ROME 0.8 Beta
Normally each release of ROME includes a whole new set of Wiki pages with the corresponding version number. ROME 0.8 is reusing ROME 0.7 Wiki pages as much as possible.
What is New, Highlights
- ROME now supports the final version of the Atom Syndication Format RFC 4287: let's Nuke all these feeds! NEW
- Enclosure support at the Synd level, for all our podcaster friends
- Bug fixes
- details in the ChangeList
- Modules galore: Content, iTunes Podcast, Slash, Google Base, Creative Commons, MediaRSS
Additional Information
- Tutorials
- Changes Log
- Inside ROME, How Things Work
- How ROME Works, Understanding ROME, a detailed overview by Dave Johnson (This doc is based on ROME v0.4)
- ROME Plugins Mechanism, bootstrap, adding and changing parsers, generators, converters and modules
- Feeds Date Elements, how Date data is mapped to SyndFeed and SyndEntry
- Feed and Entry URI Mapping, how SyndFeed and SyndEntry 'uri' properties map to concrete feed elements
- XML Charset Encoding Detection, how ROME helps getting the right charset encoding
- Creating a custom Module, creating all necessary pieces, bean, parser and generator
- The CopyFrom interface
- ROME bean utilities, equals, toString and clonning
- Customizing Date and time parsing in the file NEW