using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class RopeTubeRenderer { public bool calculateTangents = false; // turn off to boost performance, results in odd reflections GameObject _gameObject; public GameObject gameObject { get { return _gameObject; } } Transform _transform; public Transform transform { get { return _transform; } } int targetVertexCount; // points.Length * ( edgeCount+1 ) one extra hidden edge for UV wrapping // user manipulated variables // Vector3[] points = new Vector3[0]; float radius = 0.5f; float[] radiuses; int edgeCount = 12; // minimum is three Color[] pointColors; Rect capUVRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); Rect bodyUVRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); // internal variables // Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[0]; Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[0]; int[] triangles; Vector2[] uvs; Vector4[] tangents = new Vector4[0]; Color[] colors; Vector3[] circleLookup; Quaternion[] rotations = new Quaternion[0]; MeshFilter filter; bool updateCircleLookupFlag; bool updateUVsFlag; bool updateTrianglesFlag; bool updateTangentsFlag; bool updateColorsFlag; bool redrawFlag; bool pointCountChanged; const float TWO_PI = Mathf.PI * 2; Vector3 pastUp; // used for calculating the rotation public Vector3 up { get { return pastUp != ? pastUp : Vector3.up; } set { pastUp = value; } } private Mesh _mesh; public Mesh mesh { get { return _mesh; } } public RopeTubeRenderer(GameObject _gameObject, bool useMeshOnly) { if (!useMeshOnly) { this._gameObject = _gameObject; this._transform = _gameObject.transform; // ensure necessary components // MeshFilter filter = _gameObject.GetComponent(); if (filter == null) filter = _gameObject.AddComponent(); MeshRenderer renderer = _gameObject.GetComponent(); if (renderer == null) renderer = _gameObject.AddComponent(); _mesh = new Mesh(); = "RopeTube_" + _gameObject.GetInstanceID(); filter.mesh = _mesh; if (renderer.sharedMaterial == null) renderer.sharedMaterial = (Material)Resources.Load("Materials/Rope", typeof(Material)); } else { this._gameObject = _gameObject; this._transform = _gameObject.transform; _mesh = new Mesh(); = "RopeTube_" + _gameObject.GetInstanceID(); } } public void Update() { if (points.Length == 0) return; if (updateCircleLookupFlag) { UpdateCircleLookup(); } if (updateUVsFlag) { UpdateUVs(); } if (updateTangentsFlag && calculateTangents) { UpdateTangents(); } if (updateTrianglesFlag) { UpdateTriangles(); } if (redrawFlag) { ReDraw(); } if (updateColorsFlag) { UpdateColors(); } updateCircleLookupFlag = false; updateTangentsFlag = false; updateTrianglesFlag = false; updateUVsFlag = false; redrawFlag = false; updateColorsFlag = false; } void ReDraw() { // update array length // if (vertices.Length != targetVertexCount) { _mesh.triangles = new int[0]; // avoid "Mesh.vertices is too small" error message vertices = new Vector3[targetVertexCount]; } if (normals.Length != targetVertexCount) normals = new Vector3[targetVertexCount]; int v = 1 + edgeCount + 1; // start beyond the start cap Vector3 minBounds = new Vector3(10000, 10000, 10000); Vector3 maxBounds = new Vector3(-10000, -10000, -10000); for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++) { //rotations[p] *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0); if (radiuses != null) { // check min an max bounds // if (points[p].x - radiuses[p] < minBounds.x) minBounds.x = points[p].x - radiuses[p]; if (points[p].y - radiuses[p] < minBounds.y) minBounds.y = points[p].y - radiuses[p]; if (points[p].z - radiuses[p] < minBounds.z) minBounds.z = points[p].z - radiuses[p]; if (points[p].x + radiuses[p] > maxBounds.x) maxBounds.x = points[p].x + radiuses[p]; if (points[p].y + radiuses[p] > maxBounds.y) maxBounds.y = points[p].y + radiuses[p]; if (points[p].z + radiuses[p] > maxBounds.z) maxBounds.z = points[p].z + radiuses[p]; // set vertices and normals // for (int s = 0; s < edgeCount + 1; s++) { vertices[v] = _transform.InverseTransformPoint(points[p] + rotations[p] * circleLookup[s] * radiuses[p]); normals[v] = _transform.InverseTransformDirection(rotations[p] * circleLookup[s]); v++; } } else { // check min an max bounds // if (points[p].x - radius < minBounds.x) minBounds.x = points[p].x - radius; if (points[p].y - radius < minBounds.y) minBounds.y = points[p].y - radius; if (points[p].z - radius < minBounds.z) minBounds.z = points[p].z - radius; if (points[p].x + radius > maxBounds.x) maxBounds.x = points[p].x + radius; if (points[p].y + radius > maxBounds.y) maxBounds.y = points[p].y + radius; if (points[p].z + radius > maxBounds.z) maxBounds.z = points[p].z + radius; // set vertices and normals // for (int s = 0; s < edgeCount + 1; s++) { vertices[v] = _transform.InverseTransformPoint(points[p] + rotations[p] * circleLookup[s] * radius); normals[v] = _transform.InverseTransformDirection(rotations[p] * circleLookup[s]); v++; } } } // start and end caps // vertices[0] = _transform.InverseTransformPoint(points[0]); vertices[vertices.Length - 1] = _transform.InverseTransformPoint(points[points.Length - 1]); normals[0] = _transform.InverseTransformDirection(rotations[0] * Vector3.forward); normals[targetVertexCount - 1] = _transform.InverseTransformDirection(rotations[0] * -Vector3.forward); v = 1; for (int s = 0; s < edgeCount + 1; s++) { vertices[v] = vertices[v + edgeCount + 1]; normals[v] = normals[0]; v++; } v = vertices.Length - edgeCount - 2; for (int s = 0; s < edgeCount + 1; s++) { vertices[v] = vertices[v - edgeCount - 1]; normals[v] = normals[targetVertexCount - 1]; v++; } // update mesh // _mesh.vertices = vertices; if (updateUVsFlag) _mesh.uv = uvs; if (updateTrianglesFlag) _mesh.triangles = triangles; _mesh.normals = normals; if (calculateTangents) _mesh.tangents = tangents; /* // update bounds // Vector3 boundsSize = new Vector3(maxBounds.x - minBounds.x, maxBounds.y - minBounds.y, maxBounds.z - minBounds.z); Vector3 boundsCenter = new Vector3(minBounds.x + boundsSize.x * 0.5f, minBounds.y + boundsSize.y * 0.5f, minBounds.z + boundsSize.z * 0.5f); _mesh.bounds = new Bounds(boundsCenter, boundsSize); */ _mesh.RecalculateBounds(); } void UpdateCircleLookup() { circleLookup = new Vector3[edgeCount + 1]; // add one more hidden side for UV wrapping float interpolatorMult = 1 / (float)edgeCount; for (int s = 0; s < circleLookup.Length; s++) { float interpolator = s * interpolatorMult * TWO_PI; circleLookup[s] = new Vector3(0, Mathf.Cos(interpolator), Mathf.Sin(interpolator)); } } void UpdateUVs() { uvs = new Vector2[targetVertexCount]; float interpolatorUmult = 1 / (points.Length - 1f); float interpolatorVmult = 1 / (float)edgeCount; int uv = 0; // start cap // uvs[uv++] = new Vector2(capUVRect.width * 0.5f + capUVRect.x, capUVRect.height * 0.5f + capUVRect.y); for (int v = 0; v < edgeCount + 1; v++) { float angle = v * interpolatorVmult * TWO_PI + Mathf.PI * 0.5f; uvs[uv++] = new Vector2(uvs[0].x + Mathf.Cos(angle) * 0.5f * capUVRect.width, uvs[0].y + Mathf.Sin(angle) * 0.5f * capUVRect.height); } // body // for (int u = 0; u < points.Length; u++) { float interpolatorU = u * interpolatorUmult; for (int v = 0; v < edgeCount + 1; v++) { float interpolatorV = v * interpolatorVmult; uvs[uv++] = new Vector2(bodyUVRect.x + interpolatorU * bodyUVRect.width, bodyUVRect.y + interpolatorV * bodyUVRect.height); } } // end cap // for (int v = 0; v < edgeCount + 1; v++) uvs[uv++] = uvs[v + 1]; uvs[uv++] = uvs[0]; } void UpdateTangents() { tangents = new Vector4[targetVertexCount]; int t = 0; // start cap // Vector3 tangent = _transform.InverseTransformDirection(rotations[0] * Vector3.right); for (int s = 0; s < edgeCount + 2; s++) { tangents[t++] = new Vector4(tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z, 1); } // body // for (int r = 0; r < rotations.Length; r++) { tangent = _transform.InverseTransformDirection(rotations[r] * Vector3.forward); if (calculateTangents) { for (int s = 0; s < edgeCount + 1; s++) { tangents[t++] = new Vector4(tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z, 1); } } } // end cap // tangent = _transform.InverseTransformDirection(rotations[rotations.Length - 1] * Vector3.left); for (int s = 0; s < edgeCount + 2; s++) { tangents[t++] = new Vector4(tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z, 1); } } void UpdateTriangles() { int bodyTriangleCount = (points.Length - 1) * edgeCount * 2; int capsTriangleCount = 2 * edgeCount; triangles = new int[(bodyTriangleCount + capsTriangleCount) * 3]; int v = 1; int t = 0; // begin cap // for (int e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++) { triangles[t++] = v + 1; triangles[t++] = v; triangles[t++] = 0; v++; } v++; // skip hidden vertex // body // int[] quad = new int[] { 0, 1, edgeCount + 2, 0, edgeCount + 2, edgeCount + 1 }; for (int p = 0; p < points.Length - 1; p++) { for (int e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++) { for (int q = 0; q < quad.Length; q++) triangles[t++] = v + quad[q]; v++; } v++; // skip hidden vertex } v++; // skip hidden vertex v += edgeCount; // move to next band // end cap // for (int e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++) { triangles[t++] = v; triangles[t++] = v + 1; triangles[t++] = targetVertexCount - 1; v++; } } void UpdateColors() { if (pointColors != null) { colors = new Color[targetVertexCount]; // cap start // int v = 0; colors[v++] = pointColors[0]; for (int s = 0; s < edgeCount + 1; s++) colors[v++] = pointColors[0]; // body // for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++) { for (int s = 0; s < edgeCount + 1; s++) { colors[v++] = pointColors[p]; } } // cap end // for (int s = 0; s < edgeCount + 1; s++) { colors[v++] = pointColors[pointColors.Length - 1]; } colors[v++] = pointColors[pointColors.Length - 1]; mesh.colors = colors; } } //////////// // PUBLIC // //////////// public void SetPointCount(int pointCount) { if (pointCount < 2) { Debug.LogWarning("TubeRenderer must have at two three points."); return; } updateTrianglesFlag = true; updateUVsFlag = true; updateColorsFlag = true; updateTangentsFlag = true; if (circleLookup == null) updateCircleLookupFlag = true; redrawFlag = true; targetVertexCount = pointCount * (edgeCount + 1); this.points = new Vector3[pointCount]; } public void SetPointsAndRotations(Vector3[] points, Quaternion[] rotations) { if (points.Length < 2) { Debug.LogWarning("RopeTubeRenderer must have at two three points."); return; } if (points.Length != rotations.Length) { Debug.LogWarning("point array must match length of rotation array."); return; } int lastPointCount = (this.points != null) ? this.points.Length : 0; if (points.Length != lastPointCount) { updateTrianglesFlag = true; updateUVsFlag = true; updateColorsFlag = true; } updateTangentsFlag = true; if (circleLookup == null) updateCircleLookupFlag = true; redrawFlag = true; if (radiuses != null) if (points.Length != radiuses.Length) radiuses = null; targetVertexCount = (points.Length + 2) * (edgeCount + 1) + 2; // two cap end points this.points = points; this.rotations = rotations; } public void SetEdgeCount(int edgeCount) { if (edgeCount < 3) edgeCount = 3; this.edgeCount = edgeCount; updateTrianglesFlag = true; updateUVsFlag = true; updateCircleLookupFlag = true; updateColorsFlag = true; redrawFlag = true; targetVertexCount = (points.Length + 2) * (edgeCount + 1) + 2; // two end points } public void SetRadius(float radius) { this.radius = radius; redrawFlag = true; } public void SetRadiuses(float[] radiuses) { if (radiuses == null) { this.radiuses = null; return; } if (radiuses.Length != points.Length) { Debug.Log( "TubeRenderer only receives as many radius values as it has points. " + "Use SetPoints() or SetPointCount() before using SetRadiuses()" ); return; } this.radiuses = radiuses; redrawFlag = true; } public void SetColors(Color[] colors) { if (colors.Length != points.Length) { Debug.Log( "TubeRenderer only receives as many color values as it has points. " + "Use SetPoints() or SetPointCount() before using SetColors()" ); return; } pointColors = colors; updateColorsFlag = true; } public void SetBodyUVRect(Rect uvRect) { bodyUVRect = uvRect; updateUVsFlag = true; } public void SetCapsUVRect(Rect uvRect) { capUVRect = uvRect; updateUVsFlag = true; } // GETTERS // public Vector3[] Points() { Vector3[] copy = new Vector3[points.Length]; points.CopyTo(copy, 0); return copy; } public float[] Radiuses() { float[] copy = new float[radiuses.Length]; radiuses.CopyTo(copy, 0); return copy; } public int EdgeCount() { return edgeCount; } }