* svgalib Latest release (1.9.25), patched so it'll compile on modern GNU/linux distros. Original Source: https://www.svgalib.org/ More exactly here: http://my.svgalib.org/svgalib/ tar ball: http://my.svgalib.org/svgalib/svgalib-1.9.25.tar.gz *** Compilation instructions 1) Clone repo or download release 2) *AS ROOT* run: ~# NO_HELPER=y make install~ **** Original description, probably not very relevant This is an _alpha_ release. Don't use it if you are not interested in svgalib development. Program using svgalib 1.9.0 or later don't need root provoleges (suid root). They do need access to /dev/svga, which is a char device with major 209 and minor 0. The module svgalib_helper need also be inserted. To make the devices, and the module (kernel 2.4 or newer), change to directory kernel/svgalib_helper, and type make install. There is a compile time option to return to old behaviour, of using root privileges to access /dev/mem, instead of svgalib helper. To compile for this select the NO_HELPER option in Makefile.cfg.