using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects
    [RequireComponent (typeof(Camera))]
    [AddComponentMenu ("Image Effects/Camera/Camera Motion Blur") ]
    public class CameraMotionBlur : PostEffectsBase
        // make sure to match this to MAX_RADIUS in shader ('k' in paper)
        static float MAX_RADIUS = 10.0f;

        public enum MotionBlurFilter {
            CameraMotion = 0,			// global screen blur based on cam motion
            LocalBlur = 1,				// cheap blur, no dilation or scattering
            Reconstruction = 2,			// advanced filter (simulates scattering) as in plausible motion blur paper
            ReconstructionDX11 = 3,		// advanced filter (simulates scattering) as in plausible motion blur paper
            ReconstructionDisc = 4,		// advanced filter using scaled poisson disc sampling

        // settings
        public MotionBlurFilter filterType = MotionBlurFilter.Reconstruction;
        public bool  preview = false;				// show how blur would look like in action ...
        public Vector3 previewScale =;	// ... given this movement vector

        // params
        public float movementScale = 0.0f;
        public float rotationScale = 1.0f;
        public float maxVelocity = 8.0f;	// maximum velocity in pixels
        public float minVelocity = 0.1f;	// minimum velocity in pixels
        public float velocityScale = 0.375f;	// global velocity scale
        public float softZDistance = 0.005f;	// for z overlap check softness (reconstruction filter only)
        public int velocityDownsample = 1;	// low resolution velocity buffer? (optimization)
        public LayerMask excludeLayers = 0;
        private GameObject tmpCam = null;

        // resources
        public Shader shader;
        public Shader dx11MotionBlurShader;
        public Shader replacementClear;

        private Material motionBlurMaterial = null;
        private Material dx11MotionBlurMaterial = null;

        public Texture2D noiseTexture = null;
        public float jitter = 0.05f;

        // (internal) debug
        public bool  showVelocity = false;
        public float showVelocityScale = 1.0f;

        // camera transforms
        private Matrix4x4 currentViewProjMat;
		private Matrix4x4[] currentStereoViewProjMat;
		private Matrix4x4 prevViewProjMat;
		private Matrix4x4[] prevStereoViewProjMat;
		private int prevFrameCount;
        private bool  wasActive;
        // shortcuts to calculate global blur direction when using 'CameraMotion'
        private Vector3 prevFrameForward = Vector3.forward;
        private Vector3 prevFrameUp = Vector3.up;
        private Vector3 prevFramePos =;
        private Camera _camera;

        private void CalculateViewProjection () {
			Matrix4x4 viewMat = _camera.worldToCameraMatrix;
            Matrix4x4 projMat = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix (_camera.projectionMatrix, true);
            currentViewProjMat = projMat * viewMat;

				for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye)
					Matrix4x4 stereoViewMat = _camera.GetStereoViewMatrix(eye == 0 ? Camera.StereoscopicEye.Left : Camera.StereoscopicEye.Right);
					Matrix4x4 stereoProjMat = _camera.GetStereoProjectionMatrix(eye == 0 ? Camera.StereoscopicEye.Left : Camera.StereoscopicEye.Right);
					stereoProjMat = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(stereoProjMat, true);
					currentStereoViewProjMat[eye] = stereoProjMat * stereoViewMat;

        new void Start () {
            CheckResources ();

            if (_camera == null)
                _camera = GetComponent<Camera>();

            wasActive = gameObject.activeInHierarchy;
			currentStereoViewProjMat = new Matrix4x4[2];
			prevStereoViewProjMat = new Matrix4x4[2];
			CalculateViewProjection ();
            Remember ();
            wasActive = false; // hack to fake position/rotation update and prevent bad blurs

        void OnEnable () {

            if (_camera == null)
                _camera = GetComponent<Camera>();

            _camera.depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth;

        void OnDisable () {
            if (null != motionBlurMaterial) {
                DestroyImmediate (motionBlurMaterial);
                motionBlurMaterial = null;
            if (null != dx11MotionBlurMaterial) {
                DestroyImmediate (dx11MotionBlurMaterial);
                dx11MotionBlurMaterial = null;
            if (null != tmpCam) {
                DestroyImmediate (tmpCam);
                tmpCam = null;

        public override bool CheckResources () {
            CheckSupport (true, true); // depth & hdr needed
            motionBlurMaterial = CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial (shader, motionBlurMaterial);

            if (supportDX11 && filterType == MotionBlurFilter.ReconstructionDX11) {
                dx11MotionBlurMaterial = CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial (dx11MotionBlurShader, dx11MotionBlurMaterial);

            if (!isSupported)
                ReportAutoDisable ();

            return isSupported;

        void OnRenderImage (RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) {
            if (false == CheckResources ()) {
                Graphics.Blit (source, destination);

            if (filterType == MotionBlurFilter.CameraMotion)
                StartFrame ();

            // use if possible new RG format ... fallback to half otherwise
            var rtFormat= SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat (RenderTextureFormat.RGHalf) ? RenderTextureFormat.RGHalf : RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf;

            // get temp textures
            RenderTexture velBuffer = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (divRoundUp (source.width, velocityDownsample), divRoundUp (source.height, velocityDownsample), 0, rtFormat);
            int tileWidth = 1;
            int tileHeight = 1;
            maxVelocity = Mathf.Max (2.0f, maxVelocity);

            float _maxVelocity = maxVelocity; // calculate 'k'
            // note: 's' is hardcoded in shaders except for DX11 path

            // auto DX11 fallback!
            bool fallbackFromDX11 = filterType == MotionBlurFilter.ReconstructionDX11 && dx11MotionBlurMaterial == null;

            if (filterType == MotionBlurFilter.Reconstruction || fallbackFromDX11 || filterType == MotionBlurFilter.ReconstructionDisc) {
                maxVelocity = Mathf.Min (maxVelocity, MAX_RADIUS);
                tileWidth = divRoundUp (velBuffer.width, (int) maxVelocity);
                tileHeight = divRoundUp (velBuffer.height, (int) maxVelocity);
                _maxVelocity = velBuffer.width/tileWidth;
            else {
                tileWidth = divRoundUp (velBuffer.width, (int) maxVelocity);
                tileHeight = divRoundUp (velBuffer.height, (int) maxVelocity);
                _maxVelocity = velBuffer.width/tileWidth;

            RenderTexture tileMax  = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (tileWidth, tileHeight, 0, rtFormat);
            RenderTexture neighbourMax  = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (tileWidth, tileHeight, 0, rtFormat);
            velBuffer.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            tileMax.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            neighbourMax.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            if (noiseTexture) noiseTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            source.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            velBuffer.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            neighbourMax.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            tileMax.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;

            // calc correct viewprj matrix
            CalculateViewProjection ();

            // just started up?
            if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy && !wasActive) {
                Remember ();
            wasActive = gameObject.activeInHierarchy;

            // matrices
            Matrix4x4 invViewPrj = Matrix4x4.Inverse (currentViewProjMat);
            motionBlurMaterial.SetMatrix ("_InvViewProj", invViewPrj);
            motionBlurMaterial.SetMatrix ("_PrevViewProj", prevViewProjMat);
            motionBlurMaterial.SetMatrix ("_ToPrevViewProjCombined", prevViewProjMat * invViewPrj);
				Matrix4x4[] invStereoViewPrj = new Matrix4x4[2];
				invStereoViewPrj[0] = Matrix4x4.Inverse(currentStereoViewProjMat[0]);
				invStereoViewPrj[1] = Matrix4x4.Inverse(currentStereoViewProjMat[1]);

				Matrix4x4 combined = prevStereoViewProjMat[0] * invStereoViewPrj[0];
				motionBlurMaterial.SetMatrix("_StereoToPrevViewProjCombined0", combined);
				motionBlurMaterial.SetMatrix("_StereoToPrevViewProjCombined1", prevStereoViewProjMat[1] * invStereoViewPrj[1]);

            motionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_MaxVelocity", _maxVelocity);
            motionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_MaxRadiusOrKInPaper", _maxVelocity);
            motionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_MinVelocity", minVelocity);
            motionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_VelocityScale", velocityScale);
            motionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_Jitter", jitter);

            // texture samplers
            motionBlurMaterial.SetTexture ("_NoiseTex", noiseTexture);
            motionBlurMaterial.SetTexture ("_VelTex", velBuffer);
            motionBlurMaterial.SetTexture ("_NeighbourMaxTex", neighbourMax);
            motionBlurMaterial.SetTexture ("_TileTexDebug", tileMax);

            if (preview) {
                // generate an artificial 'previous' matrix to simulate blur look
                Matrix4x4 viewMat = _camera.worldToCameraMatrix;
                Matrix4x4 offset = Matrix4x4.identity;
                offset.SetTRS(previewScale * 0.3333f, Quaternion.identity,; // using only translation
                Matrix4x4 projMat = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix (_camera.projectionMatrix, true);
                prevViewProjMat = projMat * offset * viewMat;
                motionBlurMaterial.SetMatrix ("_PrevViewProj", prevViewProjMat);
                motionBlurMaterial.SetMatrix ("_ToPrevViewProjCombined", prevViewProjMat * invViewPrj);

            if (filterType == MotionBlurFilter.CameraMotion)
                // build blur vector to be used in shader to create a global blur direction
                Vector4 blurVector =;

                float lookUpDown = Vector3.Dot (transform.up, Vector3.up);
                Vector3 distanceVector = prevFramePos-transform.position;

                float distMag = distanceVector.magnitude;

                float farHeur = 1.0f;

                // pitch (vertical)
                farHeur = (Vector3.Angle (transform.up, prevFrameUp) / _camera.fieldOfView) * (source.width * 0.75f);
                blurVector.x =  rotationScale * farHeur;//Mathf.Clamp01((1.0ff-Vector3.Dot(transform.up, prevFrameUp)));

                // yaw #1 (horizontal, faded by pitch)
                farHeur = (Vector3.Angle (transform.forward, prevFrameForward) / _camera.fieldOfView) * (source.width * 0.75f);
                blurVector.y = rotationScale * lookUpDown * farHeur;//Mathf.Clamp01((1.0ff-Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, prevFrameForward)));

                // yaw #2 (when looking down, faded by 1-pitch)
                farHeur = (Vector3.Angle (transform.forward, prevFrameForward) / _camera.fieldOfView) * (source.width * 0.75f);
                blurVector.z = rotationScale * (1.0f- lookUpDown) * farHeur;//Mathf.Clamp01((1.0ff-Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, prevFrameForward)));

                if (distMag > Mathf.Epsilon && movementScale > Mathf.Epsilon) {
                    // forward (probably most important)
                    blurVector.w = movementScale * (Vector3.Dot (transform.forward, distanceVector) ) * (source.width * 0.5f);
                    // jump (maybe scale down further)
                    blurVector.x += movementScale * (Vector3.Dot (transform.up, distanceVector) ) * (source.width * 0.5f);
                    // strafe (maybe scale down further)
                    blurVector.y += movementScale * (Vector3.Dot (transform.right, distanceVector) ) * (source.width * 0.5f);

                if (preview) // crude approximation
                    motionBlurMaterial.SetVector ("_BlurDirectionPacked", new Vector4 (previewScale.y, previewScale.x, 0.0f, previewScale.z) * 0.5f * _camera.fieldOfView);
                    motionBlurMaterial.SetVector ("_BlurDirectionPacked", blurVector);
            else {
                // generate velocity buffer
                Graphics.Blit (source, velBuffer, motionBlurMaterial, 0);

                // patch up velocity buffer:

                // exclude certain layers (e.g. skinned objects as we cant really support that atm)

                Camera cam = null;
                if (excludeLayers.value != 0)// || dynamicLayers.value)
                    cam = GetTmpCam ();

                if (cam && excludeLayers.value != 0 && replacementClear && replacementClear.isSupported) {
                    cam.targetTexture = velBuffer;
                    cam.cullingMask = excludeLayers;
                    cam.RenderWithShader (replacementClear, "");

            if (!preview && Time.frameCount != prevFrameCount) {
                // remember current transformation data for next frame
                prevFrameCount = Time.frameCount;
                Remember ();

            source.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;

            // debug vel buffer:
            if (showVelocity) {
                // generate tile max and neighbour max
                //Graphics.Blit (velBuffer, tileMax, motionBlurMaterial, 2);
                //Graphics.Blit (tileMax, neighbourMax, motionBlurMaterial, 3);
                motionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_DisplayVelocityScale", showVelocityScale);
                Graphics.Blit (velBuffer, destination, motionBlurMaterial, 1);
            else {
                if (filterType == MotionBlurFilter.ReconstructionDX11 && !fallbackFromDX11) {
                    // need to reset some parameters for dx11 shader
                    dx11MotionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_MinVelocity", minVelocity);
                    dx11MotionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_VelocityScale", velocityScale);
                    dx11MotionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_Jitter", jitter);

                    // texture samplers
                    dx11MotionBlurMaterial.SetTexture ("_NoiseTex", noiseTexture);
                    dx11MotionBlurMaterial.SetTexture ("_VelTex", velBuffer);
                    dx11MotionBlurMaterial.SetTexture ("_NeighbourMaxTex", neighbourMax);

                    dx11MotionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_SoftZDistance", Mathf.Max(0.00025f, softZDistance) );
                    dx11MotionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_MaxRadiusOrKInPaper", _maxVelocity);

                    // generate tile max and neighbour max
                    Graphics.Blit (velBuffer, tileMax, dx11MotionBlurMaterial, 0);
                    Graphics.Blit (tileMax, neighbourMax, dx11MotionBlurMaterial, 1);

                    // final blur
                    Graphics.Blit (source, destination, dx11MotionBlurMaterial, 2);
                else if (filterType == MotionBlurFilter.Reconstruction || fallbackFromDX11) {
                    // 'reconstructing' properly integrated color
                    motionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_SoftZDistance", Mathf.Max(0.00025f, softZDistance) );

                    // generate tile max and neighbour max
                    Graphics.Blit (velBuffer, tileMax, motionBlurMaterial, 2);
                    Graphics.Blit (tileMax, neighbourMax, motionBlurMaterial, 3);

                    // final blur
                    Graphics.Blit (source, destination, motionBlurMaterial, 4);
                else if (filterType == MotionBlurFilter.CameraMotion) {
                    // orange box style motion blur
                    Graphics.Blit (source, destination, motionBlurMaterial, 6);
                else if (filterType == MotionBlurFilter.ReconstructionDisc) {
                    // dof style motion blur defocuing and ellipse around the princical blur direction
                    // 'reconstructing' properly integrated color
                    motionBlurMaterial.SetFloat ("_SoftZDistance", Mathf.Max(0.00025f, softZDistance) );

                    // generate tile max and neighbour max
                    Graphics.Blit (velBuffer, tileMax, motionBlurMaterial, 2);
                    Graphics.Blit (tileMax, neighbourMax, motionBlurMaterial, 3);

                    Graphics.Blit (source, destination, motionBlurMaterial, 7);
                else {
                    // simple & fast blur (low quality): just blurring along velocity
                    Graphics.Blit (source, destination, motionBlurMaterial, 5);

            // cleanup
            RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary (velBuffer);
            RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary (tileMax);
            RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary (neighbourMax);

        void Remember () {
            prevViewProjMat = currentViewProjMat;
			prevFrameForward = transform.forward;
            prevFrameUp = transform.up;
            prevFramePos = transform.position;
			prevStereoViewProjMat[0] = currentStereoViewProjMat[0];
			prevStereoViewProjMat[1] = currentStereoViewProjMat[1]; 

        Camera GetTmpCam () {
            if (tmpCam == null) {
                string name = "_" + + "_MotionBlurTmpCam";
                GameObject go = GameObject.Find (name);
                if (null == go) // couldn't find, recreate
                    tmpCam = new GameObject (name, typeof (Camera));
                    tmpCam = go;

            tmpCam.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
            tmpCam.transform.position = _camera.transform.position;
            tmpCam.transform.rotation = _camera.transform.rotation;
            tmpCam.transform.localScale = _camera.transform.localScale;

            tmpCam.GetComponent<Camera>().enabled = false;
            tmpCam.GetComponent<Camera>().depthTextureMode = DepthTextureMode.None;
            tmpCam.GetComponent<Camera>().clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing;

            return tmpCam.GetComponent<Camera>();

        void StartFrame () {
            // take only x% of positional changes into account (camera motion)
            // TODO: possibly do the same for rotational part
            prevFramePos = Vector3.Slerp(prevFramePos, transform.position, 0.75f);

        static int divRoundUp (int x, int d)
            return (x + d - 1) / d;