From 349dfd414a76898c6cc1e262cbf89b9b49654720 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: tibbi Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 11:58:22 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] updating a FAQ item about fast forwarding, add double tapping on screen side --- app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-az/strings.xml | 4 ++-- app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-da/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml | 4 ++-- app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml | 4 ++-- app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-gl/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-id/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-ko-rKR/strings.xml | 4 ++-- app/src/main/res/values-lt/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml | 4 ++-- app/src/main/res/values-ne/strings.xml | 4 ++-- app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml | 4 ++-- app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml | 4 ++-- app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml | 6 +++--- app/src/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml | 4 ++-- app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-vi/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml | 2 +- app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml | 4 ++-- 37 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml index 344bcce6b..fc5b86b7c 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ كيف يمكنني جعل ألبوماً يظهر دائماً في الأعلى ؟ يمكنك الضغط مطولاً علي الألبوم المطلوب وحدد أيقونة "التثبيت" في قائمة الإجراءات، التي ستقوم بتثبيته في الأعلي. يمكنك تثبيت مجلدات متعددة أيضا، سيتم فرز العناصر المثبتة حسب طريقة الفرز الإفتراضية. كيف يمكنني تسريع مقاطع الفيديو؟ - يمكنك إما سحب إصبعك أفقياً على مشغل الفيديو، أو النقر على نصوص المدة الحالية أو أقصي مدة النصوص بالقرب من شريط التحكم (seekbar) . هذا سوف يحرك الفيديو إما إلى الخلف، أو إلى الأمام. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. ما هو الفرق بين إخفاء المجلد وإستبعاده ؟ الإستبعاد يمنع عرض المجلد فقط في الاستديو، بينما الإخفاء يعمل على مستوى النظام ويخفي المجلد من المعارض الأخرى أيضاً. يعمل عن طريق إنشاء ملف فارغ \ ".nomedia \" في المجلد المحدد ، والذي يمكنك إزالته بعد ذلك بواسطة أي مدير ملفات أيضًا. لماذا تظهر المجلدات مع صورة غلاف الموسيقى أو الملصقات؟ diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-az/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-az/strings.xml index 449778d15..5ecd24f39 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-az/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-az/strings.xml @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files. How can I make an album always appear at the top? You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method. - How can I fast-forward videos? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + How can I fast forward videos? + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder? Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml index bf388a9fd..6a260fd4e 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Com puc fer que un àlbum sempre aparegui a la part superior? Podeu prémer l’àlbum desitjat i seleccionar la icona de la xinxeta al menú d’acció i el fixarà a la part superior. També podeu enganxar diverses carpetes, els elements fixats s’ordenaran pel mètode de classificació predeterminat. Com puc fer avançar els vídeos? - Podeu arrossegar el dit horitzontalment al reproductor de vídeo o fer clic als textos actuals o de màxima duració a prop de la barra de cerca. Això mourà el vídeo ja sigui cap enrere o cap endavant. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Quina és la diferència entre ocultar i excloure una carpeta? Excloure impedeix mostrar la carpeta només a Simple Galery, mentre que Ocultar també amaga la carpeta a altres galeries. Funciona creant un fitxer \". Nomedia \" buit a la carpeta donada, que podeu eliminar amb qualsevol gestor de fitxers. Per què apareixen les carpetes amb les portades de la música o adhesius? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml index 9ed63b894..af697b7c1 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Jak mohu dosáhnout, aby bylo dané album stále zobrazeno jako první? Můžete označit danou složku dlouhým podržením a zvolit tlačítko s obrázkem připínáčku, to ji připne nahoru. Můžete připnout i více složek, budou seřazeny podle zvoleného řazení. Jak mohu video posunout vpřed? - Můžete toho dosáhnout buď tažením prstu vodorovně přes okno přehrávače nebo klepnutím na text aktuální či celkové délky videa, který najdete po bocích indikátoru aktuální pozice. To posune video buď zpět nebo vpřed. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Jaký je rozdíl mezi Skrytím a Vyloučením složky? Zatímco vyloučení zamezí zobrazení složky pouze vrámci Jednoduché galerie, skrytí ji ukryje v celém systému, tedy to ovlivní i ostatní galerie. Skrytí funguje pomocí vytvoření prázdného souboru \".nomedia\" v daném adresáři, který můžete vymazat i libovolným správcem souborů. Proč se mi zobrazují složky s obaly hudebních alb, nebo nálepkami? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-da/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-da/strings.xml index a4fc7e372..9321a1ec3 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-da/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-da/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Hvordan kan jeg altid få et bestemt album vist i toppen? Du kan holde fingeren nede på det ønskede album, og vælge tegnestift-ikonet i menuen, dette vil fastgøre den til toppen. Du kan fastgøre flere mapper også. Fastgjorte elementer vil blive sorteret efter standard sorterings-metoden. Hvordan kan jeg spole fremad i videoer? - Du kan enten trække din finger vandret over videoafspilleren, eller klikke på den nuværende eller maksimum varighedsteksterne, nær søgefeltet. Det vil enten spole videoen tilbage eller fremad. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Hvad er forskellen på at skjule og ekskludere en mappe? Eksludering forhindrer kun visning af mappen i Simple Gallery, mens Skjul virker på systemniveau og skjuler mappen fra andre gallerier også. Det fungerer ved at oprette en tom \".nomedia\"-fil i den givne mappe, som du kan slette med enhver filhåndterings-app. Hvorfor dukker mapper med musikomslag eller klistermærker op? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml index 0e04da922..ce4e3c495 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Wie kann ich ein Album immer zuoberst erscheinen lassen? Du kannst lange auf das gewünschte Album drücken und im Aktionsmenü das Stecknadelsymbol auswählen; es wird nun zuoberst angepinnt. Ebenso kannst du mehrere Ordner anpinnen. Angepinnte Objekte werden nach der Standardmethode sortiert. Wie kann ich in Videos vor- oder zurückspringen? - Du kannst deinen Finger horizontal über den Videoplayer ziehen oder in der Nähe der Suchleiste auf die aktuelle oder maximale Dauer klicken. Das Video wird so entweder vorwärts oder rückwärts bewegt. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen \'Verstecken\' und \'Ausschließen\' eines Ordners? \'Ausschließen\' verhindert lediglich, dass der Ordner in Schlichte Galerie angezeigt wird. \'Verstecken\' hingegen versteckt den Ordner auch vor anderen Apps. Dies funktioniert durch das Erstellen einer leeren \".nomedia\"-Datei im betroffenen Ordner, welche du mit jedem Dateimanager wieder löschen kannst. Wieso erscheinen Ordner mit Musik-Cover oder Stickers? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml index aa1793702..205ace50f 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml @@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ Υπάρχουν 2 λύσεις. Είτε επανεγκατάσταση της εφαρμογής, ή να εντοπίσετε την εφαρμογή στις ρυθμίσεις της συσκευής και να επιλέξετε \"Καθαρισμό δεδομένων\". Θα επαναφέρει όλες τις ρυθμίσεις και δεν θα σβήσει κάποιο αρχείο πολυμέσου. Πώς μπορώ να κάνω ένα άλμπουμ να φαίνεται στην κορυφή; Μπορείτε να πατήσετε παρατεταμένα στο άλμπουμ και να επιλέξετε το εικονίδιο καρφιτσώματος στο μενού, αυτό θα το καρφιτσώσει στην κορυφή. Επίσης μπορείτε να καρφιτσώσετε πολλαπλούς φακέλους, τα καρφιτσωμένα αντικείμενα θα είναι ταξινομημένα με την προεπιλεγμένη μέθοδο. - Πώς μπορώ να τρέξω μπροστά (fast-forward) τα βίντεο; - Μπορείτε είτε να σύρετε το δάχτυλό σας οριζόντια πάνω από το πρόγραμμα αναπαραγωγής Βίντεο ή να κάνετε κλικ στα γράμματα της τρέχουσας ή της μέγιστης διάρκειας κοντά στο Γραμμή Αναζήτησης. Αυτό θα μετακινήσει το βίντεο προς τα πίσω ή προς τα εμπρός. + Πώς μπορώ να τρέξω μπροστά (fast forward) τα βίντεο; + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Ποια είναι διαφορά μεταξύ απόκρυψης και εξαίρεσης ενός φακέλου; Η εξαίρεση δεν επιτρέπει την εμφάνιση του φακέλου μόνο στην Απλή Συλλογή, ενώ η απόκρυψη λειτουργεί σε επίπεδο συστήματος και θα αποκρύψει τον φάκελο και από άλλες εφαρμογές γκάλερι. Λειτουργεί δημιουργώντας ένα άδειο \".nomedia\" αρχείο στον επιλεγμένο φάκελο, το οποίο μπορείτε να το διαγράψετε και με οποιονδήποτε διαχειριστή αρχείων. Γιατί εμφανίζονται φάκελοι με εξώφυλλο μουσικής ή αυτόκολλητα; diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml index f64c4896c..486a0ec65 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ ¿Cómo puedo hacer que un álbum siempre aparezca en la parte superior? Puede aguantar pulsado el álbum deseado y seleccionar el ícono Pin en el menú de acción, que lo fijará en la parte superior. También puede anclar varias carpetas, los artículos fijados se ordenarán por el método de clasificación predeterminado. ¿Cómo puedo avanzar videos? - Puede arrastrar el dedo horizontalmente sobre el reproductor de video, o hacer clic en los textos de duración actual o máxima cerca de la barra de búsqueda, que moverán el video hacia atrás o hacia adelante. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre ocultar y excluir una carpeta? Excluir evita mostrar la carpeta solo en Simple Gallery, mientras que Ocultar funciona en el sistema y oculta la carpeta de otras galerías también. Funciona al crear un archivo \".nomedia \" vacío en la carpeta determinada, que luego puede eliminar también con cualquier administrador de archivos. ¿Por qué aparecen las carpetas con la portada de la música o las pegatinas? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml index ec6c7a99e..08e769e2f 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files. How can I make an album always appear at the top? You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method. - How can I fast-forward videos? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + How can I fast forward videos? + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder? Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml index 2f372892e..634295785 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ Comment faire pour qu\'un album soit toujours affiché tout en haut ? Vous devez simplement à effectuer un appui prolongé sur l\'album en question et choisir l\'icône \"Épingler\" dans le menu d\'actions. Vous pouvez en épingler plusieurs. Les éléments épinglés seront alors triés selon l\'ordre par défaut. Comment avancer rapidement dans les vidéos ? - Vous pouvez soit faire glisser votre doigt horizontalement sur le lecteur vidéo, soit cliquer sur le texte en cours ou la durée maximale près de la barre de recherche. Cela déplacera la vidéo vers l\'arrière ou vers l\'avant. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Quelle est la différence entre cacher et exclure un dossier ? \"Exclure un dossier\" permet de ne pas l\'afficher uniquement dans Simple Gallery, alors que \"Cacher un dossier\" rend le dossier invisible sur l\'ensemble de l\'appareil, y compris les autres applications de galerie. Dans le dernier cas, un fichier \".nomedia\" est créé dans le dossier caché, et peut être supprimé avec n\'importe quel explorateur de fichiers. Pourquoi des dossiers avec des pochettes d\'albums musicaux ou des miniatures d\'images sont affichés ? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-gl/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-gl/strings.xml index dc9b48aa7..a07cc170a 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-gl/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-gl/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Cómo podo facer que un álbume apareza sempre arriba de todo? Pode manter premido o álbume e escoller a icona de Fixar no menú de accións, esto fixarao arriba. Pode fixar varios cartafoles tambén, os elementos fixados estarán ordenados polo criterio por omisión. Cómo podo aumentar a velocidade de reprodución de vídeo? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Cal é a diferenza entre agochar e excluír un cartafol? A Exclusión prevén que se mostre o cartafol só en Simple Gallery, mentras Agochar funciona para todo o sistema e agocha o cartafol para outras galerías tamén. Esto funciona creando un ficheiro baldeiro de nome \".nomedia\" no cartafol, que tamén pode quitar con calquer xestor de ficheiros. Por qué aparecen cartafoles de música con portadas ou pegatinas? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml index ebb3c745c..05754191b 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Kako postići da je album uvijek na vrhu? Dugo pritisnute željeni album i odaberite ikonu igle na akcijskom izborniku, koji će ga pričvrstiti na vrh. Možete prikvačiti više mapa odjednom, prikvačene stavke će biti razvrstane prema zadanom načinu razvrstavanja. Kako mogu ubrzati video? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Koja je razlika između skrivanja i izuzimanja mape? Izuzimanje sprječava prikaz mape samo u Jednostavnoj galeriji, a skrivanje radi na razini sustava i skriva mapu iz drugih galerija. Djeluje stvaranjem praznih \".nomedia\" datoteka u zadanoj mapi, koju možete ukloniti pomoću bilo kojeg upraviteljem datoteka. Zašto se prikazuju mape s naslovnicama albuma i minijaturama slika? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml index b052836be..5a4befa5f 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ A következő alkalommal, amikor megpróbál megnyitni egy képet vagy videót, Hogyan állíthatok be egy albumot úgy, hogy mindig felül legyen? Hosszan nyomja meg a kívánt albumot, és válassza ki a Kitűzés ikont a művelet menüben, ami rögzíti felülre. Többféle mappát is kitűzhet, ezeket az elemeket az alapértelmezett rendezési mód szerint rendezi. Hogyan tudom előre tekerni a videókat? - Húzhatja az ujját vízszintesen a videolejátszón, vagy kattintson az aktuális vagy a max. időtartam szövegekre a keresősáv közelében. Ez visszafelé vagy előre mozgatja a videót. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Mi a különbség a mappa elrejtése és kizárása között? A Kizárás megakadályozza, hogy a mappát a Simple Gallery megjelenítse, az Elrejtés pedig rendszer szinten működik, és elrejti a mappát más galériákból is. Úgy működik, hogy létrehoz egy üres \". nomedia\" nevű fájlt az adott mappában, amelyet bármikor eltávolíthat bármilyen fájlkezelővel is. Miért jelennek meg a zenei borítóval vagy matricával rendelkező mappák? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-id/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-id/strings.xml index 6536c8373..9260359f5 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-id/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-id/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Bagaimana agar album selalu muncul paling atas di dalam daftar? Anda bisa menekan lama album tersebut dan pilih ikon Pin di menu tindakan, hal tersebut akan membuat album tetap berada di bagian paling atas daftar. Anda juga bisa menyematkan beberapa folder, item yang di-pin akan diurutkan berdasarkan metode urutan default. Bagaimana cara mempercepat laju video? - Anda bisa menyeret jari anda secara horizontal pada pemutar video, atau klik pada teks durasi saat ini atau maks dekat bilah laju. Hal tersebut akan memundurkan atau memajukan laju video. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Apa perbedaan antara menyembunyikan dan mengecualikan folder? Mengecualikan tidak akan menampilkan folder di Simple Gallery saja, sedangkan Sembunyikan bekerja sesuai aturan sistem dan akan menyembunyikan folder dari aplikasi galeri yang lain. Cara kerjanya dengan membuat berkas \".nomedia\" kosong pada folder yang diinginkan, yang bisa anda hapus juga dengan aplikasi pengelola berkas. Mengapa folder dengan gambar album musik atau stiker muncul? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml index 21a731990..a132752bd 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Bagaimana agar album selalu muncul paling atas di dalam daftar? Anda bisa menekan lama album tersebut dan pilih ikon Pin di menu tindakan, hal tersebut akan membuat album tetap berada di bagian paling atas daftar. Anda juga bisa menyematkan beberapa folder, item yang di-pin akan diurutkan berdasarkan metode urutan default. Bagaimana cara mempercepat laju video? - Anda bisa menyeret jari anda secara horizontal pada pemutar video, atau klik pada teks durasi saat ini atau maks dekat bilah laju. Hal tersebut akan memundurkan atau memajukan laju video. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Apa perbedaan antara menyembunyikan dan mengecualikan folder? Mengecualikan tidak akan menampilkan folder di Simple Gallery saja, sedangkan Sembunyikan bekerja sesuai aturan sistem dan akan menyembunyikan folder dari aplikasi galeri yang lain. Cara kerjanya dengan membuat berkas \".nomedia\" kosong pada folder yang diinginkan, yang bisa anda hapus juga dengan aplikasi pengelola berkas. Mengapa folder dengan gambar album musik atau stiker muncul? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml index 34eb9b92c..30a80d7cd 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Come posso fare apparire un album sempre in cima? Si può toccare a lungo l\'album desiderato e selezionare l\'icona puntina nel menù azioni, ciò lo fisserà in cima. Si possono anche fissare varie cartelle, gli elementi fissati saranno ordinati dal metodo di ordinamento predefinito. Come avanzo velocemente nei video? - Si possono trascinare le proprie dita orrizontalmente sul video, oppure cliccando i testi accanto alla barra di avanzamento. In questo modo il video andrà avanti o indietro. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Che differenza c\'è tra nascondere ed escludere una cartella? Escludere impedisce la visualizzazione della cartella solo in Semplice Galleria, mentre nascondere ha effetto in tutto il sistema e nasconde la cartella anche alle altre gallerie. Funziona creando un file vuoto \".nomedia\" nella cartella in questione, si possono anche rimuovere successivamente con qualsiasi gestore dei file. Perchè vengono mostrate cartelle con copertine o adesivi di musica? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml index f35577c8c..210e3eb79 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ How can I make an album always appear at the top? You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method. 動画を早送りするにはどうすればよいですか? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder? Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ko-rKR/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ko-rKR/strings.xml index bf2c14a64..f20bfe470 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-ko-rKR/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ko-rKR/strings.xml @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files. How can I make an album always appear at the top? You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method. - How can I fast-forward videos? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + How can I fast forward videos? + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder? Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-lt/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-lt/strings.xml index 7a8138d85..2dfd8336a 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-lt/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-lt/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Kaip aš galiu padaryti albumą visada rodomą viršuje? Galite ilgai paspausti norimą albumą ir pasirinkti "Prisegti" piktogramą, esančią meniu "Veiksmo meniu", viršuje. Galite prisegti kelis aplankus, prisegti elementai bus rūšiuojami pagal numatytąjį rūšiavimo metodą. Kaip galėčiau greitai prasukti vaizdo įrašus? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Koks skirtumas tarp slėpimo ir išskyrimo iš aplanko? Išskyrimas neleidžia rodyti aplanko tik paprastoje galerijoje, tuo tarpu slėpimas slepia aplanką iš kitų galerijų. Tai veikia, sukuriant tuščią \ ". Nomedia \" bylą tam tikrame aplanke, kurį vėliau galite pašalinti bet kuria bylų tvarkykle. Kodėl pasirodo aplankai su muzikos viršeliu ar lipdukais? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml index e28349369..753550269 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files. How can I make an album always appear at the top? You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method. - How can I fast-forward videos? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + How can I fast forward videos? + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder? Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ne/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ne/strings.xml index 68e3e162f..0042c3ff4 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-ne/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ne/strings.xml @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files. How can I make an album always appear at the top? You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method. - How can I fast-forward videos? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + How can I fast forward videos? + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder? Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml index 922dd0b3f..7c0fceed6 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Hoe kan ik een map bovenaan vastzetten? Druk lang op het map en kies vervolgens de punaise in het actiemenu. Als er meerdere mappen zijn vastgezet, zullen deze worden weergeven op basis van de standaardsortering. Hoe kan ik terug- of vooruitspoelen in video’s? - Sleep horizontaal over de videospeler, of klik bij de zoekbalk op de cijfers die de huidige voortgang of de lengte weergeven. Hierbij zal de video respectievelijk terug- of vooruitspringen. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Wat is het verschil tussen het verbergen en het uitsluiten van mappen? Met \"Uitsluiten\" wordt het tonen van de map alleen binnen deze app voorkomen, terwijl \"Verbergen\" de map ook zal verbergen voor andere galerij-apps. Met \"Verbergen\" wordt een bestand genaamd \".nomedia\" in de te verbergen map aangemaakt (het verwijderen van dit bestand uit de map maakt het verbergen ongedaan). Waarom zie ik mappen met stickers of covers van muziekalbums? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml index 62cbd7aad..100bb5c3b 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ Jak sprawić, aby album(y) zawsze pojawiał(y) się na górze? Przytrzymaj album(y) i wybierz ikonę przypięcia w pasku akcji. Jak mogę przwijać filmy? - Na dwa sposoby: albo przeciągając poziomo palcem po filmie, albo klikając obecny (przewinięcie do tyłu) lub całkowity czas trwania (do przodu). + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Jaka jest różnica między ukryciem, a wykluczeniem folderu? Wykluczenie działa tylko w obrębie niniejszej aplikacji (wszędzie indziej pliki są normalnie widoczne), ukrywanie - w obrębie całego systemu (nie widać ich nigdzie), dodawany jest wtedy do folderu pusty plik \'.nomedia\', który możesz usunąć w dowolnym menedżerze plików. Dlaczego pokazują mi się foldery z okładkami do piosenek i tym podobne rzeczy? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml index f88bb0472..f69dcfe08 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ Você pode resolver isto de duas formas. Você pode reinstalar o aplicativo ou ir nas configurações do seu dispositivo e selecionar a opção "Limpar armazenamento". Isto irá redefinir todas as suas configurações, não removerá nenhum arquivo de mídia. O que posso fazer para que uma pasta sempre apareça no topo da lista? Faça um toque longo na pasta em questão, e depois toque no ícone de alfinete na parte superior da tela, isto irá fixá-la no topo. Você também pode fixar várias pastas; os itens fixados serão classificados pelo método de ordenação padrão. - Como faço para avançar rapidamente um vídeo (fast-forward)? - Você pode fazer um gesto horizontal como dedo, ou tocar nos números de tempo atual ou tempo total do vídeo, que se encontram próximos à barra de posicionamento. + Como faço para avançar rapidamente um vídeo (fast forward)? + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Qual é a diferença entre ocultar e ignorar uma pasta? Ignorar deixa de exibir a pasta apenas no Simple Galeria, enquanto Ocultar afeta todo o sistema e pode ocultar pastas de outras galerias também. A função ocultar funciona adicionando um arquivo vazio chamado \".nomedia\" na pasta em questão, arquivo este você também pode excluir com um gerenciador de arquivos, se quiser. Porque pastas com capas de CD de música ou figurinhas aparecem na lista? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml index d5bd52983..c1d226674 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files. How can I make an album always appear at the top? You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method. - How can I fast-forward videos? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + How can I fast forward videos? + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder? Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml index 66cd4eeff..f006f3a6b 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Как я могу сделать альбом всегда отображающимся сверху? Вы можете длительным нажатием на желаемый альбом открыть меню действий в нём выбрать пункт \"Закрепить\". Можно закрепить несколько альбомов (папок); прикреплённые элементы будут отсортированы по методу сортировки по умолчанию. Как ускорить перемотку видео? - Вы можете либо перемещать пальцем по горизонтали над видеопроигрывателем, либо нажать на цифры текущего положения или максимальной длительности видео рядом с панелью поиска, что приведёт к перемещению позиции воспроизведения назад или вперёд. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. В чём разница между скрытием и исключением папки? Исключение запрещает отображение папки только в Simple Gallery, в то время как скрытие работает системно и скрывает папку из других галерей. Это достигается путём создания пустого файла \".nomedia\" в данной папке, который впоследствии можно удалить любым файловым менеджером. Почему отображаются папки с музыкальными обложками? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml index 565448a00..5a4667b57 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ Zobraziť odpadkový kôš ako poslednú položku na hlavnej obrazovke Povoliť zatváranie celoobrazovkového režimu potiahnutím prsta dole Povoliť 1:1 priblíženie dvojnásobným dvojklikom - Vždy otvárať videá na vlastnej obrazovke s novými vodorovnými gestami + Vždy otvárať videá na novej obrazovke s novými vodorovnými gestami Zobraziť výrez obrazovky, ak je dostupný Povoliť otáčanie obrázkov gestami Priorita pri načítavaní súborov @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ Viete to vyriešǐť 2 spôsobmi. Môžete apku buď preinštalovať, alebo ju nájsť v nastaveniach zariadenia a zvoliť \"Vymazať údaje\". Vymaže to iba nastavenia, nie súbory. Ako môžem dosiahnuť, aby bol daný album stále zobrazený prvý? Môžete označiť daný priečinok dlhým podržaním a zvoliť tlačidlo s obrázkom pripinačky, to ho pripne na vrch. Môžete pripnúť aj viacero priečinkov, budú zoradené podľa zvoleného radenia. - Ako viem posunúť video vpred? - Môžete to dosiahnuť vodorovným potiahnutím prsta cez video prehrávač, alebo kliknúť na texty súčasnej, alebo maximálnej dĺžky videa, ktoré sú vedľa indikátora súčasného progresu. To posunie video buď vpred, alebo vzad. + Ako viem posunúť video rýchlo vpred? + Viete to dosiahnuť dvojitým kliknutím na boky obrazovky, alebo kliknutím na texty súčasnej, alebo maximálnej dĺžky videa, ktoré sú vedľa indikátora súčasného progresu. Ak v nastaveniach apky zapnete možnosť spúšťania videí na novej obrazovke, budete môcť použiť aj vodorovné gestá. Aký je rozdiel medzi Skrytím a Vylúčením priečinka? Kým vylúčenie predíde zobrazeniu priečinka iba vrámci Jednoduchej Galérie, skrytie ho ukryje vrámci celého systému, teda to ovplyvní aj ostatné galérie. Skrytie funguje pomocou vytvorenia prázdneho \".nomedia\" súboru v danom priečinku, ktorý viete vymazať aj nejakým správcom súborov. Prečo sa mi zobrazujú priečinky s obalmi hudobných albumov, alebo nálepkami? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml index 58c3230db..ec48ba0e4 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Kako nastaviti, da se določen album vedno prikaže na vrhu? Z dolgim pritiskom na album se vam prikaže meni, v katerem je na voljo bucika, s katero pripnete album na željeno mesto. Na ta način lahko pripnete več albumov, ki bodo razvrščeni v skladu s privzetim načinom razvrščanja. Ali lahko hitro predvajam videoposnetke? - To lahko storite tako, da s prstom vodoravno potegnete čez predvajalnik ali kliknete na izpis trenutnega oz. skupnega trajanja, kar bo videoposnetek premaknilo naprej ali nazaj. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Kakšna je razlika med skrivanjem in izključevanjem mape? Izključevanje mape jo skrije le v Simple galeriji, medtem ko jo skrivanje skrije tudi v ostalih aplikacijah oz. galerijah. Deluje tako, da kreira prazno \".nomedia\" datoteko v izbrani mapi, katero lahko odstranite tudi s katerimkoli urejevalnikom datotek. Zakaj se v galeriji prikažejo datoteke z naslovnicami glasbenih map ali nalepk? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml index 0a5ab8092..765aed483 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Како да подесим да се неки албум увек појављује на врху? Дуго притисните на жељени албум и изаберите Закачи икону у менију за акције, то ће га поставити на врх. Можете да закачите више фасцикли истовремено, с тим што ће бити сортирани према подразумевајућем методу за сортирање. Како да премотавам видео снимке? - Можете да вучете прст хоризонтално преко видео плејера, или да кликнете на тренутно или максимално поред траке за премотавање. То ће премотати видео назад или напред. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Која је разлика између скривања и изузимања фасцикле? Изузимање спречава приказивање фасцикле само у Једноставној галерији, док се скривање односи на цео систем и скрива фасциклу од свих других галерија. Он функционише тако што прави празан \".nomedia\" фајл у задатој фасцикли, који затим можете да уклоните са било којим фајл менаџером. Зашто се фасцикле са сликама музичких извођача или налепницама приказују? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml index a0cf7883a..74d6f1c1d 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files. How can I make an album always appear at the top? You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method. - How can I fast-forward videos? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar, that will move the video either backward, or forward. + How can I fast forward videos? + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder? Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml index f04d9abc6..c2a1d8d30 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Bir albümün her zaman en üstte görünmesini nasıl sağlayabilirim? İstediğiniz albüme uzunca basabilir ve eylem menüsündeki Sabitle simgesini seçebilirsiniz. Birden çok klasörü de sabitleyebilirsiniz, sabitlenmiş öğeler varsayılan sıralama yöntemine göre sıralanır. Videoları nasıl hızlıca ileri sarabilirim? - Parmağınızı video oynatıcı üzerinde yatay olarak sürükleyebilir veya videoyu ileri veya geri hareket ettirecek arama çubuğunun yanındaki geçerli veya maksimum süre metinlerine tıklayabilirsiniz. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Klasörün gizlenmesi ve hariç tutulması arasındaki fark nedir? Hariç tut, klasörü yalnızca Basit Galeri\'de görüntülemeyi engellerken, Gizle sistem genelinde çalışır ve klasörü diğer galerilerden de gizler. Verilen klasörde boş bir \".nomedia\" dosyası oluşturarak çalışır, daha sonra herhangi bir dosya yöneticisi ile kaldırabilirsiniz. Neden albüm resimlerini içeren klasörler görünüyor? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml index b30d57e3f..c9011b067 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Як зробити альбом завжди доступним у верхній частині? Ви можете виконати довге натискання на бажаному альбомі і вибрати піктограму \"Закріпити\" у меню дій, що закріпить його вгорі. Ви також можете закріпити декілька тек; закріплені елементи будуть відсортовані за методом сортування за-замовчуванням. Як я можу швидко прокручувати відео? - Ви можете або провести пальцем горизонтально під час відтворення відео, або натиснути на текст поточної або максимальної тривалості відео біля прогрес-бару, що прокрутить відео або назад, або вперед. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. В чому полягає різниця між приховуванням та виключенням теки? \"Виключити\" запобігає відображенню теки тільки в додатку Simple Gallery, в той час як \"Приховати\" працює на системному рівні і приховує теку і в інших галереях також. Це здійснюється шляхом створення порожнього файлу \".nomedia\" в заданій теці, який може бути видалений пізніше будь-яким файловим менеджером. Чому відображаються теки з музичними обкладинками або стікерами? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-vi/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-vi/strings.xml index f35990c78..6ea39803d 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-vi/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-vi/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Làm thế nào tôi có thể làm cho một album luôn xuất hiện ở đầu? Bạn có thể nhấn và giữ album mong muốn và chọn biểu tượng Ghim ở menu hành động, nó sẽ ghim nó lên trên cùng. Bạn cũng có thể ghim nhiều thư mục, các mục được ghim sẽ được sắp xếp theo phương pháp sắp xếp mặc định. Làm cách nào tôi có tua video nhanh? - Bạn có thể kéo ngón tay của mình theo chiều ngang trên trình phát video hoặc nhấp vào văn bản thời lượng hiện tại hoặc tối đa gần thanh tìm kiếm. Điều đó sẽ di chuyển video hoặc lùi hoặc tiến. + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. Sự khác biệt giữa ẩn và loại trừ một thư mục là gì? Loại trừ ngăn chỉ hiển thị thư mục trong Thư viện đơn giản, trong khi Ẩn hoạt động theo hệ thống và nó cũng ẩn thư mục khỏi các phòng trưng bày khác. Nó hoạt động bằng cách tạo một tệp \".nomedia\" trong thư mục đã cho, sau đó bạn cũng có thể xóa bằng bất kỳ trình quản lý tệp nào. Tại sao hiển thị các thư mục với ảnh bìa hoặc nhãn dán? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml index d2c68ffe9..f2aceeda6 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ 如何让某个相册始终显示在最上面? 你可以长按该相册并在操作栏中点击图钉图标,这样 就可以将其固定在顶部了。你也可以固定多个文件夹,固定项目将按照默认排序方法排序。 如何快进/快退视频? - 只需在视频播放器上左右滑动,或点击底栏进度条两侧的时间文本,即可前进或后退视频。 + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. 文件夹的隐藏和排除有什么区别? 排除功能只是防止其在简约图库中显示,而隐藏功能则使用的是系统的方法,这样做也会在其他图库中隐藏。它的工作原理是在给定的文件夹中创建一个空的.nomedia文件,你可以使用任何文件管理器删除它。 为什么会出现音乐艺术家封面或贴纸文件夹? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml index 037f78856..7373e776e 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ 我如何讓某個相冊總是出現在頂端? 你可以長按想要的相冊,然後在操作選單中選擇[圖釘]圖示,就會釘選於頂端。你也能釘選多個資料夾,釘選的項目會依預設的排序方法來排序。 我如何快轉影片? - 你可以在影片播放器上水平滑動你的手指,或者點擊進度條附近的當前或總時長文字。這會使影片快轉或倒轉。 + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. 隱藏和排除資料夾,兩者有什麼不同? [排除]只在簡易相簿中避免顯示出來;而[隱藏]則作用於整個系統,資料夾也會被其他相簿隱藏。這是藉由在指定資料夾內建立一個\".nomedia\"空白檔案來進行隱藏,你之後也能用任何檔案管理器移除。 為什麼有些音樂專輯封面或貼圖的資料夾會出現? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml index f28bde093..112af1601 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ 我如何讓某個相冊總是出現在頂端? 你可以長按想要的相冊,然後在操作選單中選擇[圖釘]圖示,就會釘選於頂端。你也能釘選多個資料夾,釘選的項目會依預設的排序方法來排序。 我如何快轉影片? - 你可以在影片播放器上水平滑動你的手指,或者點擊進度條附近的當前或總時長文字。這會使影片快轉或倒轉。 + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. 隱藏和排除資料夾,兩者有什麼不同? [排除]只在簡易相簿中避免顯示出來;而[隱藏]則作用於整個系統,資料夾也會被其他相簿隱藏。這是藉由在指定資料夾內建立一個\".nomedia\"空白檔案來進行隱藏,你之後也能用任何檔案管理器移除。 為什麼有些音樂專輯封面或貼圖的資料夾會出現? diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml index 2e8c6d123..f17067c6d 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files. How can I make an album always appear at the top? You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method. - How can I fast-forward videos? - You can either drag your finger horizontally over the video player, or click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. That will move the video either backward, or forward. + How can I fast forward videos? + You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too. What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder? Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up?