<p>The following tutorials show how to use the Rome API. They focus on the higher abstraction layer of classes offered by Rome, what we call the Synd* classes. By using the Synd* classes developers don't have to deal with the specifics of any syndication feed. They work with normalized feeds, the Synd* feeds. This makes it much easier to write applications that have to deal with all the variety of syndication feed types in use today.</p>
<olstyle="list-style-type: decimal">
<li><ahref="./RomeV0.2TutorialUsingRomeToReadASyndicationFeed.html">Using Rome to read a syndication feed</a></li>
<li><ahref="./RomeV0.2TutorialUsingRomeToConvertASyndicationFeedFromOneTypeToAnother.html">Using Rome to convert a syndication feed from one type to another</a></li>
<li><ahref="./RomeV0.2TutorialUsingRomeToAggregateManySyndicationFeedsIntoASingleOne.html">Using Rome to aggregate many syndication feeds into a single one</a></li></ol>
<p>The instructions for building and running the samples are identical to the <ahref="../../ROME0.1Beta/RomeV0.1Tutorials/RomeV0.1HowToBuildAndRunTheTutorialsSampleCode.html">instructions for Rome v0.1</a>.</p></div>