This is version 1.3 of 3DKIT, a super fast on-the-fly rendering library for living 3D animation, written in C by Paul Sheer. The 3DKIT library is free software. See the file 0-COPYING for copying permission. The library consists of the following files: 3dinit.h 3dinit.c 3dkit.h 3dkit.c wrapsurf.c triangle.h striangle.c swtriangle.c triangle.c wtriangle.c trisetpixel.c tri.c triangl.c quickmath.c quickmath.h For demonstration, two additional programs are included: planukit.c: A greyscale-shaded rendered-on-the-fly turbo-prop that you can rotate and scale however you like. wrapdemo.c: Demonstrates surface wrapping of bitmaps in a similar fashion. For details, please read the manual pages: man 6 planukit man 6 wrapdemo man 3 triangle man 3 striangle man 3 wtriangle man 3 swtriangle man 3 trisetcolorlookup man 3 trigetcolorlookup man 3 trisetdrawpoint man 7 threedkit CONTACTING THE AUTHOR --------------------- email: paper mail: P O BOX 890507 Lyndhurst Johannesburg 2106 South Africa Donations (by check or postal order) will be appreciated and will encourage further development of this software. However this is strictly on a voluntary basis where this software falls under the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.