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<h2>ROME Development Process<aname="ROME_Development_Process"></a></h2>
<p>We're welcoming our first external developer, <aclass="externalLink"href="http://www.mackmo.com/nick/blog/">Nick Lothian</a> today, so we thought it would be good to set a few basic rules for this project. We don't want to be too formal, since we're still alpha, and trust our developer's common sense to "do the right thing".</p>
<li>Please before commiting anything send an email in the rome developer lists to explain what you want to do</li>
<li>When you create some new code, please javadoc it, and unit tests are welcome </li>
<li>If your code involves new functionality for end users, please document it on the wiki.</li>
<li>and update the <ahref="./ChangeLog.html">RomeChangesLog</a></li>
<li>I think that's it: Welcome to Rome</li></ul>
<p>-- <aclass="externalLink"href="http://wiki.java.net/twiki/bin/view/Main/PatrickChanezon">PatrickChanezon</a> - 17 Jun 2004</p></div>