namespace UnityEngine.PostProcessing { public sealed class BloomComponent : PostProcessingComponentRenderTexture { static class Uniforms { internal static readonly int _AutoExposure = Shader.PropertyToID("_AutoExposure"); internal static readonly int _Threshold = Shader.PropertyToID("_Threshold"); internal static readonly int _Curve = Shader.PropertyToID("_Curve"); internal static readonly int _PrefilterOffs = Shader.PropertyToID("_PrefilterOffs"); internal static readonly int _SampleScale = Shader.PropertyToID("_SampleScale"); internal static readonly int _BaseTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_BaseTex"); internal static readonly int _BloomTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_BloomTex"); internal static readonly int _Bloom_Settings = Shader.PropertyToID("_Bloom_Settings"); internal static readonly int _Bloom_DirtTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_Bloom_DirtTex"); internal static readonly int _Bloom_DirtIntensity = Shader.PropertyToID("_Bloom_DirtIntensity"); } const int k_MaxPyramidBlurLevel = 16; readonly RenderTexture[] m_BlurBuffer1 = new RenderTexture[k_MaxPyramidBlurLevel]; readonly RenderTexture[] m_BlurBuffer2 = new RenderTexture[k_MaxPyramidBlurLevel]; public override bool active { get { return model.enabled && model.settings.bloom.intensity > 0f && !context.interrupted; } } public void Prepare(RenderTexture source, Material uberMaterial, Texture autoExposure) { var bloom = model.settings.bloom; var lensDirt = model.settings.lensDirt; var material = context.materialFactory.Get("Hidden/Post FX/Bloom"); material.shaderKeywords = null; // Apply auto exposure before the prefiltering pass material.SetTexture(Uniforms._AutoExposure, autoExposure); // Do bloom on a half-res buffer, full-res doesn't bring much and kills performances on // fillrate limited platforms var tw = context.width / 2; var th = context.height / 2; // Blur buffer format // TODO: Extend the use of RGBM to the whole chain for mobile platforms var useRGBM = Application.isMobilePlatform; var useRGB111110 = SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat(RenderTextureFormat.RGB111110Float); var rtFormat = useRGBM ? RenderTextureFormat.Default : useRGB111110 ? RenderTextureFormat.RGB111110Float : RenderTextureFormat.DefaultHDR; // Determine the iteration count float logh = Mathf.Log(th, 2f) + bloom.radius - 8f; int logh_i = (int)logh; int iterations = Mathf.Clamp(logh_i, 1, k_MaxPyramidBlurLevel); // Uupdate the shader properties float lthresh = bloom.thresholdLinear; material.SetFloat(Uniforms._Threshold, lthresh); float knee = lthresh * bloom.softKnee + 1e-5f; var curve = new Vector3(lthresh - knee, knee * 2f, 0.25f / knee); material.SetVector(Uniforms._Curve, curve); material.SetFloat(Uniforms._PrefilterOffs, bloom.antiFlicker ? -0.5f : 0f); float sampleScale = 0.5f + logh - logh_i; material.SetFloat(Uniforms._SampleScale, sampleScale); // TODO: Probably can disable antiFlicker if TAA is enabled - need to do some testing if (bloom.antiFlicker) material.EnableKeyword("ANTI_FLICKER"); // Prefilter pass var prefiltered = context.renderTextureFactory.Get(tw, th, 0, rtFormat); Graphics.Blit(source, prefiltered, material, 0); // Construct a mip pyramid var last = prefiltered; for (int level = 0; level < iterations; level++) { m_BlurBuffer1[level] = context.renderTextureFactory.Get( last.width / 2, last.height / 2, 0, rtFormat ); int pass = (level == 0) ? 1 : 2; Graphics.Blit(last, m_BlurBuffer1[level], material, pass); last = m_BlurBuffer1[level]; } // Upsample and combine loop for (int level = iterations - 2; level >= 0; level--) { var baseTex = m_BlurBuffer1[level]; material.SetTexture(Uniforms._BaseTex, baseTex); m_BlurBuffer2[level] = context.renderTextureFactory.Get( baseTex.width, baseTex.height, 0, rtFormat ); Graphics.Blit(last, m_BlurBuffer2[level], material, 3); last = m_BlurBuffer2[level]; } var bloomTex = last; // Release the temporary buffers for (int i = 0; i < k_MaxPyramidBlurLevel; i++) { if (m_BlurBuffer1[i] != null) context.renderTextureFactory.Release(m_BlurBuffer1[i]); if (m_BlurBuffer2[i] != null && m_BlurBuffer2[i] != bloomTex) context.renderTextureFactory.Release(m_BlurBuffer2[i]); m_BlurBuffer1[i] = null; m_BlurBuffer2[i] = null; } context.renderTextureFactory.Release(prefiltered); // Push everything to the uber material uberMaterial.SetTexture(Uniforms._BloomTex, bloomTex); uberMaterial.SetVector(Uniforms._Bloom_Settings, new Vector2(sampleScale, bloom.intensity)); if (lensDirt.intensity > 0f && lensDirt.texture != null) { uberMaterial.SetTexture(Uniforms._Bloom_DirtTex, lensDirt.texture); uberMaterial.SetFloat(Uniforms._Bloom_DirtIntensity, lensDirt.intensity); uberMaterial.EnableKeyword("BLOOM_LENS_DIRT"); } else { uberMaterial.EnableKeyword("BLOOM"); } } } }