# receive_intent

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A Flutter plugin to pass Android Intents to the Flutter environment. `Intent` in Android is the "payload" for the communication between and within apps. This plugin passes the `Intent`, that "started" the `Activity` to the flutter environment. It also passes any "new Intents" that are received (via [`Activity.onNewIntent`](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity#onNewIntent(android.content.Intent))) while the `Activity` is already "started". If the `Intent` was "started" via `startActivityForResult`, then this plugin also sends additional information (package name and app signature) about the "calling" Android Component, and can send "result" back (via [`Activity.setResult`](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity#setResult(int))) to it. This plugin is in active development. ___Any contribution, idea, criticism or feedback is welcomed.___ ## Quick links | | | |-|-| | __package__ | https://pub.dev/packages/receive_intent | | __Git Repo__ | https://github.com/daadu/receive_intent | | __Issue Tracker__ | https://github.com/daadu/receive_intent/issues | ## Use cases - [OAuth based App Flip](https://developers.google.com/identity/account-linking/app-flip-overview) - This was the initial motivation for this plugin. The plugin can be used to pass the `Intent` sent by Google App to the flutter environment - where the consent UI is shown - once it is authorized (or not), the result is sent back to the Google App. - Deeplink/Applink - This plugin is a generic implementation of [uni_links](https://pub.dev/packages/uni_links) plugin. While this plugin passes "any" Intents, `uni_links` only passes app-link/deep-link Intents. - Receive Share Intents - This plugin is a generic implementation of [receive_sharing_intent](https://pub.dev/packages/receive_sharing_intent) plugin. While this plugin passes "any" Intents, `receive_sharing_intent` only passes "android.intent.action.SEND" (or related) Intents. - In general, if you want other apps to "start" your app, then this plugin can pass the `Intent` that "triggered" it to the flutter environment of the app. These `Intent` will give the app understanding of why the app was started. Check [Getting started](#getting-started) section to implement this. ## Getting started #### Add `` to `AndroidMainfest.xml` You need to add `` to `android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml` file: ```xml ``` In this example we want to receive Intent with `action` matching `RECEIVE_INTENT_EXAMPLE_ACTION` literal. This `` should be added to the `Activity` that extends `FlutterActivity` (for project generated from template it is `MainActivity`). `` describes, what `Intent` the `Activity` is capable to recevie. To read more about "Intent and Intent Filter", encourage you to check [official docs](https://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters) from Android. #### Recevie and handle Intent that launched the Activity in Flutter Inside flutter code, you can call `ReceiveIntent.getInitialIntent()` to get the `Intent` that started the `Activity`: ```dart import 'package:receive_intent/receive_intent.dart'; // ... Future _initReceiveIntent() async { // Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException. try { final receivedIntent = await ReceiveIntent.getInitialIntent(); // Validate receivedIntent and warn the user, if it is not correct, // but keep in mind it could be `null` or "empty"(`receivedIntent.isNull`). } on PlatformException { // Handle exception } } // ... ``` #### Listen for any new Intent while the Activity is already running To listen to new `Intent` while the `Activity` is running, you can use the `ReceiveIntent.receivedIntentStream` stream: ```dart import 'package:receive_intent/receive_intent.dart'; // ... StreamSubscription _sub; Future _initReceiveIntentit() async { // ... check initialIntent // Attach a listener to the stream _sub = ReceiveIntent.receivedIntentStream.listen((Intent? intent) { // Validate receivedIntent and warn the user, if it is not correct, }, onError: (err) { // Handle exception }); // NOTE: Don't forget to call _sub.cancel() in dispose() } // ... ``` #### Send result to the calling Activity (Optional) If the calling `Activty` has "started" this activity with `startActivityWithResult` then you can send back result to that activity when ready with `ReceiveIntent.setResult`: ```dart import 'package:receive_intent/receive_intent.dart'; // ... Future _setActivityResult() async { // ... await ReceiveIntent.setResult(kActivityResultOk, data: {"sum": 123}) } // ... ``` To read more about "Starting Activities and Getting Results" pattern, encourage you to check [official docs](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity#starting-activities-and-getting-results) from Android. Additionaly, in the case of activity started with `startActivityWithResult`, the `Intent` object will also have package name (`intent.fromPackageName`) and app signautres (`intent.fromSignatures`) of the calling activity. This could be used to validate the calling app, so that sensitive information is not given to unintendent apps. #### Tools to test it You can test this with either [`adb`](https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb) or [Intent Test](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.applauncher.applauncher) app form Playstore. ##### abd To invoke (start) our `FlutterAcitivity` with `RECEIVE_INTENT_EXAMPLE_ACTION` intent action name as mentioned in example `` [above](#add-intent-filter-to-AndroidMainfest.xml): ```sh adb shell 'am start -W -a RECEIVE_INTENT_EXAMPLE_ACTION -c android.intent.category.DEFAULT' ``` If you don't have [`adb`](https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb) in your path, but have `$ANDROID_HOME` env variable then use `"$ANDROID_HOME"/platform-tools/adb ...`. Note: Alternatively you could simply enter an `adb shell` and run the [`am`](https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb#am) commands in it. #### Check example app To know more or to get the working code check the [example app](https://github.com/daadu/receive_intent/tree/master/example). ## Todo - Document API references properly - Receive Intent for non-`Activity` based `intent-filter` (`BroadcastReceiver`, `Service`) - Automatic testing ## Contribute Check the [Todo](#todo) section above, before you begin with any contribution. 1. You'll need a GitHub account. 2. Fork the [repository](https://github.com/daadu/receive_intent). 3. Pick an issue to work on from [issue tracker](https://github.com/daadu/receive_intent/issues). 4. Implement it. 5. Add your name and email in `authors` section in `pubspec.yaml` file. 6. Send merge request. 7. Star this project. 8. Become a hero!! ## Features and bugs Please file feature requests and bugs at the [issue tracker](https://github.com/daadu/receive_intent/issues). ## Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):

Harsh Bhikadia

🤔 💻
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