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;;; exwm-workspace.el --- Workspace Module for EXWM -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 1015-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Chris Feng <chris.w.feng@gmail.com>
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This module adds workspace support for EXWM.
;;; Code:
(require 'server)
(require 'exwm-core)
(defgroup exwm-workspace nil
:version "25.3"
:group 'exwm)
(defcustom exwm-workspace-switch-hook nil
"Normal hook run after switching workspace."
:type 'hook)
(defcustom exwm-workspace-list-change-hook nil
"Normal hook run when the workspace list is changed (workspace added,
deleted, moved, etc)."
:type 'hook)
(defcustom exwm-workspace-show-all-buffers nil
"Non-nil to show buffers on other workspaces."
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom exwm-workspace-warp-cursor nil
"Non-nil to warp cursor automatically after workspace switch."
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom exwm-workspace-number 1
"Initial number of workspaces."
:type 'integer)
(defcustom exwm-workspace-index-map #'number-to-string
"Function for mapping a workspace index to a string for display.
By default `number-to-string' is applied which yields 0 1 2 ... ."
:type 'function)
(defcustom exwm-workspace-minibuffer-position nil
"Position of the minibuffer frame.
A restart is required for this change to take effect."
:type '(choice (const :tag "Bottom (fixed)" nil)
(const :tag "Bottom (auto-hide)" bottom)
(const :tag "Top (auto-hide)" top)))
(defcustom exwm-workspace-display-echo-area-timeout 1
"Timeout for displaying echo area."
:type 'integer)
(defcustom exwm-workspace-switch-create-limit 10
"Number of workspaces `exwm-workspace-switch-create' allowed to create
each time."
:type 'integer)
(defvar exwm-workspace-current-index 0 "Index of current active workspace.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--attached-minibuffer-height 0
"Height (in pixel) of the attached minibuffer.
If the minibuffer is detached, this value is 0.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--create-silently nil
"When non-nil workspaces are created in the background (not switched to).
Please manually run the hook `exwm-workspace-list-change-hook' afterwards.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--current nil "Current active workspace.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer nil
"Timer for auto-hiding echo area.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--id-struts-alist nil "Alist of X window and struts.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--fullscreen-frame-count 0
"Count the fullscreen workspace frames.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--list nil "List of all workspaces (Emacs frames).")
(defvar exwm-workspace--minibuffer nil
"The minibuffer frame shared among all frames.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--original-handle-focus-in
(symbol-function #'handle-focus-in))
(defvar exwm-workspace--original-handle-focus-out
(symbol-function #'handle-focus-out))
(defvar exwm-workspace--prompt-add-allowed nil
"Non-nil to allow adding workspace from the prompt.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--prompt-delete-allowed nil
"Non-nil to allow deleting workspace from the prompt.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--struts nil "Areas occupied by struts.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--switch-history nil
"History for `read-from-minibuffer' to interactively switch workspace.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--switch-history-outdated nil
"Non-nil to indicate `exwm-workspace--switch-history' is outdated.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--timer nil "Timer used to track echo area changes.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--update-workareas-hook nil
"Normal hook run when workareas get updated.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--workareas nil "Workareas (struts excluded).")
(defvar exwm-workspace--frame-y-offset 0
"Offset between Emacs inner & outer frame in Y.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--window-y-offset 0
"Offset between Emacs first window & outer frame in Y.")
(defvar exwm-input--during-command)
(defvar exwm-input--event-hook)
(defvar exwm-layout-show-all-buffers)
(defvar exwm-manage--desktop)
(declare-function exwm-input--on-buffer-list-update "exwm-input.el" ())
(declare-function exwm-layout--fullscreen-p "exwm-layout.el" ())
(declare-function exwm-layout--hide "exwm-layout.el" (id))
(declare-function exwm-layout--other-buffer-predicate "exwm-layout.el"
(declare-function exwm-layout--refresh "exwm-layout.el")
(declare-function exwm-layout--show "exwm-layout.el" (id &optional window))
(defsubst exwm-workspace--position (frame)
"Retrieve index of given FRAME in workspace list.
NIL if FRAME is not a workspace."
(declare (indent defun))
(cl-position frame exwm-workspace--list))
(defsubst exwm-workspace--count ()
"Retrieve total number of workspaces."
(length exwm-workspace--list))
(defsubst exwm-workspace--workspace-p (frame)
"Return t if FRAME is a workspace."
(declare (indent defun))
(memq frame exwm-workspace--list))
(defsubst exwm-workspace--workarea (frame)
"Return workarea corresponding to FRAME.
FRAME may be either a workspace frame or a workspace position."
(declare (indent defun))
(elt exwm-workspace--workareas
(if (integerp frame)
(exwm-workspace--position frame))))
(defvar exwm-workspace--switch-map nil
"Keymap used for interactively selecting workspace.")
(defun exwm-workspace--init-switch-map ()
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map [t] (lambda () (interactive)))
(define-key map "+" #'exwm-workspace--prompt-add)
(define-key map "-" #'exwm-workspace--prompt-delete)
(dotimes (i 10)
(define-key map (int-to-string i)
(unless (eq exwm-workspace-index-map #'number-to-string)
;; Add extra (and possibly override) keys for selecting workspace.
(dotimes (i 10)
(let ((key (funcall exwm-workspace-index-map i)))
(when (and (stringp key)
(= (length key) 1)
(<= 0 (elt key 0) 127))
(define-key map key
(lambda ()
(exwm-workspace--switch-map-select-nth i)))))))
(define-key map "\C-a" (lambda () (interactive) (goto-history-element 1)))
(define-key map "\C-e" (lambda ()
(goto-history-element (exwm-workspace--count))))
(define-key map "\C-g" #'abort-recursive-edit)
(define-key map "\C-]" #'abort-recursive-edit)
(define-key map "\C-j" #'exit-minibuffer)
;; (define-key map "\C-m" #'exit-minibuffer) ;not working
(define-key map [return] #'exit-minibuffer)
(define-key map " " #'exit-minibuffer)
(define-key map "\C-f" #'previous-history-element)
(define-key map "\C-b" #'next-history-element)
;; Alternative keys
(define-key map [right] #'previous-history-element)
(define-key map [left] #'next-history-element)
(setq exwm-workspace--switch-map map)))
(defun exwm-workspace--workspace-from-frame-or-index (frame-or-index)
"Retrieve the workspace frame from FRAME-OR-INDEX."
((framep frame-or-index)
(unless (exwm-workspace--position frame-or-index)
(user-error "[EXWM] Frame is not a workspace %S" frame-or-index))
((integerp frame-or-index)
(unless (and (<= 0 frame-or-index)
(< frame-or-index (exwm-workspace--count)))
(user-error "[EXWM] Workspace index out of range: %d" frame-or-index))
(elt exwm-workspace--list frame-or-index))
(t (user-error "[EXWM] Invalid workspace: %s" frame-or-index))))
(defun exwm-workspace--prompt-for-workspace (&optional prompt)
"Prompt for a workspace, returning the workspace frame."
(let* ((current-idx (exwm-workspace--position exwm-workspace--current))
(history-add-new-input nil) ;prevent modifying history
(history-idx (read-from-minibuffer
(or prompt "Workspace: ")
(elt exwm-workspace--switch-history current-idx)
exwm-workspace--switch-map nil
`(exwm-workspace--switch-history . ,(1+ current-idx))))
(workspace-idx (cl-position history-idx exwm-workspace--switch-history
:test #'equal)))
(elt exwm-workspace--list workspace-idx)))
(defun exwm-workspace--prompt-add ()
"Add workspace from the prompt."
(when exwm-workspace--prompt-add-allowed
(let ((exwm-workspace--create-silently t))
(run-hooks 'exwm-workspace-list-change-hook))
(goto-history-element minibuffer-history-position)))
(defun exwm-workspace--prompt-delete ()
"Delete workspace from the prompt."
(when (and exwm-workspace--prompt-delete-allowed
(< 1 (exwm-workspace--count)))
(let ((frame (elt exwm-workspace--list (1- minibuffer-history-position))))
(if (eq frame exwm-workspace--current)
;; Abort the recursive minibuffer if deleting the current workspace.
(exwm--defer 0 #'delete-frame frame)
(delete-frame frame)
(goto-history-element (min minibuffer-history-position
(defun exwm-workspace--update-switch-history ()
"Update the history for switching workspace to reflect the latest status."
(when exwm-workspace--switch-history-outdated
(setq exwm-workspace--switch-history-outdated nil)
(let* ((num (exwm-workspace--count))
(sequence (number-sequence 0 (1- num)))
(not-empty (make-vector num nil)))
(dolist (i exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(with-current-buffer (cdr i)
(when exwm--frame
(setf (aref not-empty
(exwm-workspace--position exwm--frame))
(setq exwm-workspace--switch-history
(lambda (i)
(lambda (j)
(format (if (= i j) "[%s]" " %s ")
(apply exwm-workspace-index-map (list j))
(cond ((frame-parameter (elt exwm-workspace--list j)
'(:foreground "orange"))
((aref not-empty j) '(:foreground "green"))
(t nil)))))
sequence ""))
(defun exwm-workspace--get-geometry (frame)
"Return the geometry of frame FRAME."
(or (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-geometry)
(make-instance 'xcb:RECTANGLE
:x 0
:y 0
:width (x-display-pixel-width)
:height (x-display-pixel-height))))
(defun exwm-workspace--current-height ()
"Return the height of current workspace."
(let ((geometry (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--current 'exwm-geometry)))
(if geometry
(slot-value geometry 'height)
(defun exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p ()
"Reports whether the minibuffer is displayed in its own frame."
(memq exwm-workspace-minibuffer-position '(top bottom)))
(defun exwm-workspace--update-struts ()
"Update `exwm-workspace--struts'."
(setq exwm-workspace--struts nil)
(let (struts struts*)
(dolist (pair exwm-workspace--id-struts-alist)
(setq struts (cdr pair))
(when struts
(dotimes (i 4)
(when (/= 0 (aref struts i))
(setq struts*
(vector (aref [left right top bottom] i)
(aref struts i)
(when (= 12 (length struts))
(substring struts (+ 4 (* i 2)) (+ 6 (* i 2))))))
(if (= 0 (mod i 2))
;; Make left/top processed first.
(push struts* exwm-workspace--struts)
(setq exwm-workspace--struts
(append exwm-workspace--struts (list struts*))))))))
(exwm--log "%s" exwm-workspace--struts)))
(defun exwm-workspace--update-workareas ()
"Update `exwm-workspace--workareas'."
(let* ((root-width (x-display-pixel-width))
(root-height (x-display-pixel-height))
;; Get workareas prior to struts.
(workareas (mapcar (lambda (f)
;; Use the 'exwm-geometry' frame parameter if
;; possible.
(frame-parameter f 'exwm-geometry)
;; Fall back to use the screen size.
(make-instance 'xcb:RECTANGLE
:x 0
:y 0
:width root-width
:height root-height)))
;; Exclude areas occupied by struts.
(dolist (struts exwm-workspace--struts)
(let* ((edge (aref struts 0))
(size (aref struts 1))
(position (aref struts 2))
(beg (and position (aref position 0)))
(end (and position (aref position 1)))
(dolist (w workareas)
(with-slots (x y width height) w
(pcase edge
;; Left and top are always processed first.
(setq delta (- size x))
(when (and (< 0 delta)
(< delta width)
(or (not position)
(< (max beg y)
(min end (+ y height)))))
(cl-decf width delta)
(setf x size)))
(setq delta (- size (- root-width x width)))
(when (and (< 0 delta)
(< delta width)
(or (not position)
(< (max beg y)
(min end (+ y height)))))
(cl-decf width delta)))
(setq delta (- size y))
(when (and (< 0 delta)
(< delta height)
(or (not position)
(< (max beg x)
(min end (+ x width)))))
(cl-decf height delta)
(setf y size)))
(setq delta (- size (- root-height y height)))
(when (and (< 0 delta)
(< delta height)
(or (not position)
(< (max beg x)
(min end (+ x width)))))
(cl-decf height delta))))))))
;; Save the result.
(setq exwm-workspace--workareas workareas)
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
(exwm--log "%s" exwm-workspace--workareas)
(run-hooks 'exwm-workspace--update-workareas-hook))
(defun exwm-workspace--update-offsets ()
"Update `exwm-workspace--frame-y-offset'/`exwm-workspace--window-y-offset'."
(if (not (and exwm-workspace--list
(or menu-bar-mode tool-bar-mode)))
(setq exwm-workspace--frame-y-offset 0
exwm-workspace--window-y-offset 0)
(redisplay t)
(let* ((frame (elt exwm-workspace--list 0))
(edges (window-inside-absolute-pixel-edges (frame-first-window
(with-slots (y)
(xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:GetGeometry
:drawable (frame-parameter frame
(with-slots ((y* y))
(xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:GetGeometry
:drawable (frame-parameter frame
(with-slots ((y** y))
(xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:GetGeometry
:drawable (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-id)))
(setq exwm-workspace--frame-y-offset (- y** y*)
exwm-workspace--window-y-offset (- (elt edges 1) y))))))))
(defun exwm-workspace--set-active (frame active)
"Make frame FRAME active on its monitor."
(exwm--log "active=%s; frame=%s" active frame)
(set-frame-parameter frame 'exwm-active active)
(if active
(exwm-workspace--set-fullscreen frame)
(exwm--set-geometry (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-container) nil nil 1 1))
(exwm-layout--refresh frame)
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
(defun exwm-workspace--active-p (frame)
"Return non-nil if FRAME is active"
(frame-parameter frame 'exwm-active))
(defun exwm-workspace--set-fullscreen (frame)
"Make frame FRAME fullscreen according to `exwm-workspace--workareas'."
(exwm--log "frame=%s" frame)
(let ((id (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-outer-id))
(container (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-container)))
(with-slots (x y width height)
(exwm-workspace--workarea frame)
(exwm--log "x=%s; y=%s; w=%s; h=%s" x y width height)
(when (and (eq frame exwm-workspace--current)
(if (exwm-workspace--active-p frame)
(exwm--set-geometry container x y width height)
(exwm--set-geometry container x y 1 1))
(exwm--set-geometry id nil nil width height)
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)))
;; This is only used for workspace initialization.
(when exwm-workspace--fullscreen-frame-count
(cl-incf exwm-workspace--fullscreen-frame-count)))
(defun exwm-workspace--resize-minibuffer-frame ()
"Resize minibuffer (and its container) to fit the size of workspace."
(cl-assert (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p))
(let ((workarea (exwm-workspace--workarea exwm-workspace-current-index))
(container (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
y width)
(setq y (if (eq exwm-workspace-minibuffer-position 'top)
(- (slot-value workarea 'y)
;; Reset the frame size.
(set-frame-height exwm-workspace--minibuffer 1)
(redisplay) ;FIXME.
(+ (slot-value workarea 'y) (slot-value workarea 'height)
(- (frame-pixel-height exwm-workspace--minibuffer))
width (slot-value workarea 'width))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ConfigureWindow
:window container
:value-mask (logior xcb:ConfigWindow:X
(if exwm-manage--desktop
:x (slot-value workarea 'x)
:y y
:width width
:sibling exwm-manage--desktop
:stack-mode (if exwm-manage--desktop
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ConfigureWindow
:window (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
:value-mask xcb:ConfigWindow:Width
:width width))
(exwm--log "y: %s, width: %s" y width)))
(defun exwm-workspace--switch-map-nth-prefix (&optional prefix-digits)
"Allow selecting a workspace by number.
PREFIX-DIGITS is a list of the digits introduced so far."
(let* ((k (aref (substring (this-command-keys-vector) -1) 0))
(d (- k ?0))
;; Convert prefix-digits to number. For example, '(2 1) to 120.
(o 1)
(pn (apply #'+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
(setq o (* 10 o))
(* o x))
(n (+ pn d))
prefix-length index-max index-length)
(if (or (= n 0)
(> n
(setq index-max (1- (exwm-workspace--count))))
(>= (setq prefix-length (length prefix-digits))
(setq index-length (floor (log index-max 10))))
;; Check if it's still possible to do a match.
(> (* n (expt 10 (- index-length prefix-length)))
(exwm-workspace--switch-map-select-nth n)
;; Go ahead if there are enough digits to select any workspace.
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
(cmd (let ((digits (cons d prefix-digits)))
(lambda ()
(exwm-workspace--switch-map-nth-prefix digits)))))
(dotimes (i 10)
(define-key map (int-to-string i) cmd))
;; Accept
(define-key map [return]
(lambda ()
(exwm-workspace--switch-map-select-nth n)))
(defun exwm-workspace--switch-map-select-nth (n)
"Select Nth workspace."
(goto-history-element (1+ n))
(defun exwm-workspace-switch (frame-or-index &optional force)
"Switch to workspace INDEX (0-based).
Query for the index if not specified when called interactively. Passing a
workspace frame as the first option or making use of the rest options are
for internal use only."
((null current-prefix-arg)
(unless (and (derived-mode-p 'exwm-mode)
;; The prompt is invisible in fullscreen mode.
(let ((exwm-workspace--prompt-add-allowed t)
(exwm-workspace--prompt-delete-allowed t))
(exwm-workspace--prompt-for-workspace "Switch to [+/-]: "))))
((and (integerp current-prefix-arg)
(<= 0 current-prefix-arg (exwm-workspace--count)))
(t 0))))
(let* ((frame (exwm-workspace--workspace-from-frame-or-index frame-or-index))
(old-frame exwm-workspace--current)
(index (exwm-workspace--position frame))
(window (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-selected-window)))
(when (or force (not (eq frame exwm-workspace--current)))
(unless (window-live-p window)
(setq window (frame-selected-window frame)))
(when (and (not (eq frame old-frame))
(frame-live-p old-frame))
(with-selected-frame old-frame
(funcall exwm-workspace--original-handle-focus-out
(list 'focus-out frame))))
;; Raise this frame.
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ConfigureWindow
:window (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-container)
:value-mask (logior xcb:ConfigWindow:Sibling
:sibling exwm--guide-window
:stack-mode xcb:StackMode:Below))
(setq exwm-workspace--current frame
exwm-workspace-current-index index)
(unless (exwm-workspace--workspace-p (selected-frame))
;; Save the floating frame window selected on the previous workspace.
(set-frame-parameter (buffer-local-value 'exwm--frame (window-buffer))
'exwm-selected-window (selected-window)))
;; Show/Hide X windows.
(let ((monitor-old (frame-parameter old-frame 'exwm-randr-monitor))
(monitor-new (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-randr-monitor))
(active-old (exwm-workspace--active-p old-frame))
(active-new (exwm-workspace--active-p frame))
((not active-old)
(exwm-workspace--set-active frame t))
((equal monitor-old monitor-new)
(exwm-workspace--set-active frame t)
(unless (eq frame old-frame)
(exwm-workspace--set-active old-frame nil)
(setq workspaces-to-hide (list old-frame))))
(dolist (w exwm-workspace--list)
(when (and (exwm-workspace--active-p w)
(equal monitor-new
(frame-parameter w 'exwm-randr-monitor)))
(exwm-workspace--set-active w nil)
(setq workspaces-to-hide (append workspaces-to-hide (list w)))))
(exwm-workspace--set-active frame t)))
(dolist (i exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(with-current-buffer (cdr i)
(if (memq exwm--frame workspaces-to-hide)
(exwm-layout--hide exwm--id)
(when (eq frame exwm--frame)
(let ((window (get-buffer-window nil t)))
(when window
(exwm-layout--show exwm--id window))))))))
(select-window window)
(x-focus-frame (window-frame window)) ;The real input focus.
(set-frame-parameter frame 'exwm-selected-window nil)
(if (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p)
;; Resize the minibuffer frame.
;; Set a default minibuffer frame.
(setq default-minibuffer-frame frame))
;; Hide windows in other workspaces by preprending a space
(unless exwm-workspace-show-all-buffers
(dolist (i exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(with-current-buffer (cdr i)
(let ((name (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\s-*" ""
(exwm-workspace-rename-buffer (if (eq frame exwm--frame)
(concat " " name)))))))
;; Update demands attention flag
(set-frame-parameter frame 'exwm-urgency nil)
;; Update switch workspace history
(setq exwm-workspace--switch-history-outdated t)
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP
:window exwm--root :data index))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
(when exwm-workspace-warp-cursor
(with-slots (win-x win-y)
(xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:QueryPointer
:window (frame-parameter frame
(when (or (< win-x 0)
(< win-y 0)
(> win-x (frame-pixel-width frame))
(> win-y (frame-pixel-height frame)))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:WarpPointer
:src-window xcb:Window:None
:dst-window (frame-parameter frame
:src-x 0
:src-y 0
:src-width 0
:src-height 0
:dst-x (/ (frame-pixel-width frame) 2)
:dst-y (/ (frame-pixel-height frame) 2)))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))))
(funcall exwm-workspace--original-handle-focus-in (list 'focus-in frame))
(run-hooks 'exwm-workspace-switch-hook)))
(defun exwm-workspace-switch-create (frame-or-index)
"Switch to workspace INDEX or creating it first if it does not exist yet.
Passing a workspace frame as the first option is for internal use only."
((integerp current-prefix-arg)
(t 0))))
(unless frame-or-index
(setq frame-or-index 0))
(exwm--log "%s" frame-or-index)
(if (or (framep frame-or-index)
(< frame-or-index (exwm-workspace--count)))
(exwm-workspace-switch frame-or-index)
(let ((exwm-workspace--create-silently t))
(dotimes (_ (min exwm-workspace-switch-create-limit
(1+ (- frame-or-index
(run-hooks 'exwm-workspace-list-change-hook))
(exwm-workspace-switch frame-or-index)))
(defun exwm-workspace-swap (workspace1 workspace2)
"Interchange position of WORKSPACE1 with that of WORKSPACE2."
(unless (and (derived-mode-p 'exwm-mode)
;; The prompt is invisible in fullscreen mode.
(let (w1 w2)
(let ((exwm-workspace--prompt-add-allowed t)
(exwm-workspace--prompt-delete-allowed t))
(setq w1 (exwm-workspace--prompt-for-workspace
"Pick a workspace [+/-]: ")))
(setq w2 (exwm-workspace--prompt-for-workspace
(format "Swap workspace %d with: "
(exwm-workspace--position w1))))
(list w1 w2))))
(let ((pos1 (exwm-workspace--position workspace1))
(pos2 (exwm-workspace--position workspace2)))
(if (or (not pos1) (not pos2) (= pos1 pos2))
(user-error "[EXWM] Cannot swap %s and %s" workspace1 workspace2)
(setf (elt exwm-workspace--list pos1) workspace2)
(setf (elt exwm-workspace--list pos2) workspace1)
;; Update the _NET_WM_DESKTOP property of each X window affected.
(dolist (pair exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(when (memq (buffer-local-value 'exwm--frame (cdr pair))
(list workspace1 workspace2))
(exwm-workspace--set-desktop (car pair))))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)
(when (memq exwm-workspace--current (list workspace1 workspace2))
;; With the current workspace involved, lots of stuffs need refresh.
(set-frame-parameter exwm-workspace--current 'exwm-selected-window
(exwm-workspace-switch exwm-workspace--current t))
(run-hooks 'exwm-workspace-list-change-hook))))
(defun exwm-workspace-move (workspace nth)
"Move WORKSPACE to the NTH position.
When called interactively, prompt for a workspace and move current one just
before it."
((null current-prefix-arg)
(unless (and (derived-mode-p 'exwm-mode)
;; The prompt is invisible in fullscreen mode.
(list exwm-workspace--current
(exwm-workspace--prompt-for-workspace "Move workspace to: ")))))
((and (integerp current-prefix-arg)
(<= 0 current-prefix-arg (exwm-workspace--count)))
(list exwm-workspace--current current-prefix-arg))
(t (list exwm-workspace--current 0))))
(let ((pos (exwm-workspace--position workspace))
flag start end index)
(if (= nth pos)
(user-error "[EXWM] Cannot move to same position")
;; Set if the current workspace is involved.
(setq flag (or (eq workspace exwm-workspace--current)
(eq (elt exwm-workspace--list nth)
;; Do the move.
(with-no-warnings ;For Emacs 24.
(pop (nthcdr pos exwm-workspace--list)))
(push workspace (nthcdr nth exwm-workspace--list))
;; Update the _NET_WM_DESKTOP property of each X window affected.
(setq start (min pos nth)
end (max pos nth))
(dolist (pair exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(setq index (exwm-workspace--position
(buffer-local-value 'exwm--frame (cdr pair))))
(unless (or (< index start) (> index end))
(exwm-workspace--set-desktop (car pair))))
(when flag
;; With the current workspace involved, lots of stuffs need refresh.
(set-frame-parameter exwm-workspace--current 'exwm-selected-window
(exwm-workspace-switch exwm-workspace--current t))
(run-hooks 'exwm-workspace-list-change-hook))))
(defun exwm-workspace-add (&optional index)
"Add a workspace as the INDEX-th workspace, or the last one if INDEX is nil.
INDEX must not exceed the current number of workspaces."
(exwm--log "%s" index)
(if (and index
;; No need to move if it's the last one.
(< index (exwm-workspace--count)))
(exwm-workspace-move (make-frame) index)
(defun exwm-workspace-delete (&optional frame-or-index)
"Delete the workspace FRAME-OR-INDEX."
(exwm--log "%s" frame-or-index)
(when (< 1 (exwm-workspace--count))
(let ((frame (if frame-or-index
(delete-frame frame))))
(defun exwm-workspace--set-desktop (id)
"Set _NET_WM_DESKTOP for X window ID."
(exwm--log "#x%x" id)
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(let ((desktop (exwm-workspace--position exwm--frame)))
(setq exwm--desktop desktop)
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_WM_DESKTOP
:window id
:data desktop)))))
(cl-defun exwm-workspace-move-window (frame-or-index &optional id)
"Move window ID to workspace FRAME-OR-INDEX."
(interactive (list
((null current-prefix-arg)
(let ((exwm-workspace--prompt-add-allowed t)
(exwm-workspace--prompt-delete-allowed t))
(exwm-workspace--prompt-for-workspace "Move to [+/-]: ")))
((and (integerp current-prefix-arg)
(<= 0 current-prefix-arg (exwm-workspace--count)))
(t 0))))
(let ((frame (exwm-workspace--workspace-from-frame-or-index frame-or-index))
old-frame container)
(unless id (setq id (exwm--buffer->id (window-buffer))))
(unless id
(cl-return-from exwm-workspace-move-window))
(exwm--log "Moving #x%x to %s" id frame-or-index)
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(unless (eq exwm--frame frame)
(unless exwm-workspace-show-all-buffers
(let ((name (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\s-*" "" (buffer-name))))
(if (eq frame exwm-workspace--current)
(concat " " name)))))
(setq old-frame exwm--frame
exwm--frame frame)
(if (not exwm--floating-frame)
;; Tiling.
(if (get-buffer-window nil frame)
(when (eq frame exwm-workspace--current)
(exwm-layout--refresh frame))
(set-window-buffer (get-buffer-window nil t)
(other-buffer nil t))
(unless (eq frame exwm-workspace--current)
;; Clear the 'exwm-selected-window' frame parameter.
(set-frame-parameter frame 'exwm-selected-window nil))
(set-window-buffer (frame-selected-window frame)
(exwm--id->buffer id))
(if (eq frame exwm-workspace--current)
(select-window (frame-selected-window frame))
(unless (exwm-workspace--active-p frame)
(exwm-layout--hide id))))
;; Floating.
(setq container (frame-parameter exwm--floating-frame
(unless (equal (frame-parameter old-frame 'exwm-randr-monitor)
(frame-parameter frame 'exwm-randr-monitor))
(with-slots (x y)
(xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:GetGeometry
:drawable container))
(with-slots ((x1 x)
(y1 y))
(exwm-workspace--get-geometry old-frame)
(with-slots ((x2 x)
(y2 y))
(exwm-workspace--get-geometry frame)
(setq x (+ x (- x2 x1))
y (+ y (- y2 y1)))))
(exwm--set-geometry id x y nil nil)
(exwm--set-geometry container x y nil nil)))
(if (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p)
(if (eq frame exwm-workspace--current)
(select-window (frame-root-window exwm--floating-frame))
(select-window (frame-selected-window exwm-workspace--current))
(unless (exwm-workspace--active-p frame)
(exwm-layout--hide id)))
;; The frame needs to be recreated since it won't use the
;; minibuffer on the new workspace.
;; The code is mostly copied from `exwm-floating--set-floating'.
(let* ((old-frame exwm--floating-frame)
(or (get-buffer "*scratch*")
(get-buffer-create "*scratch*"))
(get-buffer "*scratch*")))
`((minibuffer . ,(minibuffer-window frame))
(left . ,(* window-min-width -100))
(top . ,(* window-min-height -100))
(width . ,window-min-width)
(height . ,window-min-height)
(unsplittable . t)))))
(outer-id (string-to-number
(frame-parameter new-frame
(window-id (string-to-number
(frame-parameter new-frame 'window-id)))
(window (frame-root-window new-frame)))
(set-frame-parameter new-frame 'exwm-outer-id outer-id)
(set-frame-parameter new-frame 'exwm-id window-id)
(set-frame-parameter new-frame 'exwm-container container)
(make-frame-invisible new-frame)
(set-frame-size new-frame
(frame-pixel-width old-frame)
(frame-pixel-height old-frame)
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ReparentWindow
:window outer-id
:parent container
:x 0 :y 0))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(setq window-size-fixed nil
exwm--floating-frame new-frame)
(set-window-dedicated-p (frame-root-window old-frame) nil)
(remove-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook
(set-window-buffer window (current-buffer))
(add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook
(set-window-dedicated-p window t))
;; Select a tiling window and delete the old frame.
(select-window (frame-selected-window exwm-workspace--current))
(delete-frame old-frame)
;; The rest is the same.
(make-frame-visible new-frame)
(exwm--set-geometry outer-id 0 0 nil nil)
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)
(if (eq frame exwm-workspace--current)
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(select-window (frame-root-window exwm--floating-frame)))
(unless (exwm-workspace--active-p frame)
(exwm-layout--hide id)))))
;; Update the 'exwm-selected-window' frame parameter.
(when (not (eq frame exwm-workspace--current))
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(set-frame-parameter frame 'exwm-selected-window
(exwm-workspace--set-desktop id)
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)))
(setq exwm-workspace--switch-history-outdated t)))
(defun exwm-workspace-switch-to-buffer (buffer-or-name)
"Make the current Emacs window display another buffer."
(let ((inhibit-quit t))
;; Show all buffers
(unless exwm-workspace-show-all-buffers
(dolist (pair exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(with-current-buffer (cdr pair)
(when (= ?\s (aref (buffer-name) 0))
(let ((buffer-list-update-hook
(remq #'exwm-input--on-buffer-list-update
(rename-buffer (substring (buffer-name) 1)))))))
(list (get-buffer (read-buffer-to-switch "Switch to buffer: "))))
;; Hide buffers on other workspaces
(unless exwm-workspace-show-all-buffers
(dolist (pair exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(with-current-buffer (cdr pair)
(unless (or (eq exwm--frame exwm-workspace--current)
(= ?\s (aref (buffer-name) 0)))
(let ((buffer-list-update-hook
(remq #'exwm-input--on-buffer-list-update
(rename-buffer (concat " " (buffer-name)))))))))))
(when buffer-or-name
(with-current-buffer buffer-or-name
(if (derived-mode-p 'exwm-mode)
;; EXWM buffer.
(if (eq exwm--frame exwm-workspace--current)
;; On the current workspace.
(if (not exwm--floating-frame)
(switch-to-buffer buffer-or-name)
;; Select the floating frame.
(select-frame-set-input-focus exwm--floating-frame)
(select-window (frame-root-window exwm--floating-frame)))
;; On another workspace.
(if exwm-layout-show-all-buffers
(exwm-workspace-move-window exwm-workspace--current
(let ((window (get-buffer-window buffer-or-name exwm--frame)))
(if window
(set-frame-parameter exwm--frame
'exwm-selected-window window)
(set-window-buffer (frame-selected-window exwm--frame)
(exwm-workspace-switch exwm--frame)))
;; Ordinary buffer.
(switch-to-buffer buffer-or-name)))))
(defun exwm-workspace-rename-buffer (newname)
"Rename a buffer."
(let ((hidden (= ?\s (aref newname 0)))
(basename (replace-regexp-in-string "<[0-9]+>$" "" newname))
(counter 1)
(when hidden (setq basename (substring basename 1)))
(setq newname basename)
(while (and (setq tmp (or (get-buffer newname)
(get-buffer (concat " " newname))))
(not (eq tmp (current-buffer))))
(setq newname (format "%s<%d>" basename (cl-incf counter))))
(let ((buffer-list-update-hook
(remq #'exwm-input--on-buffer-list-update
(rename-buffer (concat (and hidden " ") newname)))))
(defun exwm-workspace--x-create-frame (orig-fun params)
"Set override-redirect on the frame created by `x-create-frame'."
(let ((frame (funcall orig-fun params)))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
:window (string-to-number
(frame-parameter frame 'outer-window-id))
:value-mask xcb:CW:OverrideRedirect
:override-redirect 1))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)
(defsubst exwm-workspace--minibuffer-attached-p ()
"Return non-nil if the minibuffer is attached.
Please check `exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p' first."
(assq (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer 'exwm-container)
(defun exwm-workspace-attach-minibuffer ()
"Attach the minibuffer so that it always shows."
(when (and (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p)
(not (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-attached-p)))
;; Reset the frame size.
(set-frame-height exwm-workspace--minibuffer 1)
(redisplay) ;FIXME.
(setq exwm-workspace--attached-minibuffer-height
(frame-pixel-height exwm-workspace--minibuffer))
(let ((container (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
(push (cons container
(if (eq exwm-workspace-minibuffer-position 'top)
(vector 0 0 exwm-workspace--attached-minibuffer-height 0)
(vector 0 0 0 exwm-workspace--attached-minibuffer-height)))
(dolist (f exwm-workspace--list)
(exwm-workspace--set-fullscreen f)))))
(defun exwm-workspace-detach-minibuffer ()
"Detach the minibuffer so that it automatically hides."
(when (and (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p)
(setq exwm-workspace--attached-minibuffer-height 0)
(let ((container (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
(setq exwm-workspace--id-struts-alist
(assq-delete-all container exwm-workspace--id-struts-alist))
(dolist (f exwm-workspace--list)
(exwm-workspace--set-fullscreen f))
(defun exwm-workspace-toggle-minibuffer ()
"Attach the minibuffer if it's detached, or detach it if it's attached."
(when (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p)
(if (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-attached-p)
(defun exwm-workspace--update-minibuffer-height (&optional echo-area)
"Update the minibuffer frame height."
(when (exwm--terminal-p)
(let ((height
(window-buffer (minibuffer-window exwm-workspace--minibuffer))
(max 1
(if echo-area
(let ((width (frame-width exwm-workspace--minibuffer))
(result 0))
(mapc (lambda (i)
(setq result
(+ result
(ceiling (1+ (length i)) width))))
(split-string (or (current-message) "") "\n"))
(when (and (integerp max-mini-window-height)
(> height max-mini-window-height))
(setq height max-mini-window-height))
(exwm--log "%s" height)
(set-frame-height exwm-workspace--minibuffer height))))
(defun exwm-workspace--on-ConfigureNotify (data _synthetic)
"Adjust the container to fit the minibuffer frame."
(let ((obj (make-instance 'xcb:ConfigureNotify)) y)
(xcb:unmarshal obj data)
(with-slots (window height) obj
(when (eq (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer 'exwm-outer-id)
(when (and (floatp max-mini-window-height)
(> height (* max-mini-window-height
(setq height (floor
(* max-mini-window-height
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ConfigureWindow
:window window
:value-mask xcb:ConfigWindow:Height
:height height)))
(when (/= (exwm-workspace--count) (length exwm-workspace--workareas))
;; There is a chance the workareas are not updated timely.
(with-slots ((y* y) (height* height))
(exwm-workspace--workarea exwm-workspace-current-index)
(setq y (if (eq exwm-workspace-minibuffer-position 'top)
(- y*
(+ y* height* (- height)
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ConfigureWindow
:window (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
:value-mask (logior xcb:ConfigWindow:Y
:y y
:height height))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)))))
(defun exwm-workspace--display-buffer (buffer alist)
"Display BUFFER as if the current workspace is selected."
;; Only when the floating minibuffer frame is selected.
;; This also protect this functions from being recursively called.
(when (eq (selected-frame) exwm-workspace--minibuffer)
(with-selected-frame exwm-workspace--current
(display-buffer buffer alist))))
(defun exwm-workspace--show-minibuffer ()
"Show the minibuffer frame."
;; Cancel pending timer.
(when exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer
(cancel-timer exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer)
(setq exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer nil))
;; Show the minibuffer frame.
(unless (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-attached-p)
(exwm--set-geometry (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
nil nil
(frame-pixel-width exwm-workspace--minibuffer)
(frame-pixel-height exwm-workspace--minibuffer)))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ConfigureWindow
:window (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
:value-mask xcb:ConfigWindow:StackMode
:stack-mode xcb:StackMode:Above))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
(defun exwm-workspace--hide-minibuffer ()
"Hide the minibuffer frame."
;; Hide the minibuffer frame.
(if (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-attached-p)
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ConfigureWindow
:window (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
:value-mask (logior (if exwm-manage--desktop
:sibling exwm-manage--desktop
:stack-mode (if exwm-manage--desktop
(exwm--set-geometry (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
nil nil 1 1))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
(defun exwm-workspace--on-minibuffer-setup ()
"Run in minibuffer-setup-hook to show the minibuffer and its container."
(when (and (= 1 (minibuffer-depth))
(add-hook 'post-command-hook #'exwm-workspace--update-minibuffer-height)
;; FIXME: This is a temporary fix for the *Completions* buffer not
;; being correctly fitted by its displaying window. As with
;; `exwm-workspace--display-buffer', the problem is caused by
;; the fact that the minibuffer (rather than the workspace)
;; frame is the 'selected frame'. `get-buffer-window' will
;; fail to retrieve the correct window. It's likely there are
;; other related issues.
;; This is not required by Emacs 24.
(when (fboundp 'window-preserve-size)
(let ((window (get-buffer-window "*Completions*"
(when window
(fit-window-to-buffer window)
(window-preserve-size window)))))
(defun exwm-workspace--on-minibuffer-exit ()
"Run in minibuffer-exit-hook to hide the minibuffer container."
(when (and (= 1 (minibuffer-depth))
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'exwm-workspace--update-minibuffer-height)
(defun exwm-workspace--on-echo-area-dirty ()
"Run when new message arrives to show the echo area and its container."
(when (and (not (active-minibuffer-window))
(or (current-message)
(exwm-workspace--update-minibuffer-height t)
(unless (or (not exwm-workspace-display-echo-area-timeout)
exwm-input--during-command ;e.g. read-event
(setq exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer
(run-with-timer exwm-workspace-display-echo-area-timeout nil
(defun exwm-workspace--echo-area-maybe-clear ()
"Eventually clear the echo area container."
(if (not (current-message))
;; Reschedule.
(cancel-timer exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer)
(setq exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer
(run-with-timer exwm-workspace-display-echo-area-timeout nil
(defun exwm-workspace--on-echo-area-clear ()
"Run in echo-area-clear-hook to hide echo area container."
(when (exwm--terminal-p)
(unless (active-minibuffer-window)
(when exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer
(cancel-timer exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer)
(setq exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer nil))))
(defun exwm-workspace--set-desktop-geometry ()
;; We don't support large desktop so it's the same with screen size.
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY
:window exwm--root
:width (x-display-pixel-width)
:height (x-display-pixel-height))))
(defun exwm-workspace--add-frame-as-workspace (frame)
"Configure frame FRAME to be treated as a workspace."
(exwm--log "%s" frame)
(setq exwm-workspace--list (nconc exwm-workspace--list (list frame)))
(let ((outer-id (string-to-number (frame-parameter frame
(window-id (string-to-number (frame-parameter frame 'window-id)))
(container (xcb:generate-id exwm--connection))
frame-colormap frame-visual frame-depth)
;; Save window IDs
(set-frame-parameter frame 'exwm-outer-id outer-id)
(set-frame-parameter frame 'exwm-id window-id)
(set-frame-parameter frame 'exwm-container container)
;; Copy RandR frame parameters from the first workspace to
;; prevent potential problems. The values do not matter here as
;; they'll be updated by the RandR module later.
(let ((w (car exwm-workspace--list)))
(dolist (param '(exwm-randr-monitor
(set-frame-parameter frame param (frame-parameter w param))))
;; Support transparency on the container X window when the Emacs frame
;; does. Note that in addition to setting the visual, colormap and depth
;; we must also reset the `:border-pixmap', as its default value is
;; relative to the parent window, which might have a different depth.
(let* ((vdc (exwm--get-visual-depth-colormap exwm--connection outer-id)))
(setq frame-visual (car vdc))
(setq frame-depth (cadr vdc))
(setq frame-colormap (caddr vdc)))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:CreateWindow
:depth frame-depth
:wid container
:parent exwm--root
:x -1
:y -1
:width 1
:height 1
:border-width 0
:class xcb:WindowClass:InputOutput
:visual frame-visual
:value-mask (logior xcb:CW:BackPixmap
:background-pixmap xcb:BackPixmap:None
:border-pixel 0
:colormap frame-colormap
:override-redirect 1))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ConfigureWindow
:window container
:value-mask xcb:ConfigWindow:StackMode
:stack-mode xcb:StackMode:Below))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_WM_NAME
:window container
(format "EXWM workspace %d frame container"
(exwm-workspace--position frame))))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ReparentWindow
:window outer-id :parent container :x 0 :y 0))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:icccm:set-WM_STATE
:window outer-id
:state xcb:icccm:WM_STATE:NormalState
:icon xcb:Window:None))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:MapWindow :window container)))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)
;; Delay making the workspace fullscreen until Emacs becomes idle
(exwm--defer 0 #'exwm-workspace--fullscreen-workspace frame)
;; Update EWMH properties.
(if exwm-workspace--create-silently
(setq exwm-workspace--switch-history-outdated t)
(let ((original-index exwm-workspace-current-index))
(exwm-workspace-switch frame t)
(message "Created %s as workspace %d; switched from %d"
frame exwm-workspace-current-index original-index))
(run-hooks 'exwm-workspace-list-change-hook)))
(defun exwm-workspace--get-next-workspace (frame)
"Return the next workspace if workspace FRAME were removed.
Return nil if FRAME is the only workspace."
(let* ((index (exwm-workspace--position frame))
(lastp (= index (1- (exwm-workspace--count))))
(nextw (elt exwm-workspace--list (+ index (if lastp -1 +1)))))
(unless (eq frame nextw)
(defun exwm-workspace--remove-frame-as-workspace (frame &optional quit)
"Stop treating frame FRAME as a workspace."
;; TODO: restore all frame parameters (e.g. exwm-workspace, buffer-predicate,
;; etc)
(exwm--log "Removing frame `%s' as workspace" frame)
(unless quit
(let* ((next-frame (exwm-workspace--get-next-workspace frame))
(following-frames (cdr (memq frame exwm-workspace--list))))
;; Need to remove the workspace from the list for the correct calculation of
;; indexes below.
(setq exwm-workspace--list (delete frame exwm-workspace--list))
;; Move the windows to the next workspace and switch to it.
(unless next-frame
;; The user managed to delete the last workspace, so create a new one.
(exwm--log "Last workspace deleted; create a new one")
(let ((exwm-workspace--create-silently t))
(setq next-frame (make-frame))))
(dolist (pair exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(let ((other-frame (buffer-local-value 'exwm--frame (cdr pair))))
;; Move X windows to next-frame.
(when (eq other-frame frame)
(exwm-workspace-move-window next-frame (car pair)))
;; Update the _NET_WM_DESKTOP property of each following X window.
(when (memq other-frame following-frames)
(exwm-workspace--set-desktop (car pair)))))
;; If the current workspace is deleted, switch to next one.
(when (eq frame exwm-workspace--current)
(exwm-workspace-switch next-frame))))
;; Reparent out the frame.
(let ((outer-id (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-outer-id)))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:UnmapWindow
:window outer-id))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ReparentWindow
:window outer-id
:parent exwm--root
:x 0
:y 0))
;; Reset the override-redirect.
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
:window outer-id
:value-mask xcb:CW:OverrideRedirect
:override-redirect 0))
;; Remove fullscreen state.
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_WM_STATE
:window outer-id
:data nil))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:MapWindow
:window outer-id)))
;; Destroy the container.
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:DestroyWindow
:window (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-container)))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)
;; Update EWMH properties.
;; Update switch history.
(unless quit
(setq exwm-workspace--switch-history-outdated t)
(run-hooks 'exwm-workspace-list-change-hook)))
(defun exwm-workspace--on-delete-frame (frame)
"Hook run upon `delete-frame' that tears down FRAME's configuration as a workspace."
((not (exwm-workspace--workspace-p frame))
(exwm--log "Frame `%s' is not a workspace" frame))
(exwm-workspace--remove-frame-as-workspace frame))))
(defun exwm-workspace--fullscreen-workspace (frame)
"Make workspace FRAME fullscreen.
Called from a timer."
(when (frame-live-p frame)
(set-frame-parameter frame 'fullscreen 'fullboth)))
(defun exwm-workspace--on-after-make-frame (frame)
"Hook run upon `make-frame' that configures FRAME as a workspace."
((exwm-workspace--workspace-p frame)
(exwm--log "Frame `%s' is already a workspace" frame))
((not (display-graphic-p frame))
(exwm--log "Frame `%s' is not graphical" frame))
((not (eq (frame-terminal) exwm--terminal))
(exwm--log "Frame `%s' is on a different terminal (%S instead of %S)"
(frame-terminal frame)
((not (string-equal
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\.0$" ""
(slot-value exwm--connection 'display))
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\.0$" ""
(frame-parameter frame 'display))))
(exwm--log "Frame `%s' is on a different DISPLAY (%S instead of %S)"
(frame-parameter frame 'display)
(slot-value exwm--connection 'display)))
((frame-parameter frame 'unsplittable)
;; We create floating frames with the "unsplittable" parameter set.
;; Though it may not be a floating frame, we won't treat an
;; unsplittable frame as a workspace anyway.
(exwm--log "Frame `%s' is floating" frame))
(exwm--log "Adding frame `%s' as workspace" frame)
(exwm-workspace--add-frame-as-workspace frame))))
(defun exwm-workspace--update-ewmh-props ()
"Update EWMH properties to match the workspace list."
(let ((num-workspaces (exwm-workspace--count)))
;; Avoid setting 0 desktops.
(when (= 0 num-workspaces)
(setq num-workspaces 1))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS
:window exwm--root :data num-workspaces))
;; Update workareas.
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
(defun exwm-workspace--modify-all-x-frames-parameters (new-x-parameters)
"Modifies `window-system-default-frame-alist' for the X Window System.
NEW-X-PARAMETERS is an alist of frame parameters, merged into current
`window-system-default-frame-alist' for the X Window System. The parameters are
applied to all subsequently created X frames."
;; The parameters are modified in place; take current
;; ones or insert a new X-specific list.
(let ((x-parameters (or (assq 'x window-system-default-frame-alist)
(let ((new-x-parameters '(x)))
(push new-x-parameters
(setf (cdr x-parameters)
(append new-x-parameters (cdr x-parameters)))))
(defun exwm-workspace--handle-focus-in (_orig-func _event)
"Replacement for `handle-focus-in'."
(interactive "e"))
(defun exwm-workspace--handle-focus-out (_orig-func _event)
"Replacement for `handle-focus-out'."
(interactive "e"))
(defun exwm-workspace--init-minibuffer-frame ()
;; Initialize workspaces without minibuffers.
(setq exwm-workspace--minibuffer
(make-frame '((window-system . x) (minibuffer . only)
(left . 10000) (right . 10000)
(width . 1) (height . 1))))
;; This is the only usable minibuffer frame.
(setq default-minibuffer-frame exwm-workspace--minibuffer)
'((minibuffer . nil)))
(let ((outer-id (string-to-number
(frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
(window-id (string-to-number
(frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
(container (xcb:generate-id exwm--connection)))
(set-frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer
'exwm-outer-id outer-id)
(set-frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer 'exwm-id window-id)
(set-frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer 'exwm-container
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:CreateWindow
:depth 0
:wid container
:parent exwm--root
:x 0
:y 0
:width 1
:height 1
:border-width 0
:class xcb:WindowClass:InputOutput
:visual 0
:value-mask (logior xcb:CW:BackPixmap
:background-pixmap xcb:BackPixmap:ParentRelative
:override-redirect 1))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_WM_NAME
:window container
:data "EXWM minibuffer container"))
;; Reparent the minibuffer frame to the container.
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ReparentWindow
:window outer-id :parent container :x 0 :y 0))
;; Map the container.
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:MapWindow
:window container))
;; Attach event listener for monitoring the frame
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
:window outer-id
:value-mask xcb:CW:EventMask
:event-mask xcb:EventMask:StructureNotify))
(xcb:+event exwm--connection 'xcb:ConfigureNotify
;; Show/hide minibuffer / echo area when they're active/inactive.
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'exwm-workspace--on-minibuffer-setup)
(add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook #'exwm-workspace--on-minibuffer-exit)
(setq exwm-workspace--timer
(run-with-idle-timer 0 t #'exwm-workspace--on-echo-area-dirty))
(add-hook 'echo-area-clear-hook #'exwm-workspace--on-echo-area-clear)
;; The default behavior of `display-buffer' (indirectly called by
;; `minibuffer-completion-help') is not correct here.
(cl-pushnew '(exwm-workspace--display-buffer) display-buffer-alist
:test #'equal))
(defun exwm-workspace--exit-minibuffer-frame ()
;; Only on minibuffer-frame.
(remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'exwm-workspace--on-minibuffer-setup)
(remove-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook #'exwm-workspace--on-minibuffer-exit)
(remove-hook 'echo-area-clear-hook #'exwm-workspace--on-echo-area-clear)
(when exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer
(cancel-timer exwm-workspace--display-echo-area-timer))
(when exwm-workspace--timer
(cancel-timer exwm-workspace--timer)
(setq exwm-workspace--timer nil))
(setq display-buffer-alist
(cl-delete '(exwm-workspace--display-buffer) display-buffer-alist
:test #'equal))
(setq default-minibuffer-frame nil)
(when (frame-live-p exwm-workspace--minibuffer) ; might be already dead
(let ((id (frame-parameter exwm-workspace--minibuffer 'exwm-outer-id)))
(when (and exwm-workspace--minibuffer id
;; Invoked from `exwm-manage--exit' upon disconnection.
(slot-value exwm--connection 'connected))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ReparentWindow
:window id
:parent exwm--root
:x 0
:y 0)))
(setq exwm-workspace--minibuffer nil))))
(defun exwm-workspace--init ()
"Initialize workspace module."
;; Prevent unexpected exit
(setq exwm-workspace--fullscreen-frame-count 0)
'((internal-border-width . 0)))
(let ((initial-workspaces (frame-list)))
(if (not (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p))
;; Initialize workspaces with minibuffers.
(when (< 1 (length initial-workspaces))
;; Exclude the initial frame.
(dolist (i initial-workspaces)
(unless (frame-parameter i 'window-id)
(setq initial-workspaces (delq i initial-workspaces))))
(let ((f (car initial-workspaces)))
;; Remove the possible internal border.
(set-frame-parameter f 'internal-border-width 0)))
;; Remove/hide existing frames.
(dolist (f initial-workspaces)
(when (eq 'x (framep f)) ;do not delete the initial frame.
(delete-frame f)))
;; Recreate one frame with the external minibuffer set.
(setq initial-workspaces (list (make-frame '((window-system . x))))))
;; Prevent `other-buffer' from selecting already displayed EXWM buffers.
'((buffer-predicate . exwm-layout--other-buffer-predicate)))
;; Create remaining workspaces.
(dotimes (_ (- exwm-workspace-number (length initial-workspaces)))
(nconc initial-workspaces (list (make-frame '((window-system . x))))))
;; Configure workspaces
(let ((exwm-workspace--create-silently t))
(dolist (i initial-workspaces)
(exwm-workspace--add-frame-as-workspace i))))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)
;; We have to advice `x-create-frame' or every call to it would hang EXWM
(advice-add 'x-create-frame :around #'exwm-workspace--x-create-frame)
;; We have to manually handle focus-in and focus-out events for Emacs
;; frames.
(advice-add 'handle-focus-in :around #'exwm-workspace--handle-focus-in)
(advice-add 'handle-focus-out :around #'exwm-workspace--handle-focus-out)
;; Make new frames create new workspaces.
(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions
(add-hook 'delete-frame-functions #'exwm-workspace--on-delete-frame)
(when (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p)
(add-hook 'exwm-input--event-hook
;; Switch to the first workspace
(exwm-workspace-switch 0 t)
;; Prevent frame parameters introduced by this module from being
;; saved/restored.
(dolist (i '(exwm-active exwm-outer-id exwm-id exwm-container exwm-geometry
exwm-selected-window exwm-urgency fullscreen))
(unless (assq i frameset-filter-alist)
(push (cons i :never) frameset-filter-alist))))
(defun exwm-workspace--exit ()
"Exit the workspace module."
(when (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p)
(advice-remove 'x-create-frame #'exwm-workspace--x-create-frame)
(advice-remove 'handle-focus-in #'exwm-workspace--handle-focus-in)
(advice-remove 'handle-focus-out #'exwm-workspace--handle-focus-out)
(remove-hook 'after-make-frame-functions
(remove-hook 'delete-frame-functions
(when (exwm-workspace--minibuffer-own-frame-p)
(remove-hook 'exwm-input--event-hook
;; Hide & reparent out all frames (save-set can't be used here since
;; X windows will be re-mapped).
(when (slot-value exwm--connection 'connected)
(dolist (i exwm-workspace--list)
(when (frame-live-p i) ; might be already dead
(exwm-workspace--remove-frame-as-workspace i 'quit)
(modify-frame-parameters i '((exwm-selected-window . nil)
(exwm-urgency . nil)
(exwm-outer-id . nil)
(exwm-id . nil)
(exwm-container . nil)
;; (internal-border-width . nil) ; integerp
(fullscreen . nil)
(buffer-predicate . nil))))))
;; Don't let dead frames linger.
(setq exwm-workspace--current nil)
(setq exwm-workspace-current-index 0)
(setq exwm-workspace--list nil))
(defun exwm-workspace--post-init ()
"The second stage in the initialization of the workspace module."
;; Wait until all workspace frames are resized.
(with-timeout (1)
(while (< exwm-workspace--fullscreen-frame-count (exwm-workspace--count))
(accept-process-output nil 0.1)))
(setq exwm-workspace--fullscreen-frame-count nil))
(provide 'exwm-workspace)
;;; exwm-workspace.el ends here