using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Fie.Manager { [FieManagerExists(FieManagerExistSceneFlag.NEVER_DESTROY)] public class FieGameCharacterManager : FieManagerBehaviour { public delegate void GameCharacterCreatedCallback(T createdCharacter) where T : FieGameCharacter; public const float LOAD_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT = 3f; private Dictionary _prefabInfoCache = new Dictionary(); private List _createdObjectList = new List(); protected override void StartUpEntity() { } private void ResetAllCache() { _prefabInfoCache = new Dictionary(); } public void DestroyAllCharacters() { foreach (GameObject createdObject in _createdObjectList) { if (!(createdObject == null)) { PhotonView component = createdObject.GetComponent(); if (component != null) { if (component.isMine) { PhotonNetwork.Destroy(component); } } else { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(createdObject); } } } } private IEnumerator AsyncCreateGameCharacter(string path, GameCharacterCreatedCallback callback, bool isSyncNetwork = true) where T : FieGameCharacter { ResourceRequest loadRequest = Resources.LoadAsync(path); float time = 0f; if (time < 3f && !loadRequest.isDone) { float num = time + Time.deltaTime; yield return (object)null; /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } GameObject loadObject = loadRequest.asset as GameObject; GameObject createdObject = (!isSyncNetwork || PhotonNetwork.offlineMode) ? UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(loadObject,, Quaternion.identity) : PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(path,, Quaternion.identity, 0); createdObject.transform.SetParent(base.transform); createdObject.SetActive(value: true); T createdCharacter = createdObject.GetComponent(); if ((UnityEngine.Object)createdCharacter != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { callback?.Invoke(createdCharacter); } _createdObjectList.Add(createdObject); yield return (object)null; /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } public void CreateGameCharacter(GameCharacterCreatedCallback callback, bool isSyncNetwork = true) where T : FieGameCharacter { string empty = string.Empty; if (!_prefabInfoCache.ContainsKey(typeof(T))) { FiePrefabInfo fiePrefabInfo = (FiePrefabInfo)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(T), typeof(FiePrefabInfo)); if (fiePrefabInfo == null) { return; } _prefabInfoCache[typeof(T)] = fiePrefabInfo; empty = fiePrefabInfo.path; } else { empty = _prefabInfoCache[typeof(T)].path; } if (empty == string.Empty) { Debug.LogError("The FiePrefabInfo dosen't exists! Please check the class : " + typeof(T).FullName); } else { FieManagerBehaviour.I.StartCoroutine(FieManagerBehaviour.I.AsyncCreateGameCharacter(empty, callback, isSyncNetwork)); } } public FieGameCharacter CreateGameCharacter(Type gameCharacterType) { FiePrefabInfo fiePrefabInfo = (FiePrefabInfo)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(gameCharacterType, typeof(FiePrefabInfo)); if (fiePrefabInfo == null) { return null; } GameObject original = Resources.Load(fiePrefabInfo.path) as GameObject; GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(original,, Quaternion.identity); if (gameObject == null) { return null; } return gameObject.GetComponent(); } } }