<h2>Rss and atOM utilitiEs (ROME) v0.5 and above Tutorials and Articles<aname="Rss_and_atOM_utilitiEs_ROME_v0.5_and_above_Tutorials_and_Articles"></a></h2>
<p>The following tutorials show how to use the ROME API. They focus on the higher abstraction layer of classes offered by ROME, what we call the Synd* classes. By using the Synd* classes developers don't have to deal with the specifics of any syndication feed. They work with normalized feeds, the Synd* feeds. This makes it much easier to write applications that have to deal with all the variety of syndication feed types in use today.</p>
<olstyle="list-style-type: decimal">
<li><ahref="./RssAndAtOMUtilitiEsROMEV0.5TutorialUsingROMEToReadASyndicationFeed.html">Using ROME to read a syndication feed</a></li>
<li><ahref="./RssAndAtOMUtilitiEsROMEV0.5TutorialUsingROMEToConvertASyndicationFeedFromOneTypeToAnother.html">Using ROME to convert a syndication feed from one type to another</a></li>
<li><ahref="./RssAndAtOMUtilitiEsROMEV0.5TutorialUsingROMEToAggregateManySyndicationFeedsIntoASingleOne.html">Using ROME to aggregate many syndication feeds into a single one</a></li>
<li><ahref="./RssAndAtOMUtilitiEsROMEV0.5TutorialUsingROMEToCreateAndWriteASyndicationFeed.html">Using ROME to create and write a feed</a></li>
<li><ahref="./RssAndAtOMUtilitiEsROMEV0.5TutorialDefiningACustomModuleBeanParserAndGenerator.html">Defining a Custom Module bean, parser and generator</a></li>
<li><ahref="./RssAndAtOMUtilitiEsROMEV0.5TutorialUsingROMEWithinAServletToCreateAndReturnAFeed.html">Using ROME within a Servlet to create and return a feed</a></li></ol>
<p>For instructions on how to build and run the samples used in the tutorials <ahref="./RssAndAtOMUtilitiEsROMEV0.5HowToBuildAndRunTheTutorialsSampleCode.html">click here</a>.</p></div>
<li><aclass="externalLink"href="http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2006/02/22/rome-parse-publish-rss-atom-feeds-java.html">O'Reilly - ROME in a Day: Parse and Publish Feeds in Java</a> by <aclass="externalLink"href="http://markwoodman.com/">Mark Woodman</a> (February 22, 2006).<br/><i>A hands-on tutorial that shows you how to act like your own FeedBurner and add a footer to existing feed items.</i></li>
<li><aclass="externalLink"href="http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2006/02/02/tour-of-rome.html">java.net - Taking a Tour of ROME</a> by <aclass="externalLink"href="http://www.rjray.org/">Randy J. Ray</a> (February 2, 2006).<br/><i>Working with web syndication? Your development path may lead you to ROME--not the city, but the syndication framework, which makes working with RSS and Atom a breeze for both server-and client-side code. Randy J. Ray has an introduction to this project.</i></li>
<li><aclass="externalLink"href="http://inkblots.markwoodman.com/rss-diaries/patrick-chanezon">inkBlots - Interview with Patrick Chanezon</a> by <aclass="externalLink"href="http://markwoodman.com/">Mark Woodman</a> (July 13, 2005).<br/><i>Why and how we started this project.</i></li></ul></div></div>