interest groups. /// private void UpdateInterestGroups() { foreach (int groupId in previousActiveCells) { PhotonNetwork.SetReceivingEnabled(groupId, false); PhotonNetwork.SetSendingEnabled(groupId, false); } foreach (int groupId in activeCells) { PhotonNetwork.SetReceivingEnabled(groupId, true); PhotonNetwork.SetSendingEnabled(groupId, true); } } /// /// Updates the current group of the PhotonView component. /// private void UpdateActiveGroup() { // If the player leaves the area we insert the whole area itself as an active cell. // This can be removed if it is sure that the player is not able to leave the area. while (activeCells.Count <= cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions) { activeCells.Add(cullArea.FIRST_GROUP_ID); } if (cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions == 1) { orderIndex = (++orderIndex % cullArea.SUBDIVISION_FIRST_LEVEL_ORDER.Length); = activeCells[cullArea.SUBDIVISION_FIRST_LEVEL_ORDER[orderIndex]]; } else if (cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions == 2) { orderIndex = (++orderIndex % cullArea.SUBDIVISION_SECOND_LEVEL_ORDER.Length); = activeCells[cullArea.SUBDIVISION_SECOND_LEVEL_ORDER[orderIndex]]; } else if (cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions == 3) { orderIndex = (++orderIndex % cullArea.SUBDIVISION_THIRD_LEVEL_ORDER.Length); = activeCells[cullArea.SUBDIVISION_THIRD_LEVEL_ORDER[orderIndex]]; } } /// /// Drawing informations. /// private void OnGUI() { if (!pView.isMine) { return; } string subscribedAndActiveCells = "Inside cells:\n"; string subscribedCells = "Subscribed cells:\n"; for (int index = 0; index < activeCells.Count; ++index) { if (index <= cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions) { subscribedAndActiveCells += activeCells[index] + " "; } subscribedCells += activeCells[index] + " "; } GUI.Label(new Rect(20.0f, Screen.height - 100.0f, 200.0f, 40.0f), "" + subscribedAndActiveCells + "", new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft, fontSize = 16 } ); GUI.Label(new Rect(20.0f, Screen.height - 60.0f, 200.0f, 40.0f), "" + subscribedCells + "", new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft, fontSize = 16 } ); } }