Version =; CParticleEffect $LOCAL$/Resource { OnSpawn = "$LOCAL$/Spawner"; LayerGroups = { "$LOCAL$/LightningRay", "$LOCAL$/LightningHit", }; CustomAttributes = "$LOCAL$/_GlobalAttributes"; Autostart = true; } CActionFactoryParticleSpawnerBase $LOCAL$/Probes { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; Descriptor = "$LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_AE135B2A"; Infinite = true; DurationInSeconds = 2.0000000e+000; SpawnCount = 1.5000000e+003; FluxFactorExpression = "Flux"; } CParticleDescriptor $LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_AE135B2A { CustomFields = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_A86DAC34", }; CustomEvents = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleEventDeclaration_33B6E507", }; SpawnEvaluator = "$LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_5566F5E7"; States = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleState_3AF8190E", }; } CActionFactoryWithChilds $LOCAL$/Spawner { ChildList = { "$LOCAL$/Probes", "$LOCAL$/Flash", }; } CParticleSamplerCurve $LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_4CFA78DF { Times = { 0.0000000e+000, 6.5009765e-002, 4.4999999e-001, 5.0000000e-001, 1.0000000e+000, }; FloatValues = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 6.2412813e-002, 1.2338459e-001, 6.4422809e-002, }; FloatTangents = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 1.4613295e-001, 3.6763481e-003, 4.7746004e-004, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, }; MinLimits = float4(0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); } CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression $LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_5566F5E7 { Expression = "function void Eval() { // instant kill, this is a dummy particle whose sole purpose is to probe the scene Life = 0.0; } function void PostEval() { // here, all our Position, Velocity, etc.. are in worldspace. // we can query the scene for intersections using these: float3 probeDir = vrand(); float halfProbeVar = ProbeLength * (0.5 * ProbeRandomVariation); float4 it = scene.intersect(Position, probeDir, ProbeLength + rand(-halfProbeVar, +halfProbeVar)); int hasHit = it.w != infinity; float3 contactNormal =; float3 toContactPoint = probeDir * it.w - contactNormal * 0.01; // offset a bit from the contact surface; // here, we\'ll use a trick that consists of using the Velocity to // send a float3 information to the child layer we\'re going to trigger. // it knows our position (it will be instantiated there) // but it also needs to know the contact point we want it to shoot at. Velocity = toContactPoint; OnProbeHit.trigger(hasHit); } "; } CParticleState $LOCAL$/CParticleState_3AF8190E { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; StateName = "State_0"; } CParticleSamplerCurve $LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_F67EA027 { Times = { 0.0000000e+000, 4.9521124e-001, 1.0000000e+000, }; FloatValues = { 1.0000000e+000, 1.9575076e+000, 1.0000000e+000, }; FloatTangents = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, }; MinLimits = float4(0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); } CParticleAttributeList $LOCAL$/_GlobalAttributes { AttributeList = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleAttributeDeclaration_832FE16F", "$LOCAL$/CParticleAttributeDeclaration_9BDD555E", "$LOCAL$/CParticleAttributeDeclaration_6085D8ED", }; } CParticleState $LOCAL$/CParticleState_FE8D438A { StateName = "State_0"; Evolvers = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Localspace_87E3226F", }; } CParticleFieldDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_A86DAC34 { FieldName = "Velocity"; FieldType = float3; TransformFilter = rotate; } CParticleEventDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleEventDeclaration_33B6E507 { EventName = "OnProbeHit"; EventAction = "$LOCAL$/LightningRay"; } CActionFactoryParticleSpawnerBase $LOCAL$/LightningRay { Descriptor = "$LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_726054D6"; } CParticleDescriptor $LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_726054D6 { InheritInitialVelocity = 1.0000000e+000; CustomFields = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_C5BEE352", }; CustomEvents = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleEventDeclaration_03F75AC6", }; SpawnEvaluator = "$LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_860E8951"; States = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleState_10173ACB", }; } CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression $LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_860E8951 { Expression = "function void Eval() { Life = 0.1; } function void PostEval() { // the Velocity we inherit from the parent trigger is set to the vector that goes // from our position to the contact point. as we use that vector as a velocity in units/s // we\'d need one second to reach the contact point. // as we only live 0.1 seconds, and still want to reach that destination, // increase the velocity by 1/0.1 = 10 : Velocity /= 0.1; } "; } CParticleFieldDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_6977655B { FieldName = "Color"; FieldType = float4; } CParticleState $LOCAL$/CParticleState_10173ACB { StateName = "State_0"; Evolvers = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Physics_B66CBBEA", "$LOCAL$/LightningBeam", }; } CParticleEvolver_Physics $LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Physics_B66CBBEA { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; CustomName = "Physics"; WorldInteractionMode = OneWay; DieOnContact = true; } CParticleEvolver_Spawner $LOCAL$/LightningBeam { CustomName = "Spawner"; FirstSpawnDelay = 3.0000001e-001; Descriptor = "$LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_6296BB4F"; FluxFunction = "$LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_F67EA027"; } CParticleState $LOCAL$/CParticleState_AE6FB75C { StateName = "State_0"; Evolvers = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Physics_8D148890", "$LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Field_1D536061", "$LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Field_61875AAC", "$LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Script_3C551184", }; } CParticleDescriptor $LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_6296BB4F { InheritInitialVelocity = 1.0000000e+000; Renderer = "$LOCAL$/CParticleRenderer_Ribbon_406A8A93"; CustomFields = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_D2BCBB7D", "$LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_6977655B", "$LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_8733F1BA", }; Samplers = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerProceduralTurbulence_83944BA6", "$LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_02FE3605", "$LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_358C32D4", }; SpawnEvaluator = "$LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_B9DE44BE"; States = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleState_AE6FB75C", }; } CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression $LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_B9DE44BE { Expression = "function void Eval() { Life = 0.2; TextureID = rand(0,16); // random lightning texture from the atlas, for the ribbon ColorCoeff = ColorCoeffLookup.sample(spawner.LifeRatio); } function void PostEval() { // here, we use the same trick as in the Probes -> LightningRay layers. // we can reconstruct the vector from the start of the lightning to the hit-point // by grabbing the parent\'s velocity. (we have \'InheritInitialVelocity\' set to 1.0) // this works because the parent particle doesn\'t modify its velocity. // its physics evolver has neither gravity nor friction. // also, the parent particle has its velocity multiplied by 10. // to reconstruct the original move length, divide by 10. // here, we use the move length to scale the displacements. // very short lightning rays will be less displaced by the turbulence // than very long ones: float scale = sqrt(length(Velocity)) * 1.0; // defines the scale of the \'random walk\' shape float moveLength = scale * 0.8; // defines the intensity of the \'random walk\' // the displacement also depends on the particle\'s location along the lighting ray. // we use \'spawner.LifeRatio\' for this. it\'s 0 at the start of the ray, and 1 at the end. float weight = DisplacementWeight.sample(spawner.LifeRatio) * moveLength; float3 turbulence = Turb.sample(Position / scale); // sample the turbulence. Velocity = (turbulence + float3(0,0.3,0)) * weight; // add a small up velocity Position += turbulence * weight * 0.05; } "; } CParticleEvolver_Physics $LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Physics_8D148890 { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; CustomName = "Physics"; } CParticleRenderer_Ribbon $LOCAL$/CParticleRenderer_Ribbon_406A8A93 { CustomName = "Ribbon"; BillboardingMaterial = Additive_NoAlpha; Diffuse = "Textures/FX/Lightning_05.png"; AtlasDefinition = "Textures/FX/AtlasX4.pkat"; } CParticleFieldDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_C5BEE352 { FieldName = "RibbonU"; } CParticleFieldDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_D2BCBB7D { FieldName = "TextureID"; } CParticleEvolver_Script $LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Script_3C551184 { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; CustomName = "Script"; Expression = "$LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_FD648C97"; } CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression $LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_FD648C97 { Expression = "function void Eval() { Color *= ColorCoeff; } "; } CParticleSamplerProceduralTurbulence $LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerProceduralTurbulence_83944BA6 { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; SamplerName = "Turb"; Wavelength = 1.0000000e-001; Strength = 5.3033005e-002; Gain = 1.0000000e+000; TimeScale = 1.0000000e+000; TimeBase = 2.0000000e+000; } CParticleEvolver_Field $LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Field_1D536061 { CustomName = "Field"; Name = "Color"; Evaluator = "$LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_D9406638"; } CParticleSamplerCurve $LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_D9406638 { ValueType = Float4; Times = { 0.0000000e+000, 1.4865017e-001, 4.4999999e-001, 5.0000000e-001, 1.0000000e+000, }; FloatValues = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 1.0334474e-001, 2.6361281e-001, 7.1384251e-001, 8.3447212e-001, 1.1119616e-001, 3.0828416e-001, 7.8421211e-001, 9.0337712e-001, 3.4852638e+000, 9.4640656e+000, 5.1027214e+001, 9.5917916e-001, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, }; FloatTangents = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 3.0225569e-001, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 6.1274534e-001, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 3.8951990e-001, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 6.4629212e-002, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, -7.0983033e+000, -1.8537035e+001, -1.0219292e+002, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, }; MinLimits = float4(0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); } CParticleFieldDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_8733F1BA { FieldName = "ColorCoeff"; } CParticleSamplerCurve $LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_02FE3605 { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; SamplerName = "ColorCoeffLookup"; Times = { 0.0000000e+000, 1.0000000e+000, }; FloatValues = { 1.0483411e+001, 1.3673043e-001, }; FloatTangents = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, -1.5378418e+001, 0.0000000e+000, }; MinLimits = float4(0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); } CParticleEvolver_Field $LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Field_61875AAC { CustomName = "Field"; Name = "Size"; Evaluator = "$LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_4CFA78DF"; } CParticleSamplerCurve $LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_358C32D4 { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; SamplerName = "DisplacementWeight"; Times = { 0.0000000e+000, 4.9999997e-002, 2.4846181e-001, 7.6148897e-001, 1.0000000e+000, }; FloatValues = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 8.6095601e-001, 8.5956806e-001, 0.0000000e+000, }; FloatTangents = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 1.0054991e+000, 4.3767360e-001, 1.1313937e+000, -9.1121650e-001, -4.2363286e-001, -7.7890837e-001, 0.0000000e+000, }; MinLimits = float4(0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); } CParticleFieldDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_26012A5E { FieldName = "Color"; FieldType = float4; } CParticleEvolver_Localspace $LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Localspace_87E3226F { CustomName = "Localspace"; } CActionFactoryParticleSpawnerBase $LOCAL$/Flash { Descriptor = "$LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_D0024371"; Infinite = true; ContinuousSpawner = false; } CParticleDescriptor $LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_D0024371 { Renderer = "$LOCAL$/CParticleRenderer_Billboard_040A3BEB"; CustomFields = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_26012A5E", }; SpawnEvaluator = "$LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_A0287E88"; States = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleState_FE8D438A", }; } CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression $LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_A0287E88 { Expression = "function void Eval() { Life = 2; Size = 0.12; Color = float4(1,2,10,1) * 2.5; } "; } CParticleRenderer_Billboard $LOCAL$/CParticleRenderer_Billboard_040A3BEB { CustomName = "Billboard"; BillboardingMaterial = Additive_NoAlpha; Diffuse = "Textures/FX/BB_Glow_02_64.tga"; } CParticleAttributeDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleAttributeDeclaration_832FE16F { AttributeName = "ProbeLength"; AttributeDescription = "Average length of probe-rays cast in the scene\\nThe rays are randomly cast on a sphere.\\nThis attribute directly controls the radius of that sphere."; DefaultValueF4 = float4(3.5000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); HasMin = true; HasMax = true; MaxValueF4 = float4(2.0000000e+001, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); } CParticleAttributeDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleAttributeDeclaration_9BDD555E { AttributeName = "ProbeRandomVariation"; AttributeDescription = "Random variation on the probe-rays length.\\nAs a fraction of their original length."; DefaultValueF4 = float4(2.0000000e-001, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); HasMin = true; HasMax = true; MaxValueF4 = float4(1.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); } CActionFactoryParticleSpawnerBase $LOCAL$/Sparks { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; Delay = 1.0000000e-001; Descriptor = "$LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_E47A4733"; SpawnCount = 1.0000000e+001; SpawnCountRelativeRandomDeviation = 5.1968497e-001; } CParticleDescriptor $LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_E47A4733 { Renderer = "$LOCAL$/CParticleRenderer_Billboard_68EB8B1D"; CustomFields = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_C72A5DFB", }; Samplers = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerShape_697E0E01", }; SpawnEvaluator = "$LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_C3150C72"; States = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleState_EEDE49A4", }; } CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression $LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_C3150C72 { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; Expression = "function void Eval() { float energy = pow(rand(0,1),2); Life = 0.15 + energy * 0.5; Size = 0.01; Velocity = StartVelocity.samplePosition() * (0.1 + energy * 2); } "; } CParticleRenderer_Billboard $LOCAL$/CParticleRenderer_Billboard_68EB8B1D { CustomName = "Billboard"; BillboardingMaterial = Additive_NoAlpha; Diffuse = "Textures/FX/BB_Glow_043_64.png"; BillboardMode = VelocityCapsuleAlign; AxisScale = 5.0000001e-002; } CParticleState $LOCAL$/CParticleState_EEDE49A4 { StateName = "State_0"; Evolvers = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Physics_CB2C1737", "$LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Field_2D1006DA", }; } CParticleEvolver_Physics $LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Physics_CB2C1737 { CustomName = "Physics"; ConstantAcceleration = float3(0.0000000e+000, -2.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); } CParticleEventDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleEventDeclaration_03F75AC6 { EventName = "OnCollide"; EventAction = "$LOCAL$/LightningHit"; } CParticleSamplerShape $LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerShape_697E0E01 { SamplerName = "StartVelocity"; Shape = "$LOCAL$/CShapeDescriptor_7F63D458"; } CShapeDescriptor $LOCAL$/CShapeDescriptor_7F63D458 { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; Position = float3(0.0000000e+000, 5.0000001e-002, 0.0000000e+000); ShapeType = COMPLEX_ELLIPSOID; Radius = 2.5000000e-001; CutPlane = 5.0000000e-001; } CParticleFieldDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_C72A5DFB { FieldName = "Color"; FieldType = float4; } CParticleEvolver_Field $LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Field_2D1006DA { CustomName = "Field"; Name = "Color"; Evaluator = "$LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_83F361A5"; } CParticleSamplerCurve $LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_83F361A5 { ValueType = Float4; Times = { 0.0000000e+000, 6.6198356e-002, 1.0000000e+000, }; FloatValues = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 1.2034655e+000, 4.8907104e+000, 2.3392933e+001, 1.0055624e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, }; FloatTangents = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, -1.2091321e-001, -4.4742250e-001, -2.2881224e+000, 0.0000000e+000, -1.7056158e+000, -6.3113933e+000, -3.2276520e+001, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, }; MinLimits = float4(0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); } CActionFactoryWithChilds $LOCAL$/LightningHit { ChildList = { "$LOCAL$/Sparks", "$LOCAL$/Light", }; } CActionFactoryParticleSpawnerBase $LOCAL$/Light { EditorInfosIsBlockMinimized = 0; Descriptor = "$LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_04E81ECC"; } CParticleDescriptor $LOCAL$/CParticleDescriptor_04E81ECC { Renderer = "$LOCAL$/CParticleRenderer_Light_DCEA9FC3"; CustomFields = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_D18902F4", }; SpawnEvaluator = "$LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_056A7F7F"; States = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleState_9150CA09", }; } CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression $LOCAL$/CCompilerSyntaxNodeExpression_056A7F7F { Expression = "function void Eval() { Life = 0.15; Size = 0.8; } "; } CParticleRenderer_Light $LOCAL$/CParticleRenderer_Light_DCEA9FC3 { CustomName = "Light"; BillboardingMaterial = Lighting_SplatPass_Spec; LightIntensityMultiplier = 2.0000000e+000; LightRadiusMultiplier = 1.5000000e+000; } CParticleState $LOCAL$/CParticleState_9150CA09 { StateName = "State_0"; Evolvers = { "$LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Field_70F90842", }; } CParticleEvolver_Field $LOCAL$/CParticleEvolver_Field_70F90842 { CustomName = "Field"; Name = "Color"; Evaluator = "$LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_C3EE4B2D"; } CParticleSamplerCurve $LOCAL$/CParticleSamplerCurve_C3EE4B2D { ValueType = Float4; Times = { 0.0000000e+000, 1.4999999e-001, 1.0000000e+000, }; FloatValues = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 9.9309075e-001, 1.8677766e+000, 4.6116023e+000, 9.9309075e-001, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, }; FloatTangents = { 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, }; MinLimits = float4(0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); } CParticleFieldDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleFieldDeclaration_D18902F4 { FieldName = "Color"; FieldType = float4; } CParticleAttributeDeclaration $LOCAL$/CParticleAttributeDeclaration_6085D8ED { AttributeName = "Flux"; AttributeDescription = "Controls the amount of probe-rays.\\nmutiplier applied to the spawn rate of the \'Probes\' layer"; DefaultValueF4 = float4(5.0000000e-001, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); HasMin = true; HasMax = true; MaxValueF4 = float4(1.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000, 0.0000000e+000); }