using Fie.AI; using Fie.Footstep; using Fie.Manager; using Fie.Object; using Fie.Object.Abilities; using Fie.User; using Fie.Utility; using Fie.Voice; using GameDataEditor; using Spine.Unity; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using UnityEngine; [RequireComponent(typeof(SkeletonUtility))] [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))] [FiePrefabInfo("")] public abstract class FieGameCharacter : FieNetworkObjectBase { private struct FieGameCharacterExternalInputContainer { public Vector3 inputVector; public float inputForce; public float latestSendTime; public bool isDirty; } public enum StateMachineType { Base, Attack, MAXIMUM_MACHINE } public enum IntelligenceType { Controllable = 1, Connection, AI, Auto } public enum SkillTreeSlot { SKILL_TREE_SLOT_1, SKILL_TREE_SLOT_2, SKILL_TREE_SLOT_3, SKILL_TREE_SLOT_4, SKILL_TREE_SLOT_5, MAX_SKILL_TREE_SLOT_NUM } protected delegate bool LoadResourcesDelegate(); public delegate void AbilityActivateDelegate(Type abilityType); public delegate void AbstractStatCheckDelegate(); public delegate void ChangeScoreDelegate(int score, bool isDefeater); public const string COMMON_ANIMATION_MOVE_EVENT_NAME = "move"; public const string COMMON_ANIMATION_FINISHED_EVENT_NAME = "finished"; public const string COMMON_ANIMATION_ATTACK_EVENT_NAME = "fire"; public const string COMMON_ANIMATION_CANCELLABLE = "cancellable"; public const string COMMON_ANIMATION_IMMUNITY = "immunity"; public const string COMMON_ANIMATION_FOOTSTEP = "footstep"; public const float GAME_CHARACTER_JUDGE_TO_FLYING_TIME = 0.05f; public const float GAME_CHARACTER_JUDGE_TO_FLYING_HIGHT = 0.2f; public const float GAME_CHARACTER_DEFAULT_MOVE_FORCE = 30f; public const float GAME_CHARACTER_DEFAULT_MAX_MOVE_SPEED = 5f; public const float GAME_CHARACTER_DEFAULT_GRAVITY = 15f; public const float GAME_CHARACTER_AUTO_FLIP_THRESHOLD = 0.2f; public const float SKELETON_Z_SPACE = 0.002f; private List stackedLoadResouceDelegate = new List(); private FieUser _ownerUser; [SerializeField] private IntelligenceType _intelligenceType = IntelligenceType.Controllable; [SerializeField] private FieEmittableObjectBase.EmitObjectTag _forces; [SerializeField] private SkeletonUtility _skeletonUtility; [SerializeField] private SkeletonAnimation _submeshObject; [SerializeField] private SkeletonUtilityBone _rootBone; [SerializeField] private Transform _centerTransform; [SerializeField] private Transform _guiPointTransform; [SerializeField] private FieDetector _detector; [SerializeField] private FieFootstepPlayer _footstepPlayer; [SerializeField] private int[] _skillTreeSlot = new int[5]; private Rigidbody _rigidBody; private bool _isEndLoadedResources; private bool _isAlive = true; private bool _isEnableMove = true; private bool _isEnableAutoFlip = true; private bool _isFlyingCheck; private float _isFlyingCheckTime; private Vector3 _position =; private Vector3 _externalInputVector =; private float _externalInputForce; private FieGameCharacterExternalInputContainer _externalInputContainer = default(FieGameCharacterExternalInputContainer); private FieGameCharacterExternalInputContainer _latestSendExternalInputContainer = default(FieGameCharacterExternalInputContainer); private Vector3 _latestPosition =; private Vector3 _syncVelocity =; private Vector3 _newVelocity =; private Vector3 _moveForce =; private Vector3 _nowMoveFoce =; private Vector3 _groundPosition =; private Vector3 _anchorOfJudgeToFlying =; private float _nowGravity = 15f; private bool _isSpeakable = true; private bool _roundVelocity; private string _characterName = string.Empty; private string _currentDialogKey = string.Empty; protected bool _isEnableCollider = true; public Vector3 latestDamageWorldPoint; private float _defaultMaxHitPoint; private float _defaultStaggerRegist; private float _defaultMaxShield; private float _defaultRegenerateDelay; private FieGameCharacterBuildData _buildData; private GDESkillTreeData[] _unlockedSkills; private FieSkeletonAnimationController _animationController; private FieEmotion _emotionController; private FieVoiceController _voiceController; public FieHealthStats healthStats; private FieDamageSystem _damageSystem; private FieFriendshipdStats _friendshipStats = new FieFriendshipdStats(); private FieAbilitiesContainer _abilitiesContainer; protected List _colliderList = new List(); private object[] _stateMachine = new object[2]; protected Dictionary abstractStateList = new Dictionary(); private FieFootstepMaterial _currentFootstepMaterial; private float _baseTimeScale = 1f; private float _timeScaleMagni = 1f; private float _timeScaleMagniSec; public int _score; private float _expRate = 1f; public int totalExp; public Vector3 currentMovingVec =; public int score { get { return _score; } set { _score = value; } } public float expRate { get { return _expRate; } set { _expRate = value; } } public SkeletonUtilityBone rootBone => _rootBone; public FieUser ownerUser => _ownerUser; public FieEmittableObjectBase.EmitObjectTag forces { get { return _forces; } set { _forces = value; } } public IntelligenceType intelligenceType { get { return _intelligenceType; } set { _intelligenceType = value; } } public bool isEndLoadedResources => _isEndLoadedResources; public bool isEnableMove { get { return _isEnableMove; } set { isEnableMove = value; } } public bool isEnableAutoFlip { get { return _isEnableAutoFlip; } set { _isEnableAutoFlip = value; } } public Vector3 flipDirectionVector => (base.flipState != 0) ? Vector3.right : Vector3.left; public Vector3 position { get { return base.transform.position; } set { if (base.photonView == null || base.photonView.isMine) { currentMovingVec += (value - base.transform.position) * (1f / Time.deltaTime); base.transform.position = value; } } } public Vector3 groundPosition => _groundPosition; public Vector3 externalInputVector { get { return _externalInputVector; } set { _externalInputVector = value; } } public float externalInputForce { get { return _externalInputForce; } protected set { _externalInputForce = value; } } public FieSkeletonAnimationController animationManager { get { return _animationController; } protected set { _animationController = value; } } public FieEmotion emotionController { get { return _emotionController; } protected set { _emotionController = value; } } public FieVoiceController voiceController { get { return _voiceController; } protected set { _voiceController = value; } } public SkeletonUtility skeletonUtility => _skeletonUtility; public MeshRenderer submeshObject => _submeshObject.meshRenderer; public FieDetector detector => _detector; public FieAbilitiesContainer abilitiesContainer => _abilitiesContainer; public bool isEnableGravity { get { return _rigidBody.useGravity; } set { if (_rigidBody != null) { if (_rigidBody.useGravity != value) { Rigidbody rigidBody = _rigidBody; Vector3 velocity = _rigidBody.velocity; float x = velocity.x; Vector3 velocity2 = _rigidBody.velocity; rigidBody.velocity = new Vector3(x, 0f, velocity2.z); } _rigidBody.useGravity = value; } } } public Transform centerTransform => _centerTransform; public Transform guiPointTransform => _guiPointTransform; public FieDamageSystem damageSystem => _damageSystem; public List colliderList { get { return _colliderList; } set { _colliderList = value; } } public virtual bool isEnableCollider { get { return _isEnableCollider; } set { if (_colliderList.Count > 0) { foreach (FieCollider collider in _colliderList) { collider.isEnable = value; } } _isEnableCollider = value; } } public string characterName { get { return _characterName; } set { _characterName = value; } } public FieFriendshipdStats friendshipStats => _friendshipStats; public FieFootstepPlayer footstepPlayer => _footstepPlayer; public FieFootstepMaterial currentFootstepMaterial => _currentFootstepMaterial; public bool isSpeakable { get { return _isSpeakable; } set { _isSpeakable = value; } } public FieGameCharacterBuildData buildData { get { return _buildData; } set { _buildData = value; } } public GDESkillTreeData[] unlockedSkills { get { return _unlockedSkills; } set { _unlockedSkills = value; } } public float baseTimeScale { get { return _baseTimeScale; } set { _baseTimeScale = value; } } public int[] skillTreeSlot => _skillTreeSlot; public event AbilityActivateDelegate abilityActivateEvent; public event ChangeScoreDelegate changeScoreEvent; private void SetPosition(Vector3 value) { base.transform.position = value; } private IEnumerator LoadBindedResources(List resouceDelegateStack) { if (resouceDelegateStack.Count > 0) { foreach (LoadResourcesDelegate item in resouceDelegateStack) { float time = 0f; if (time < 3f && !item()) { float num = time + Time.deltaTime; yield return (object)null; /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } } _isEndLoadedResources = true; yield return (object)null; /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; IL_012d: /*Error near IL_012e: Unexpected return in MoveNext()*/; } private void calcGravity() { if (isEnableGravity) { if (_nowGravity > 0f) { _rigidBody.velocity += Vector3.down * _nowGravity * Time.deltaTime; } else if (_nowGravity < 0f) { _rigidBody.velocity += Vector3.up * _nowGravity * Time.deltaTime; } } } public void setGravityRate(float rate) { _nowGravity = 15f * rate; } public void setFlipByVector(Vector3 directionalVector) { directionalVector.y = (directionalVector.z = 0f); Vector3 normalized = directionalVector.normalized; if (normalized.x < 0f) { setFlip(FieObjectFlipState.Left); } else { Vector3 normalized2 = directionalVector.normalized; if (normalized2.x > 0f) { setFlip(FieObjectFlipState.Right); } } } public int[] GetUnlockedSkillIDs() { if (_unlockedSkills == null) { return null; } int[] array = new int[_unlockedSkills.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < _unlockedSkills.Length; i++) { array[i] = _unlockedSkills[i].ID; } return array; } public void DirtExternalInputValues() { if (Vector3.Distance(_externalInputContainer.inputVector, _latestSendExternalInputContainer.inputVector) > 0.2f) { sendToChangeExternalInputContainerCommand(); } else if (Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Abs(_externalInputContainer.inputForce) - Mathf.Abs(_latestSendExternalInputContainer.inputForce)) > 0.2f) { sendToChangeExternalInputContainerCommand(); } } public void AddDamage(FieGameCharacter attacker, FieDamage damageObject, bool isPenetration = false) { switch (intelligenceType) { case IntelligenceType.Controllable: if (base.photonView == null || base.photonView.isMine) { _damageSystem.addDamage(attacker, damageObject, isPenetration); } break; case IntelligenceType.AI: if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode) { _damageSystem.addDamage(attacker, damageObject, isPenetration); } else if (attacker != null && attacker.photonView != null && attacker.photonView.owner.isLocal) { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { _damageSystem.addDamage(attacker, damageObject, isPenetration); } else { BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); byte[] array; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { binaryFormatter.Serialize(memoryStream, damageObject); array = memoryStream.ToArray(); } object[] parameters = new object[4] { attacker.photonView.viewID, base.photonView.viewID, isPenetration, array }; base.photonView.RPC("AddDamageRPC", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, parameters); _damageSystem.addDamage(attacker, damageObject, isPenetration); } } break; } } protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); _abilitiesContainer = new FieAbilitiesContainer(this); _rigidBody = GetComponent(); position = base.transform.position; _latestPosition = position; _latestSendExternalInputContainer.latestSendTime = (_externalInputContainer.latestSendTime = Time.time); _latestSendExternalInputContainer.isDirty = (_externalInputContainer.isDirty = false); _stateMachine[0] = new FieStateMachineManager(this, StateMachineType.Base); _stateMachine[1] = new FieStateMachineManager(this, StateMachineType.Attack); _emotionController = new FieEmotion(this); _voiceController = base.gameObject.GetComponent(); _defaultMaxHitPoint = healthStats.maxHitPoint; _defaultStaggerRegist = healthStats.staggerResistance; _defaultMaxShield = healthStats.maxShield; _defaultRegenerateDelay = healthStats.regenerateDelay; _damageSystem = base.gameObject.AddComponent(); InitHealthSystem(); Type type = GetType(); if (typeof(FiePlayableGameCharacterInterface).IsInstanceOfType(this)) { DeployBuildData(); } FieManagerBehaviour.I.DifficultyChangedEvent += DifficultyChangedEvent; detector.targetChangedEvent += ChangedTargetSyncEvent; if (base.photonView != null) { base.photonView.ObservedComponents.Add(this); } _groundPosition = base.transform.position; _isEndLoadedResources = false; initSkillTree(); damageSystem.addStatusEffectCallback(ApplyStatusEffect_CommonBuffAndDebuffToAttack); damageSystem.addStatusEffectCallback(ApplyStatusEffect_CommonBuffAndDebuffToDeffence); damageSystem.addStatusEffectCallback(ApplyStatusEffect_CommonTimeScaler); } private void ApplyStatusEffect_CommonTimeScaler(FieStatusEffectEntityBase statusEffect, FieGameCharacter attacker, FieDamage damage) { if (damage.statusEffects.Count > 0) { foreach (FieStatusEffectEntityBase statusEffect2 in damage.statusEffects) { FieStatusEffectsTimeScalerEntity fieStatusEffectsTimeScalerEntity = statusEffect2 as FieStatusEffectsTimeScalerEntity; if (fieStatusEffectsTimeScalerEntity != null && fieStatusEffectsTimeScalerEntity.isActive) { SetTimeScaleMagni(fieStatusEffectsTimeScalerEntity.targetTimeScale, fieStatusEffectsTimeScalerEntity.duration); } } } } private void ApplyStatusEffect_CommonBuffAndDebuffToDeffence(FieStatusEffectEntityBase statusEffect, FieGameCharacter attacker, FieDamage damage) { if (damage.statusEffects.Count > 0) { foreach (FieStatusEffectEntityBase statusEffect2 in damage.statusEffects) { FieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToDeffenceEntity fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToDeffenceEntity = statusEffect2 as FieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToDeffenceEntity; if (fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToDeffenceEntity != null && fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToDeffenceEntity.isActive) { damageSystem.AddDefenceMagni(fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToDeffenceEntity.skillID, fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToDeffenceEntity.magni, fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToDeffenceEntity.duration, fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToDeffenceEntity.isEnableStack); } } } } private void ApplyStatusEffect_CommonBuffAndDebuffToAttack(FieStatusEffectEntityBase statusEffect, FieGameCharacter attacker, FieDamage damage) { if (damage.statusEffects.Count > 0) { foreach (FieStatusEffectEntityBase statusEffect2 in damage.statusEffects) { FieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToAttackEntity fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToAttackEntity = statusEffect2 as FieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToAttackEntity; if (fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToAttackEntity != null && fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToAttackEntity.isActive) { damageSystem.AddAttackMagni(fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToAttackEntity.skillID, fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToAttackEntity.magni, fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToAttackEntity.duration, fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToAttackEntity.abilityID, fieStatusEffectsBuffAndDebuffToAttackEntity.isEnableStack); } } } } public GDESkillTreeData GetSkill(FieConstValues.FieSkill skillID) { if (_unlockedSkills == null || _unlockedSkills.Length <= 0) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < _unlockedSkills.Length; i++) { if (_unlockedSkills[i].ID == (int)skillID) { return _unlockedSkills[i]; } } return null; } private void DeployBuildData() { if (base.photonView != null && base.photonView.isMine) { FieManagerBehaviour.I.ApplyBuildDataFromSaveData((int)getGameCharacterID(), ref _unlockedSkills); int num = totalExp = FieManagerBehaviour.I.onMemorySaveData.CharacterExp[(int)getGameCharacterID()]; base.photonView.RPC("DeployBuildDataRPC", PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered, num, GetUnlockedSkillIDs()); ApplyPassiveSkills(); } } private void ApplyPassiveSkills() { if (unlockedSkills != null && unlockedSkills.Length > 0) { List list = unlockedSkills.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < unlockedSkills.Length; i++) { if (unlockedSkills[i].RelatedSkill != null && unlockedSkills[i].RelatedSkill.Key != string.Empty) { list.Add(unlockedSkills[i].RelatedSkill); } } unlockedSkills = list.ToArray(); float maxHitPoint = healthStats.maxHitPoint; float maxShield = healthStats.maxShield; float staggerResistance = healthStats.staggerResistance; for (int j = 0; j < unlockedSkills.Length; j++) { if (unlockedSkills[j].GameCharacterType.Key == getCharacterTypeData().Key && unlockedSkills[j].SkillType != null) { switch (unlockedSkills[j].SkillType.ID) { case 6: healthStats.maxHitPoint += maxHitPoint * unlockedSkills[j].Value1; healthStats.maxShield += maxShield * unlockedSkills[j].Value2; break; case 7: healthStats.staggerResistance += staggerResistance * unlockedSkills[j].Value1; break; } } } } } [PunRPC] public void DeployBuildDataRPC(int totalExp, int[] unlockedSkillIDs) { this.totalExp = totalExp; if (unlockedSkillIDs != null && unlockedSkillIDs.Length > 0) { _unlockedSkills = FieMasterData.FindMasterDataList(delegate(GDESkillTreeData data) { for (int i = 0; i < unlockedSkillIDs.Length; i++) { if (unlockedSkillIDs[i] == data.ID) { return true; } } return false; }).ToArray(); ApplyPassiveSkills(); ReCalcSkillData(); } } protected virtual void ReCalcSkillData() { } private void DifficultyChangedEvent() { InitHealthSystem(); } private void InitHealthSystem() { if (forces == FieEmittableObjectBase.EmitObjectTag.ENEMY) { healthStats.maxHitPoint = _defaultMaxHitPoint * FieManagerBehaviour.I.currentEnemyHealthMagnify; healthStats.maxShield = _defaultMaxShield * FieManagerBehaviour.I.currentEnemyHealthMagnify; healthStats.staggerResistance = _defaultStaggerRegist * FieManagerBehaviour.I.currentStaggerRegistMagnify; } else if (forces == FieEmittableObjectBase.EmitObjectTag.PLAYER) { healthStats.regenerateDelay = _defaultRegenerateDelay * FieManagerBehaviour.I.currentPlayerRegenDelayMagnify; } if (_damageSystem != null) { _damageSystem.initHealthSystem(this, ref healthStats); } } protected virtual void Start() { StartCoroutine(LoadBindedResources(stackedLoadResouceDelegate)); _rootBone.mode = SkeletonUtilityBone.Mode.Override; _rootBone.overrideAlpha = 1f; setFlip(base.flipState); } public void ReloadPreloadedResouces() { StartCoroutine(LoadBindedResources(stackedLoadResouceDelegate)); } public void InitializeIntelligenceSystem(IntelligenceType settleType = IntelligenceType.Auto) { if (settleType != IntelligenceType.Auto) { intelligenceType = settleType; } switch (intelligenceType) { case IntelligenceType.Controllable: if (base.gameObject.GetComponent() == null) { FieInputGamePadAndKeyboard fieInputGamePadAndKeyboard = base.gameObject.AddComponent(); fieInputGamePadAndKeyboard.SetOwner(this); } break; case IntelligenceType.AI: if (base.gameObject.GetComponent() == null) { FieAITaskController component = base.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (component == null) { component = base.gameObject.AddComponent(); component.SetOwner(this); } } if (base.gameObject.GetComponent() == null) { FieAIHateController component2 = base.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (component2 == null) { component2 = base.gameObject.AddComponent(); component2.SetOwner(this); } } break; } } protected virtual void Update() { getStateMachine(StateMachineType.Attack).updateState(); getStateMachine().updateState(); if (base.photonView == null || base.photonView.isMine) { damageSystem.updateHealthSystem(Time.deltaTime); } _nowMoveFoce =; if (_isEnableAutoFlip) { Vector3 vector = (!(externalInputVector != || !(externalInputForce > 0.25f)) ? _rigidBody.velocity : externalInputVector; if (vector.x < -0.2f) { setFlip(FieObjectFlipState.Left); } else if (vector.x > 0.2f) { setFlip(FieObjectFlipState.Right); } } UpdateTimeScale(Time.deltaTime); _abilitiesContainer.UpdateCooldown(Time.deltaTime); ref Vector3 groundPosition = ref _groundPosition; Vector3 position = base.transform.position; groundPosition.x = position.x; ref Vector3 groundPosition2 = ref _groundPosition; Vector3 position2 = base.transform.position; groundPosition2.z = position2.z; if (base.flipState == FieObjectFlipState.Left) { base.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(0f, Vector3.up); _skeletonUtility.skeletonAnimation.zSpacing = -0.002f; _skeletonUtility.skeletonRenderer.isFlippedNormal = false; } else { base.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f, Vector3.up); _skeletonUtility.skeletonAnimation.zSpacing = 0.002f; _skeletonUtility.skeletonRenderer.isFlippedNormal = true; } } public void SetTimeScaleMagni(float targetTimeScaleMagni, float duration) { _timeScaleMagni = Mathf.Max(0f, targetTimeScaleMagni); _timeScaleMagniSec = Mathf.Max(0f, duration); } private void UpdateTimeScale(float deltaTime) { if (animationManager != null) { if (_timeScaleMagniSec > 0f) { _timeScaleMagniSec -= Time.deltaTime; } else { _timeScaleMagni = 1f; } animationManager.SetAnimationTimeScale(Mathf.Clamp(baseTimeScale * _timeScaleMagni, 0f, 10f)); } } protected virtual void FixedUpdate() { if (_newVelocity != { if (_roundVelocity) { _rigidBody.velocity = roundMoveVelocity(_newVelocity, _rigidBody.velocity); _roundVelocity = false; } else { _rigidBody.velocity += _newVelocity; } _newVelocity =; } _isFlyingCheckTime += Time.deltaTime; if (!(_isFlyingCheckTime >= 0.05f)) { float y = _anchorOfJudgeToFlying.y; Vector3 position = base.transform.position; if (!(Mathf.Abs(y - position.y) > 0.2f)) { goto IL_00cc; } } base.groundState = FieObjectGroundState.Flying; goto IL_00cc; IL_00cc: if (base.groundState == FieObjectGroundState.Flying || _isFlyingCheck) { calcGravity(); } _nowMoveFoce = _rigidBody.velocity; currentMovingVec += _rigidBody.velocity; _latestPosition = base.transform.position; } private Vector3 roundMoveVelocity(Vector3 _addVelocity, Vector3 _baseVelocity) { Vector3 result = _baseVelocity + _addVelocity; if (Mathf.Abs(result.x) > Mathf.Abs(5f)) { result.x = ((!(result.x < 0f)) ? 5f : (-5f)); } if (Mathf.Abs(result.z) > Mathf.Abs(5f)) { result.z = ((!(result.z < 0f)) ? 5f : (-5f)); } return result; } protected virtual void LateUpdate() { if (base.photonView != null && base.photonView.isMine) { base.photonTransformView.SetSynchronizedValues(currentMovingVec, 0f); } currentMovingVec =; UpdateDialogState(); } private void UpdateDialogState() { if (_currentDialogKey != string.Empty) { if (isSpeakable) { FieManagerBehaviour.I.RequestDialog(this, FieMasterData.I.GetMasterData(_currentDialogKey)); } _currentDialogKey = string.Empty; } } private void OnCollisionStay(Collision collision) { if (collision.transform.tag == "Floor") { bool flag = false; ContactPoint[] contacts = collision.contacts; for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Length; i++) { ContactPoint contactPoint = contacts[i]; flag |= (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.up, contactPoint.normal) > 0.9f); _anchorOfJudgeToFlying = collision.contacts[0].point; } if (flag) { base.groundState = FieObjectGroundState.Grounding; setGravityRate(1f); _isFlyingCheck = false; _isFlyingCheckTime = 0f; ref Vector3 groundPosition = ref _groundPosition; Vector3 position = base.transform.position; groundPosition.y = position.y; } } } private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { if (!(collision.transform.tag != "Floor") && !(collision.gameObject == null)) { bool flag = false; ContactPoint[] contacts = collision.contacts; for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Length; i++) { ContactPoint contactPoint = contacts[i]; flag |= (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.up, contactPoint.normal) > 0.9f); } if (flag) { _currentFootstepMaterial = collision.gameObject.GetComponent(); } } } public void setFlip(FieObjectFlipState flipState) { if (flipState == FieObjectFlipState.Left) { base.flipState = FieObjectFlipState.Left; } else { base.flipState = FieObjectFlipState.Right; } } public void switchFlip() { if (base.flipState == FieObjectFlipState.Left) { setFlip(FieObjectFlipState.Right); } else { setFlip(FieObjectFlipState.Left); } } public Vector3 getNowMoveForce() { return _nowMoveFoce; } public void addMoveForce(Vector3 moveForce, float duration, bool useRound = true) { _newVelocity += moveForce * Time.deltaTime; currentMovingVec += _newVelocity; _roundVelocity |= useRound; } public void setMoveForce(Vector3 moveForce, float duration, bool useRound = true) { Vector3 vector = _rigidBody.velocity + moveForce; _rigidBody.velocity = ((!useRound) ? vector : roundMoveVelocity(vector, _rigidBody.velocity)); } public void resetMoveForce() { _rigidBody.velocity =; } public void adjustMoveForce(float adjustRate) { _rigidBody.velocity *= adjustRate; } public virtual float getDefaultMoveSpeed() { return 30f; } public FieStateMachineManager getStateMachine(StateMachineType type = StateMachineType.Base) { return _stateMachine[(int)type] as FieStateMachineManager; } public FieStateMachineInterface setState(Type state, bool isForceSet, bool isDupulicate, StateMachineType type = StateMachineType.Base) where T : FieGameCharacter { return (_stateMachine[(int)type] as FieStateMachineManager)?.setState(state, isForceSet, isDupulicate); } public FieStateMachineInterface setStateToStatheMachine(Type state, bool isForceSet, bool isDupulicate, StateMachineType type = StateMachineType.Base) { Type entityState = getEntityState(state); MethodInfo method = GetType().GetMethod("setState"); if (method == null) { return null; } MethodInfo methodInfo = method.MakeGenericMethod(GetType()); if (methodInfo == null) { return null; } object[] parameters = new object[4] { entityState, isForceSet, isDupulicate, type }; return methodInfo.Invoke(this, parameters) as FieStateMachineInterface; } public void SetStateActivateCheckCallback(FieStateMachineManager.FieStateMachineActivateCheckDelegate callback, StateMachineType type = StateMachineType.Base) where T : FieStateMachineInterface { (_stateMachine[(int)type] as FieStateMachineManager)?.SetActivateCheckEvent(callback); } public virtual Type getDefaultAITask() { return typeof(FieAITaskCommonIdle); } protected void PreAssignEmittableObject() where T : FieEmittableObjectBase { stackedLoadResouceDelegate.Add(FieManagerBehaviour.I.LoadAsync); } public void UnbindFromDetecter() { if (_colliderList.Count > 0) { foreach (FieCollider collider in _colliderList) { collider.unbindFromDetector(); } } } public Type getEntityState(Type type) { Type type2 = type; if (abstractStateList.ContainsKey(type)) { type2 = abstractStateList[type]; } if (abilitiesContainer.isAbility(type2)) { if (!abilitiesContainer.checkToActivate(this, type2)) { return null; } if (this.abilityActivateEvent != null) { this.abilityActivateEvent(type2); } } return type2; } public void SetExternalForces(Vector3 directionalVec, float force) { externalInputVector = directionalVec; externalInputForce = force; } public GDEWordScriptsListData LotteryWordScriptData(GDEWordScriptTriggerTypeData triggerType) { if (triggerType == null) { return null; } GDEGameCharacterTypeData characterType = getCharacterTypeData(); if (getCharacterTypeData() == null) { return null; } Dictionary dictionary = FieMasterData.I.FindMasterDataDictionary(delegate(GDEWordScriptsListData data) { if (data.Actor.Key != characterType.Key) { return false; } if (data.Trigger.Key != triggerType.Key) { return false; } return true; }); if (dictionary.Count <= 0) { return null; } Lottery lottery = new Lottery(); foreach (KeyValuePair item in dictionary) { lottery.AddItem(item.Value); } if (!lottery.IsExecutable()) { return null; } return lottery.Lot(); } public void SetDialog(GDEWordScriptTriggerTypeData triggerType, int activatePercent = 100) { SetDialog(activatePercent, LotteryWordScriptData(triggerType)); } public void SetDialog(int activatePercent, params GDEWordScriptsListData[] dialogItem) { if (dialogItem != null && dialogItem.Length > 0) { if (activatePercent < 100) { int num = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100) + 1; if (num > activatePercent) { return; } } if (dialogItem.Length == 1) { _currentDialogKey = dialogItem[0].Key; } else { Lottery lottery = new Lottery(); foreach (GDEWordScriptsListData item in dialogItem) { lottery.AddItem(item); } if (lottery.IsExecutable()) { _currentDialogKey = lottery.Lot().Key; } } } } public void SetOwnerUser(FieUser newOwnerUser) { _ownerUser = newOwnerUser; } public void RequestToSetStatusEffect(T statusEffectObject) where T : FieStatusEffectsBase { } public virtual GDEGameCharacterTypeData getCharacterTypeData() { return null; } public FieStateMachineInterface sendStateChangeCommand(FieStateMachineManager stateMachineManager, Type nextState) { if (base.photonView == null || base.photonView.isMine) { FieStateMachineInterface fieStateMachineInterface = Activator.CreateInstance(nextState) as FieStateMachineInterface; if (fieStateMachineInterface == null) { return null; } if (!fieStateMachineInterface.isNotNetworkSync()) { object[] parameters = new object[2] { stateMachineManager.stateMachineType, nextState.FullName }; if (base.photonView != null) { base.photonView.RPC("changeStateRPC", PhotonTargets.Others, parameters); } } return stateMachineManager.SetStateDynamic(nextState); } return null; } [PunRPC] public void changeStateRPC(int stateMachineTypeIntValue, string nextStateName) { Type type = Type.GetType(nextStateName); getStateMachine((StateMachineType)stateMachineTypeIntValue)?.SetStateDynamic(type); } private void sendToChangeExternalInputContainerCommand() { if (base.photonView != null && base.photonView.isMine) { _latestSendExternalInputContainer.inputVector = _externalInputContainer.inputVector; _latestSendExternalInputContainer.inputForce = _externalInputContainer.inputForce; _latestSendExternalInputContainer.latestSendTime = (_externalInputContainer.latestSendTime = Time.time); _externalInputContainer.isDirty = true; object[] parameters = new object[2] { _latestSendExternalInputContainer.inputVector, _latestSendExternalInputContainer.inputForce }; base.photonView.RPC("ChangeExternalInputValuesRPC", PhotonTargets.Others, parameters); } } [PunRPC] public void ChangeExternalInputValuesRPC(Vector3 inputVector, float inputForce) { _externalInputVector = inputVector; _externalInputForce = inputForce; } private void ChangedTargetSyncEvent(FieGameCharacter fromCharacter, FieGameCharacter toCharacter) { if (!(toCharacter == null) && base.photonView != null && base.photonView.isMine) { PhotonView component = toCharacter.GetComponent(); if (!(component == null)) { object[] parameters = new object[1] { component.viewID }; base.photonView.RPC("ChangeTargetRPC", PhotonTargets.Others, parameters); } } } [PunRPC] public void ChangeTargetRPC(int viewID) { PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Find(viewID); if (photonView == null) { detector.setLockonTargetDynamic(null); } else { FieGameCharacter component = photonView.GetComponent(); if (component != null) { detector.setLockonTargetDynamic(component); } } } [PunRPC] public void AddDamageRPC(int attackerViewID, int targetViewID, bool isPenetration, byte[] damageObject) { PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Find(attackerViewID); PhotonView photonView2 = PhotonView.Find(targetViewID); if (!(photonView == null) && !(photonView2 == null)) { FieGameCharacter component = photonView.GetComponent(); FieGameCharacter component2 = photonView2.GetComponent(); if (component2 != null) { MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); memoryStream.Write(damageObject, 0, damageObject.Length); memoryStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); FieDamage damageObject2 = (FieDamage)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(memoryStream); component2.damageSystem.addDamage(component, damageObject2, isPenetration); } } } [PunRPC] public void ChangeViewIDRPC(int viewID) { base.photonView.viewID = viewID; } [PunRPC] public void SetScoreRPC(int score, bool isDefeater) { _score += score; if (this.changeScoreEvent != null) { this.changeScoreEvent(score, isDefeater); } } public void ReduceOrIncreaseScore(int score, bool isDefeater) { object[] parameters = new object[2] { score, isDefeater }; base.photonView.RPC("SetScoreRPC", PhotonTargets.Others, parameters); SetScoreRPC(score, isDefeater); } public virtual void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info) { if (stream.isWriting) { stream.SendNext(_externalInputVector); stream.SendNext(_externalInputForce); stream.SendNext(healthStats.maxHitPoint); stream.SendNext(healthStats.maxShield); stream.SendNext(healthStats.hitPoint); stream.SendNext(healthStats.shield); } else { _externalInputVector = (Vector3)stream.ReceiveNext(); _externalInputForce = (float)stream.ReceiveNext(); healthStats.maxHitPoint = (float)stream.ReceiveNext(); healthStats.maxShield = (float)stream.ReceiveNext(); healthStats.hitPoint = (float)stream.ReceiveNext(); healthStats.shield = (float)stream.ReceiveNext(); } } protected virtual void initSkillTree() { } public GDEGameCharacterTypeData getGameCharacterTypeData() { return FieMasterData.FindMasterData(delegate(GDEGameCharacterTypeData data) { if (data.ID == (int)getGameCharacterID()) { return true; } return false; }); } public abstract Type getDefaultAttackState(); public abstract FieConstValues.FieGameCharacter getGameCharacterID(); public abstract string getDefaultName(); public abstract void RequestToChangeState(Vector3 directionalVec, float force, StateMachineType type) where T : FieStateMachineInterface; public abstract FieStateMachineInterface getDefaultState(StateMachineType type); }