#!/bin/bash PONY=random INFO=( User Hostname Distro Kernel Uptime Shell Packages RAM Disk ) function ponyget_Shell() { grep $USER /etc/passwd | cut -f7 -d: } function ponyget_User() { whoami } function ponyget_Distro() { lsb_release -isr | paste "-d " - - } function ponyget_RAM() { local ramtable=$(free -h) local used=$(echo "$ramtable" | sed -n 3p | sed -r "s/ +/\t/g" | cut -f 3) local total=$(echo "$ramtable" | sed -n 2p | sed -r "s/ +/\t/g" | cut -f 2) local ramtable=$(free -m) local used_M=$(echo "$ramtable" | sed -n 3p | sed -r "s/ +/\t/g" | cut -f 3) local total_M=$(echo "$ramtable" | sed -n 2p | sed -r "s/ +/\t/g" | cut -f 2) let percent="$used_M * 100 / $total_M" local color="32"; if [ "$percent" -gt 66 ] then color="31" elif [ "$percent" -gt 33 ] then color="33" fi echo -e "\x1b[$color;1m$used\x1b[0m / $total" } function ponyget_Kernel() { uname -r -m } function ponyget_Hostname() { hostname } function ponyget_CPU() { cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | head -n 1 | sed -r "s/model name\s: //" } function ponyget_Uptime() { uptime | grep -oE "up\s+[^,]+" | sed -r "s/up\s+//" } function ponyget_Packages() { if which dpkg &>/dev/null then dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | wc -l elif which rpm &>/dev/null then rpm -qa | wc -l elif which pacman &>/dev/null then pacman -Q | wc -l fi } function ponyget_Disk() { local diskusage=$(df -lh --total | tail -n 1 | sed -r "s/ +/\t/g" ) local used=$(echo "$diskusage" | cut -f 3) local total=$(echo "$diskusage" | cut -f 2) local percent=$(echo "$diskusage" | cut -f 5 | sed s/%// ) local color="32"; if [ "$percent" -gt 66 ] then color="31" elif [ "$percent" -gt 33 ] then color="33" fi echo -e "\x1b[$color;1m$used\x1b[0m / $total" } function bold() { echo -en "\x1b[1m${*}\x1b[22m" } function underline() { echo -en "\x1b[4m${*}\x1b[24m" } function title() { echo bold ${*} echo } function help() { title NAME echo -e "\t$(bold $0) - show a pony and some system information" title SYNOPSIS echo -e "\t$(bold $0) [$(bold --pony) $(underline pony)|$(bold -p=)$(underline pony)] [$(bold --info) $(underline id)|$(bold -i=)$(underline id)...]" echo -e "\t$(bold $0) $(bold help)|$(bold --help)|$(bold -h)" title OPTIONS echo -e "\t$(bold --pony) $(underline pony), $(bold -p=)$(underline pony)" echo -e "\t\tSelect a pony (default: $PONY)." echo echo -e "\t$(bold --info) $(underline id), $(bold -i=)$(underline id)" echo -e "\t\tShow the given info (default: ${INFO[@]})." echo -e "\t\tThis option supports multiples IDs separated by commas, spaces or colons." echo -e "\t\tAvailable IDs:" declare -F | grep ponyget_ | sed "s/declare -f ponyget_/\t\t * /" title CONFIGURATION echo -e "\tYou can override $(bold PONY) and $(bold INFO) in the config files." echo -e "\tConfiguration files:" echo -e "\t * $(underline PREFIX)$(bold /share/ascii-pony/systempony.conf) (system)" echo -e "\t * $(bold ~/.systempony) (user)" echo } function select_info() { INFO=($(echo "${*}" | column -t -s:,)) } SELFDIR=$(dirname $(readlink -se "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")) function get_data_file() { if [ -e "$SELFDIR/$1" ] then # Not installed echo "$SELFDIR/$1" elif [ -e "$SELFDIR/../share/ascii-pony/$1" ] then # Installed with PREFIX=$SELFDIR/.. echo "$SELFDIR/../share/ascii-pony/$1" fi } # Read global config globalconfig=$(get_data_file systempony.conf) if [ -r "$globalconfig" ] then source "$globalconfig" fi # Read user config if [ -r ~/.systempony ] then source ~/.systempony fi # Read parameters while [ "$1" ] do case "$1" in --help|-h|help) help exit 0 ;; --pony) shift PONY=$1 ;; -p=*) PONY=$(echo "$1" | sed "s/-p=//") ;; --info) infostring="" while [ "$2" ] && ! echo "$2" | grep -q -e "-" do infostring="$infostring $2" shift done select_info $infostring ;; -i=*) select_info "$(echo "$1" | sed "s/-i=//")" ;; esac shift done # Evaluate info infoval=() let maxkeyl=0 let maxvall=0 function addinfo() { infoval+=("${2}") local keyl=$(echo "$1" | wc -c) local vall=$(echo "${2}" | wc -c) [ $keyl -gt $maxkeyl ] && maxkeyl=$keyl; [ $vall -gt $maxvall ] && maxvall=$vall; } for info in ${INFO[*]} do if [ "$(type -t ponyget_${info})" = "function" ] then addinfo $info "$(ponyget_${info})" else addinfo $info "unsupported" fi done ponydir=$(get_data_file "rendered/ansi/") ponyfile="$ponydir/$PONY.colored.txt" if [ -n "$ponydir" -a '(' -z "$PONY" -o "$PONY" = random ')' ] then ponyfile="$(find rendered/ansi/ -name '*.colored.txt' | shuf | head -n 1)" fi # WARNING most of the variable names below this point are pretty bad and should be refactored declare -A ponyline # Number of characters before the system info output ponyline[applejack-nohat]=64 ponyline[applejack]=70 ponyline[bigmac]=42 ponyline[celestia]=76 ponyline[cadance]=55 ponyline[derpy]=32 ponyline[fluttershy]=67 ponyline[great-and-powerful]=68 ponyline[luna]=67 ponyline[lyra]=61 ponyline[pinkie-pie]=61 ponyline[rainbow-dash]=61 ponyline[rainbow]=61 ponyline[rarity]=61 ponyline[rose]=61 ponyline[trixie]=61 ponyline[twilight-alicorn]=61 ponyline[twilight-unicorn]=61 ponyline[vinyl-scratch-glasses]=69 ponyline[vinyl-scratch-noglasses]=69 declare -A ponystart # Number of lines before the system info output ponystart[luna]=18 ponystart[rarity]=11 ponystart[trixie]=16 if [ -f "$ponyfile" ] then lines=$(cat "$ponyfile" | wc -l) # cat to avoid printing file name let info_index=0 COLUMNS=$(tput cols) if [ "${ponyline[$PONY]}" ] then linesize=${ponyline[$PONY]} else linesize=80 fi if [ "${ponystart[$PONY]}" ] then start_line=${ponystart[$PONY]} else let start_line=($lines-${#INFO[@]})/2 fi let l=1 while IFS= read -r line do if [ $info_index -lt ${#INFO[@]} -a $l -ge $start_line ] then let msgsize="$COLUMNS - $linesize - $maxkeyl - 3" thislinesize=$(echo "$line" | sed -r 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]+m//g' | wc -c) if [ $thislinesize -gt $linesize ] then let linediff="$thislinesize - $linesize" line="$(echo "$line" | head -c -$linediff)"; fi printf "%s \x1b[31;1m%-${maxkeyl}s\x1b[0m: %s\n" \ "$line" \ "${INFO[$info_index]}" \ "$(echo -n "${infoval[$info_index]}" | head -c $msgsize)" let info_index++ else echo -n "$line" echo -e "\x1b[0m" fi let l++ done < "$ponyfile" else let info_index=0 while [ $info_index -lt ${#INFO[@]} ] do printf "\x1b[31;1m%-${maxkeyl}s\x1b[0m: %s\n" \ "${INFO[$info_index]}" \ "${infoval[$info_index]}" let info_index++ done fi