----- Known Issues ----- mkurz ----- 2011-08-15 17:30:28.420 ----- Known Issues *Version 0.3 * The Maven build does not run the <<>> tests because of a bug in Maven * Version 0.3 does not have <<>> included in the project.xml (it is required to run the samples). Either get the latest <<>> from CVS, or {{{https://rome.dev.java.net/source/browse/rome/subprojects/fetcher/project.xml?r1\=1.1&r2\=1.2}patch it yourself}} * 0.3 had a bug that caused it to overwite system properties. [] *Version 0.4 * No known issues (yet!) [] *Version 0.5 * When listening to feed events using <<>>, there is no way to get to the retrieved content, because it is set after firing the event. \-\- {{{http://wiki.java.net/twiki/bin/view/Javawsxml/Jawe}jawe}} * When listening to feed events using <<>>, the feed URLs returned by the <<>> are prepended with "sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection:" \-\- {{{http://wiki.java.net/twiki/bin/view/Javawsxml/Jawe}jawe}} [] *Version 0.7 * <<>> doesn't work quite right because <<>> does hostname resolution and treats virtual hosts with the same IP as equal, so e.g. all RSS feeds from <<>> collide in the cache. Also, it's really slow. Fix is to use <<>> as the hash key instead of the URL itself. []