using ExitGames.Client.Photon; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; [RequireComponent(typeof(PhotonView))] public class OnAwakeUsePhotonView : Photon.MonoBehaviour { // tries to send an RPC as soon as this script awakes (e.g. immediately when instantiated) void Awake() { if (!this.photonView.isMine) { return; } // Debug.Log("OnAwakeSendRPC.Awake() of " + this + " photonView: " + this.photonView + " this.photonView.instantiationData: " + this.photonView.instantiationData); this.photonView.RPC("OnAwakeRPC", PhotonTargets.All); } // tries to send an RPC as soon as this script starts (e.g. immediately when instantiated) void Start() { if (!this.photonView.isMine) { return; } // Debug.Log("OnAwakeSendRPC.Start() of " + this + " photonView: " + this.photonView); this.photonView.RPC("OnAwakeRPC", PhotonTargets.All, (byte)1); } [PunRPC] public void OnAwakeRPC() { Debug.Log("RPC: 'OnAwakeRPC' PhotonView: " + this.photonView); } [PunRPC] public void OnAwakeRPC(byte myParameter) { Debug.Log("RPC: 'OnAwakeRPC' Parameter: " + myParameter + " PhotonView: " + this.photonView); } }