[[1]] Updated to handle removal of IO methods using byte streams\
Byte Stream IO was removed from Rome itself. The Rome Fetcher is now updated to support this
[[1]] Add FeedFetcherI interface and FeedFetcherFactory class\
There is now a FeedFetcherI interface, which FeedFetcher implements. Use FeedFetcherFactory to create instances of
FeedFetcher (as suggested by Joseph Ottinger) (FeedFetcherFactory was later removed)
[[1]] Event Support Added to FeedFetcherI\
The FeedFetcherI interface now supports feed polled, feed retrieved and feed unchanged events
[[1]] Samples added\
Samples are now included with the Rome Fetcher
[[1]] Unit Tests Added\
JUnit based tests which invoke the Rome Fetcher against an embedded Jetty webserver are now included
[[1]] Bug fixes in the FeedFetcher event model\
The JUnit test suite uncovered some bugs in the event model used by the FeedFetcher. These bugs are now fixed.
[[1]] Refactored the SyndFeedInfo class\
SyndFeedInfo now extends ObjectBean
[[1]] Removed FeedFetcherFactory\
The benefit of the FeedFetcherFactory was arguable. Now the client code will need to manage the creation of specific implementations of the FeedFetcher
*Prior to second release (on the way to v0.4)
[[1]] Refectored to match Rome naming standards\
FeedFetcherI renamed to FeedFetcher\
#. New FeedFetcher Implementation\
HttpClientFeedFetcher uses the Apache Commons HTTP Client
[[1]] Abstract test classes excluded in project.xml\
Tests now run correctly under Maven
[[1]] Added GZip support to HttpClientFeedFetcher\
HttpClientFeedFetcher now supports GZip compression. Tests have been added.
*Prior to third release (on the way to v0.5)
[[1]] SyndFeedInfo implements Serializable\
SyndFeedInfo implements Serializable to make it easier to store
[[1]] Support for rfc3229 delta encoding\
The Fetcher now supports rfc3229 delta encoding. See {{{http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3229.txt}http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3229.txt}} and