// Cinema Suite
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
namespace CinemaDirector.Helpers
/// Holds info related to reverting objects to a former state.
public class RevertInfo
private MonoBehaviour MonoBehaviour;
private Type Type;
private object Instance;
private MemberInfo[] MemberInfo;
private object value;
/// Set up a revert info for a static object.
/// The MonoBehaviour that is making this RevertInfo.
/// The type of the static object
/// The member name of the field/property/method to be called on revert.
/// The current value you want to save.
public RevertInfo(MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour, Type type, string memberName, object value)
this.MonoBehaviour = monoBehaviour;
this.Type = type;
this.value = value;
this.MemberInfo = Type.GetMember(memberName);
/// Set up Revert Info for an instance object.
/// The MonoBehaviour that is making this RevertInfo.
/// The instance of the object you want to save.
/// The member name of the field/property/method to be called on revert.
/// The current value you want to save.
public RevertInfo(MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour, object obj, string memberName, object value)
this.MonoBehaviour = monoBehaviour;
this.Instance = obj;
this.Type = obj.GetType();
this.value = value;
this.MemberInfo = Type.GetMember(memberName);
/// Revert the given object to its former state.
public void Revert()
if (MemberInfo != null && MemberInfo.Length > 0)
if (MemberInfo[0] is FieldInfo)
FieldInfo fi = (MemberInfo[0] as FieldInfo);
if (fi.IsStatic || (!fi.IsStatic && Instance != null))
fi.SetValue(Instance, value);
else if (MemberInfo[0] is PropertyInfo)
PropertyInfo pi = (MemberInfo[0] as PropertyInfo);
//if (Instance != null)
pi.SetValue(Instance, value, null);
else if (MemberInfo[0] is MethodInfo)
MethodInfo mi = (MemberInfo[0] as MethodInfo);
if (mi.IsStatic || (!mi.IsStatic && Instance != null))
object[] values = new object[] { value };
mi.Invoke(Instance, values);
/// Should we apply this revert in runtime.
public RevertMode RuntimeRevert
return (MonoBehaviour as IRevertable).RuntimeRevertMode;
/// Should we apply this revert in the editor.
public RevertMode EditorRevert
return (MonoBehaviour as IRevertable).EditorRevertMode;