41 changed files with 125 additions and 50 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
Version 6.6.3 *(2019-04-02)*
* Fixed some OTG devices and SD card related glitches
* Drastically increased the sorting performance by file path and name by simplifying it
* Fixed some third party related issues at opening images/videos
* Allow zooming raw images
* Try making "Fix Date Taken values" more reliable in some cases
* Added an explanation dialog if someone upgrades to Pro app from the free one
* Remember all video positions if enabled, not just the last one (by centic9)
* Added a new FAQ item about the app size
Version 6.6.1 *(2019-03-21)*
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ android {
applicationId ""
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 28
versionCode 235
versionName "6.6.1"
versionCode 241
versionName "6.6.3"
multiDexEnabled true
setProperty("archivesBaseName", "gallery")
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ android {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.simplemobiletools:commons:5.10.19'
implementation 'com.simplemobiletools:commons:5.11.0'
implementation 'com.theartofdev.edmodo:android-image-cropper:2.8.0'
implementation 'androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1'
implementation ''
@ -981,9 +981,9 @@ class ViewPagerActivity : SimpleActivity(), ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener, View
flipSides = orientation == ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90 || orientation == ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270
} catch (e: Exception) {
val res = getCurrentPath().getResolution() ?: return
val width = if (flipSides) res.y else res.x
val height = if (flipSides) res.x else res.y
val resolution = applicationContext.getResolution(getCurrentPath()) ?: return
val width = if (flipSides) resolution.y else resolution.x
val height = if (flipSides) resolution.x else resolution.y
if (width > height) {
requestedOrientation = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
} else if (width < height) {
@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ fun Context.getSortedDirectories(source: ArrayList<Directory>): ArrayList<Direct
o1 as Directory
o2 as Directory
var result = when {
sorting and SORT_BY_NAME != 0 -> AlphanumericComparator().compare(,
sorting and SORT_BY_PATH != 0 -> AlphanumericComparator().compare(o1.path.toLowerCase(), o2.path.toLowerCase())
sorting and SORT_BY_NAME != 0 ->
sorting and SORT_BY_PATH != 0 -> o1.path.toLowerCase().compareTo(o2.path.toLowerCase())
sorting and SORT_BY_SIZE != 0 -> o1.size.compareTo(o2.size)
sorting and SORT_BY_DATE_MODIFIED != 0 -> o1.modified.compareTo(o2.modified)
else -> o1.taken.compareTo(o2.taken)
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ class PhotoFragment : ViewPagerFragment() {
override fun onResourceReady(resource: Drawable?, model: Any?, target: Target<Drawable>?, dataSource: DataSource?, isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {
mView.gestures_view.controller.settings.isZoomEnabled = mCurrentRotationDegrees != 0 || context?.config?.allowZoomingImages == false
mView.gestures_view.controller.settings.isZoomEnabled = mMedium.isRaw() || mCurrentRotationDegrees != 0 || context?.config?.allowZoomingImages == false
if (mIsFragmentVisible && addZoomableView) {
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ class PhotoFragment : ViewPagerFragment() {
picasso.into(mView.gestures_view, object : Callback {
override fun onSuccess() {
mView.gestures_view.controller.settings.isZoomEnabled = mCurrentRotationDegrees != 0 || context?.config?.allowZoomingImages == false
mView.gestures_view.controller.settings.isZoomEnabled = mMedium.isRaw() || mCurrentRotationDegrees != 0 || context?.config?.allowZoomingImages == false
if (mIsFragmentVisible && addZoomableView) {
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class VideoFragment : ViewPagerFragment(), TextureView.SurfaceTextureListener, S
private var mPositionWhenInit = 0
private var mExoPlayer: SimpleExoPlayer? = null
private var mVideoSize = Point(0, 0)
private var mVideoSize = Point(1, 1)
private var mTimerHandler = Handler()
private var mStoredShowExtendedDetails = false
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class VideoFragment : ViewPagerFragment(), TextureView.SurfaceTextureListener, S
mMedium.path.getVideoResolution()?.apply {
activity?.getVideoResolution(mMedium.path)?.apply {
mVideoSize.x = x
mVideoSize.y = y
@ -160,10 +160,7 @@ class VideoFragment : ViewPagerFragment(), TextureView.SurfaceTextureListener, S
mWasFragmentInit = true
if (mVideoSize.x != 0 && mVideoSize.y != 0) {
mView.apply {
mBrightnessSideScroll.initialize(activity!!, slide_info, true, container) { x, y ->
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ abstract class ViewPagerFragment : Fragment() {
if (detailsFlag and EXT_RESOLUTION != 0) {
file.absolutePath.getResolution()?.formatAsResolution().let { if (it?.isNotEmpty() == true) details.appendln(it) }
context!!.getResolution(file.absolutePath)?.formatAsResolution().let { if (it?.isNotEmpty() == true) details.appendln(it) }
if (detailsFlag and EXT_LAST_MODIFIED != 0) {
@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ class MediaFetcher(val context: Context) {
o1 as Medium
o2 as Medium
var result = when {
sorting and SORT_BY_NAME != 0 -> AlphanumericComparator().compare(,
sorting and SORT_BY_PATH != 0 -> AlphanumericComparator().compare(o1.path.toLowerCase(), o2.path.toLowerCase())
sorting and SORT_BY_NAME != 0 ->
sorting and SORT_BY_PATH != 0 -> o1.path.toLowerCase().compareTo(o2.path.toLowerCase())
sorting and SORT_BY_SIZE != 0 -> o1.size.compareTo(o2.size)
sorting and SORT_BY_DATE_MODIFIED != 0 -> o1.modified.compareTo(o2.modified)
else -> o1.taken.compareTo(o2.taken)
@ -226,6 +226,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it. -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Galeria d\'imatges senzilla i sense anuncis</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -223,6 +223,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Galerie ohne Werbung. Ordnen, Bearbeiten und Wiederherstellen von Fotos & Videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">Η προσωρινή μνήμη της εφαρμογής μπορεί να δεσμεύσει έως και 250MB, διασφαλίζοντας την ταχύτερη προφόρτωση των εικόνων. Αν η εφαρμογή χρησιμοποιεί ακόμα περισσότερο χώρο, πιθανότατα οφείλεται στην κατοχή αντικειμένων στον Κάδο. Αυτά τα αρχεία υπολογίζονται στο μέγεθος της εφαρμογής. Μπορείτε να αδειάσετε τον Κάδο Ανακύκλωσης ανοίγοντάς τον και διαγράφοντας όλα τα αρχεία ή από τις ρυθμίσεις της εφαρμογής. Κάθε αρχείο στον Κάδο διαγράφεται αυτόματα μετά από 30 ημέρες.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Απλή Συλλογή Pro: Διαχείριση & Επεξεργασία</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Μια Offline gallery χωρίς διαφ/σεις. Επεξεργασία ανάκτηση προστασία Φωτό-Βίντεο</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -222,6 +222,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -225,6 +225,8 @@ Ezzel csak a kiválasztott mappák láthatók, mivel a kizárás és a befoglal
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">La cache dell\'app può occupare massimo 250MB, serve per veloccizare il caricamento delle immagini. Se l\'app sta prendendo sempre più spazio, molto probabilmente è causato dagli elementi nel Cestino. Questi file contano nella dimensione dell\'app. Puoi svuotare il Cestino aprendolo ed eliminando tutti i file, oppure andando nelle impostazioni dell\'app. Ogni file nel Cestino viene eliminato automaticamente dopo 30 giorni.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Semplice Galleria Pro: gestore di foto & editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Galleria offline senza pubblicità. Organizza, modifica e proteggi foto e video</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<string name="fixing">Corrigeren…</string>
<string name="dates_fixed_successfully">Datums zijn gecorrigeerd</string>
<string name="share_resized">Verkleinde versie delen</string>
<string name="upgraded_from_free">Het lijkt erop dat dit een upgrade is vanaf de oude gratis versie. Deze oude versie, met de knop \'Upgraden naar Pro\' bovenaan de instellingen, kan nu gedeïnstalleerd worden.\n\nDe items in de prullenbak zullen dan wel worden verwijderd, favorieten en instellingen zullen ook opnieuw moeten worden geconfigureerd.</string>
<string name="upgraded_from_free">Het lijkt erop dat dit een upgrade is vanaf de oude gratis versie. Deze oude versie, met de knop \"Upgraden naar Pro\" bovenaan de instellingen, kan nu gedeïnstalleerd worden.\n\nDe items in de prullenbak zullen dan wel worden verwijderd, favorieten en instellingen zullen ook opnieuw moeten worden geconfigureerd.</string>
<!-- Filter -->
<string name="filter_media">Media filteren</string>
@ -224,48 +224,50 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">De cache voor de app kan oplopen tot 250MB; dit garandeert snellere laadtijden van afbeeldingen. Indien de app nog meer ruimte inneemt, komt dat hoogstwaarschijnlijk door de items in de prullenbak. Ook deze bestanden worden meegerekend met de ingenomen ruimte. Verwijder deze items zelf vanuit de prullenbak of vanuit de instellingen van de app. Ieder item in de prullenbak zal na 30 dagen automatisch verwijderd worden.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Eenvoudige Galerij Pro - Foto’s Beheren & Bewerken</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Galerij zonder advertenties. Organiseer, bewerk en beveilig foto’s & video’s</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Simple Gallery Pro is een volledig aan te passen offline galerij. Organiseer & bewerk foto’s, herstel verwijderde bestanden met de prullenbakfunctie, beveilig & verberg items en bekijk een enorme hoeveelheid aan foto- & videoformaten, waaronder RAW, SVG en nog veel meer.
Eenvoudige Galerij Pro is een volledig aan te passen offline galerij. Organiseer & bewerk foto’s, herstel verwijderde bestanden met de prullenbakfunctie, beveilig & verberg items en bekijk een enorme hoeveelheid aan foto- & videoformaten, waaronder RAW, SVG en nog veel meer.
Deze privacyvriendelijke app bevat geen advertenties of onnodige machtigingen (zoals verbinden met het internet).
• Offline galerij zonder advertenties en pop-ups
• Simple Gallery fotobewerking: bijsnijden, spiegelen, roteren, grootte aanpassen, tekenen, filters & meer
• Geen internetverbinding benodigd voor meer privacy and veiligheid
• Geen onnodige machtigingen vereist
• Beschikbaar in 32 talen
• Simple Gallery Pro is open-source
• Zoek snel naar afbeeldingen, video’s & bestanden
• Open & bekijk vele foto- & videoformaten (RAW, SVG, panorama etc.)
• Gebruik veeggebaren om bestanden snel te bewerken en te organiseren
• Kies uit een verscheidenheid aan manieren om bestanden te filteren, groeperen en sorteren
• Pas het uiterlijk van Simple Gallery Pro aan
• Markeer bestanden als favoriet om ze snel terug te vinden
• Beveilig items met een patroon, pincode or vingerafdruk
• Gebruik pincode, patroon & vingerafdruk om specifieke functies of het starten van de app te beveiligen
• Herstel verwijderde bestanden uit de prullenbak
• Toon of verberg foto’s & video’s
• Creëer diavoorstellingen
• Bekijk gedetailleerde informatie over de bestanden (resolutie, EXIF-waarden etc.)
✔️ Offline galerij zonder advertenties en pop-ups
✔️ Fotobewerking: bijsnijden, spiegelen, roteren, grootte aanpassen, tekenen, filters & meer
✔️ Geen internetverbinding benodigd voor meer privacy & veiligheid
✔️ Geen onnodige machtigingen vereist
✔️ Beschikbaar in 32 talen
✔️ Eenvoudige Galerij Pro is open-source
✔️ Zoek snel naar afbeeldingen, video’s & bestanden
✔️ Open & bekijk vele foto- & videoformaten (RAW, SVG, panorama etc.)
✔️ Gebruik veeggebaren om bestanden snel te bewerken en te organiseren
✔️ Kies uit een verscheidenheid aan manieren om bestanden te filteren, groeperen en sorteren
✔️ Pas het uiterlijk van Eenvoudige Galerij Pro aan
✔️ Markeer bestanden als favoriet om ze snel terug te vinden
✔️ Beveilig items met een patroon, pincode or vingerafdruk
✔️ Gebruik pincode, patroon & vingerafdruk om specifieke functies of het starten van de app te beveiligen
✔️ Herstel verwijderde bestanden uit de prullenbak
✔️ Toon of verberg foto’s & video’s
✔️ Creëer diavoorstellingen
✔️ Bekijk gedetailleerde informatie over de bestanden (resolutie, EXIF-waarden etc.)
… en nog veel meer!
Simple Gallery Pro maakt het gemakkelijk om direct afbeeldingen te bewerken. Ga aan de slag met bijsnijden, spiegelen, roteren en de grootte aanpassen, of voeg filters toe en teken over de afbeelding heen!
Eenvoudige Galerij Pro maakt het gemakkelijk om direct afbeeldingen te bewerken. Ga aan de slag met bijsnijden, spiegelen, roteren en de grootte aanpassen, of voeg filters toe en teken over de afbeelding heen!
Simple Gallery Pro ondersteunt, in tegenstelling tot sommige andere galerij-apps, een enorme hoeveelheid aan bestandsformaten, waaronder JPEG, PNG, MP4, MKV, RAW, SVG, Panorama-foto’s & -videos en nog veel meer.
Eenvoudige Galerij Pro ondersteunt, in tegenstelling tot sommige andere galerij-apps, een enorme hoeveelheid aan bestandsformaten, waaronder JPEG, PNG, MP4, MKV, RAW, SVG, Panorama-foto’s & -videos en nog veel meer.
Van de interface tot de knoppen op de werkbalk, Simple Gallery Pro is geheel aan te passen en kan dan ook werken naar ieders voorkeur. Geen enkele andere galerij-app bevat zulke flexibiliteit! Dankzij het open karakter en de community is de app maar liefst in 32 talen beschikbaar!
Van de interface tot de knoppen op de werkbalk, Eenvoudige Galerij Pro is geheel aan te passen en kan dan ook werken naar ieders voorkeur. Geen enkele andere galerij-app bevat zulke flexibiliteit! Dankzij het open karakter en de community is de app maar liefst in 32 talen beschikbaar!
Per ongeluk een foto of video verwijderd? Geen paniek! Simple Gallery Pro heeft een handige prullenbak waarmee verwijderde bestanden gemakkelijk zijn terug te halen.
Per ongeluk een foto of video verwijderd? Geen paniek! Eenvoudige Galerij Pro heeft een handige prullenbak waarmee verwijderde bestanden gemakkelijk zijn terug te halen.
Door middel van een pincode, patroon of een vingerafdruk zijn foto’s, video’s & gehele albums te beveiligen of te verbergen. Ook de gehele app of specifieke functies binnen de galerij zijn zo te beveiligen. Voorbeeld: stel in dat bestanden alleen kunnen worden verwijderd na een vingerafdrukscan.
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Przeglądaj, edytuj, chroń, a w razie czego łatwo odzyskuj swe zdjęcia i filmy.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<string name="fixing">A corrigir…</string>
<string name="dates_fixed_successfully">Dados corrigidos com sucesso</string>
<string name="share_resized">Partilhar foto redimensionada</string>
<string name="upgraded_from_free">Hey,\n\nseems like you upgraded from the old free app. You can now uninstall the old version, which has an \'Upgrade to Pro\' button at the top of the app settings.\n\nYou will only have the Recycle bin items deleted, favorite items unmarked and you will also have to reset your app settings.\n\nThanks!</string>
<string name="upgraded_from_free">Olá,\n\nparece que você utilizou a opção de atualização existente na versão antiga. Agora já pode desinstalar essa versão antiga.\n\nApenas perderá os itens existentes na reciclagem e os favoritos não assinalados mas também terá que repor as predefinições da aplicação.\n\nObrigado!</string>
<!-- Filter -->
<string name="filter_media">Filtrar multimédia</string>
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">Кэш приложения может занимать до 250 МБ, это обеспечивает более быструю загрузку изображений. Если приложение занимает ещё больше места, это, скорее всего, связано с тем, что в корзине находятся удалённые объекты. Эти файлы прибавляются к размеру приложения. Вы можете очистить корзину или открыв её, или из настроек приложения. Любой файл в корзине автоматически удаляется через 30 дней.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Галерея без рекламы. Управление, изменение, восстановление и защита фото и видео</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">Cache apky môže mať maximálne 250MB, zabezpečuje to rýchlejšie načítanie obrázkov. Ak je apka ešte väčšia, bude to pravdepodobne spôsobené množstvom súborov v Odpadkovom koši. Dané súbory sa počítajú do veľkosti apky. Ak ich chcete vymazať, môžete kôš buď otvoriť a položky vymazať manuálne, alebo ho môžete vysypať v nastaveniach apky. Položky v koši sú automaticky mazané po 30 dňoch.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Jednoduchá galéria Pro: Foto organizér a editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline galéria bez reklám. Organizujte, upravujte, a chráňte vaše súbory.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Офлајн галерија без реклама. Организуј, измени,опорави,заштити фотографије,видео</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Офлайн-галерея без реклами. Впорядкуй, редагуй, віднови та захисти фото і відео.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<string name="fixing">正在修复…</string>
<string name="dates_fixed_successfully">日期修复成功</string>
<string name="share_resized">调整图像尺寸并分享</string>
<string name="upgraded_from_free">Hey,\n\nseems like you upgraded from the old free app. You can now uninstall the old version, which has an \'Upgrade to Pro\' button at the top of the app settings.\n\nYou will only have the Recycle bin items deleted, favorite items unmarked and you will also have to reset your app settings.\n\nThanks!</string>
<string name="upgraded_from_free">嘿,\n\n看起来您是从旧的免费版应用程序升级的。您现在可以卸载旧版本,在该版本应用的设置菜单顶部有一个“升级到专业版”按钮。\n\n此操作将会删除回收站项目,并取消收藏已收藏的项目,你的应用设置也将会重置。\n\n谢谢!</string>
<!-- Filter -->
<string name="filter_media">要显示的媒体文件</string>
@ -218,10 +218,12 @@
<string name="faq_13_text">目前显示图像的方案在绝大多数情况下都能正常工作,如果您想要更好的图像质量,您可以在设置中启用\"以最高质量显示图像\"。</string>
<string name="faq_14_title">我隐藏了某个文件/文件夹。如何取消隐藏?</string>
<string name="faq_14_text">您可以点击主界面上的\"暂时显示隐藏的项目\"选项,或在设置中开启\"显示隐藏的项目\"。 如果你想取消隐藏它,长按它并选择\"取消隐藏\"即可。 我们是通过向文件夹中添加\".nomedia\"文件来隐藏文件夹的,使用文件管理器删除该文件也可以取消隐藏。</string>
<string name="faq_15_title">Why does the app take up so much space?</string>
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<string name="faq_15_title"为什么应用占用了这么多的空间?</string>
<string name="faq_15_text">应用缓存最多可达250MB,这样可以使图像加载更快。如果应用占用了更多空间,则很可能是因为回收站中有项目。这些文件被计入应用程序大小。您可以打开回收站并删除所有文件,或从应用设置中清除回收站。回收站中的内容会在30天后自动删除。</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">简约图库 Pro: 图片管理 & 编辑</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">一个没有广告的离线图库。便于整理,编辑,恢复和保护照片 & 视频。</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -220,10 +220,12 @@
<string name="faq_13_text">目前顯示圖片的處理方法,在大部分情況下都能正常運行。但如果你想要更好的圖片品質,你可以在程式設定中[可深度縮放的圖片]部分,啟用[以最高品質顯示圖片]。</string>
<string name="faq_14_title">我隱藏了一個檔案/資料夾。我如何取消隱藏?</string>
<string name="faq_14_text">你可以在主畫面的選單項按[暫時顯示隱藏的項目],或者在程式設定中切換[顯示隱藏的項目]來看隱藏項目。如果你想要取消隱藏,只要長按然後選擇[取消隱藏]。以添加\".nomedia\"檔案進行隱藏的資料夾,你也可以用任何檔案管理器來刪除這檔案。</string>
<string name="faq_15_title">Why does the app take up so much space?</string>
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<string name="faq_15_title">為什麼這應用程式占用了這麼多空間?</string>
<string name="faq_15_text">應用程式快取最多占用250MB,以確保更快的圖片讀取。如果這應用程式占用了多更多的空間,最有可能是因為你在垃圾桶內有東西。那些檔案也計入應用程式大小內。你可以開啟垃圾桶並刪除全部檔案,或者從應用程式設定來清除垃圾桶。垃圾桶內的每個檔案都會在30天後自動刪除。</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">簡易相簿 Pro: 相片管理&編輯器</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">沒有廣告的離線相簿。整理、編輯、恢復和保護照片&影片</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Gallery Pro: Photo Manager & Editor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Offline gallery without ads. Organize, edit, recover and protect photos & videos</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
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