using Fie.Camera; using Fie.Utility; using System; using UnityEngine; namespace Fie.Manager { public class FieGameCameraManager : FieManagerBehaviour { private static readonly Vector3 defaultCameraOffset = new Vector3(0f, 1.5f, -5.5f); private static readonly Vector3 defaultCameraRotation = new Vector3(2f, 0f, 0f); private Vector3 _sceneCameraOffset = defaultCameraOffset; private Vector3 _sceneCameraRotation = defaultCameraRotation; private FieGameCamera _gameCamera; public FieGameCamera gameCamera => _gameCamera; protected override void StartUpEntity() { if (_gameCamera == null) { _gameCamera = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(); if (_gameCamera == null) { GameObject gameObject = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Manager/FieGameCamera") as GameObject; if (gameObject == null) { throw new Exception("Missing the game camera prefab."); } GameObject gameObject2 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(gameObject,, Quaternion.identity); if (gameObject2 == null) { throw new Exception("Fiald to instantiate the game camera object."); } _gameCamera = gameObject2.GetComponent(); if (_gameCamera == null) { throw new Exception("Game camera component dosen't exists in game camera prefab."); } } } _gameCamera.transform.parent = base.transform; _gameCamera.setCameraOwner(FieManagerBehaviour.I.gameOwnerCharacter); } public void setWiggler(Wiggler.WiggleTemplate template) { gameCamera.setWiggler(template); } public void setWiggler(float totalTime, int wiggleCount, Vector3 wiggleScale) { gameCamera.setWiggler(totalTime, wiggleCount, wiggleScale); } public void setDefaultCameraOffset(Vector3 newDefaultOffset) { _sceneCameraOffset = newDefaultOffset; } public void setDefaultCameraRotation(Vector3 newDefaultRotation) { _sceneCameraRotation = newDefaultRotation; } public Vector3 getDefaultCameraOffset() { return _sceneCameraOffset; } public Vector3 getDefaultCameraRotation() { return _sceneCameraRotation; } } }