mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 04:37:15 +01:00
This commit should fix most input focus bugs (especially those related to floating windows). The actual settings of input focus are delayed to exclude redundant event. Dead code since this commit is removed. This commit also fixes a bug for non-floating windows converted form floating state. The workaround for `ido-mode` is also improved to properly handle `exwm-mode` buffers.
266 lines
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266 lines
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;;; exwm-workspace.el --- Workspace Module for EXWM -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2015 Chris Feng
;; Author: Chris Feng <chris.w.feng@gmail.com>
;; Keywords: unix
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this file. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This module adds workspace support for EXWM.
;; Todo:
;; + prevent from deleting frames of Emacs client (`frame-delete-functions')
;;; Code:
(defvar exwm-workspace-number 4 "Number of workspaces (1 ~ 10).")
(defvar exwm-workspace--list nil "List of all workspaces (Emacs frames).")
(defvar exwm-workspace--switch-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map [t] (lambda () (interactive)))
(dotimes (i 10)
(define-key map (int-to-string i)
`(lambda ()
(when (< ,i exwm-workspace-number)
(goto-history-element ,(1+ i))
(define-key map "\C-a" (lambda () (interactive) (goto-history-element 1)))
(define-key map "\C-e" (lambda ()
(goto-history-element exwm-workspace-number)))
(define-key map "\C-g" 'abort-recursive-edit)
(define-key map "\C-]" 'abort-recursive-edit)
(define-key map "\C-j" 'exit-minibuffer)
;; (define-key map "\C-m" 'exit-minibuffer) ;not working
(define-key map [return] 'exit-minibuffer)
(define-key map " " 'exit-minibuffer)
(define-key map "\C-f" 'previous-history-element)
(define-key map "\C-b" 'next-history-element)
;; Alternative keys
(define-key map [right] 'previous-history-element)
(define-key map [left] 'next-history-element)
"Keymap used for interactively switch workspace.")
(defvar exwm-workspace--switch-history nil
"History for `read-from-minibuffer' to interactively switch workspace.")
(defun exwm-workspace--update-switch-history ()
"Update the history for switching workspace to reflect the latest status."
(let ((sequence (number-sequence 0 (1- exwm-workspace-number)))
(not-empty (make-vector exwm-workspace-number nil)))
(dolist (i exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(with-current-buffer (cdr i)
(when exwm--frame
(setf (elt not-empty (cl-position exwm--frame exwm-workspace--list))
(setq exwm-workspace--switch-history
(lambda (i)
(lambda (j)
(format (if (= i j) "[%s]" " %s ")
(int-to-string j)
(cond ((frame-parameter (elt exwm-workspace--list j)
'(:foreground "orange"))
((elt not-empty j) '(:foreground "green"))
(t nil)))))
sequence ""))
(defvar exwm-workspace--current nil "Current active workspace.")
(defvar exwm-workspace-current-index 0 "Index of current active workspace.")
(defun exwm-workspace-switch (index &optional force)
"Switch to workspace INDEX. Query for INDEX if it's not specified.
The optional FORCE option is for internal use only."
(unless (and (eq major-mode 'exwm-mode) exwm--fullscreen) ;it's invisible
(let* ((history-add-new-input nil) ;prevent modifying history
(idx (read-from-minibuffer
"Workspace: " (elt exwm-workspace--switch-history
exwm-workspace--switch-map nil
. ,(1+ exwm-workspace-current-index)))))
(cl-position idx exwm-workspace--switch-history :test 'equal)))))
(when index
(unless (and (<= 0 index) (< index exwm-workspace-number))
(user-error "[EXWM] Workspace index out of range: %d" index))
(when (or force (/= exwm-workspace-current-index index))
(let ((frame (elt exwm-workspace--list index)))
(setq exwm-workspace--current frame
exwm-workspace-current-index index)
(select-frame-set-input-focus frame)
;; Move mouse when necessary
(let ((position (mouse-pixel-position))
x y w h)
(unless (eq frame (car position))
(setq x (cadr position)
y (cddr position)
w (frame-pixel-width frame)
h (frame-pixel-height frame))
(when (or (> x w) (> y h))
(setq x (/ w 2)
y (/ h 2)))
(set-mouse-pixel-position frame x y)))
(setq default-minibuffer-frame frame)
;; Hide windows in other workspaces by preprending a space
(dolist (i exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(with-current-buffer (cdr i)
(let ((name (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\s-*" "" (buffer-name))))
(exwm-workspace-rename-buffer (if (eq frame exwm--frame)
(concat " " name))))))
;; Update demands attention flag
(set-frame-parameter frame 'exwm--urgency nil)
;; Update switch workspace history
(exwm--make-emacs-idle-for 0.1) ;FIXME
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP
:window exwm--root :data index))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)))))
(defun exwm-workspace--on-focus-in ()
"Fix unexpected frame switch."
(let ((index (cl-position (selected-frame) exwm-workspace--list)))
(exwm--log "Focus on workspace %s" index)
(when (and index (/= index exwm-workspace-current-index))
(exwm--log "Workspace was switched unexpectedly")
(exwm-workspace-switch index))))
(defun exwm-workspace-move-window (index &optional id)
"Move window ID to workspace INDEX."
(let* ((history-add-new-input nil) ;prevent modifying history
(idx (read-from-minibuffer
"Workspace: " (elt exwm-workspace--switch-history
exwm-workspace--switch-map nil
. ,(1+ exwm-workspace-current-index)))))
(cl-position idx exwm-workspace--switch-history :test 'equal))))
(unless id (setq id (exwm--buffer->id (window-buffer))))
(unless (and (<= 0 index) (< index exwm-workspace-number))
(user-error "[EXWM] Workspace index out of range: %d" index))
(when (/= exwm-workspace-current-index index)
(let ((frame (elt exwm-workspace--list index)))
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(setq exwm--frame frame)
(concat " " (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\s-*" "" (buffer-name))))
(if exwm--floating-frame
;; Move the floating frame is enough
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ReparentWindow
:window (frame-parameter exwm--floating-frame
:parent (frame-parameter frame
:x 0 :y 0))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
;; Move the window itself
(exwm-layout--hide id)
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ReparentWindow
:window id
:parent (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-window-id)
:x 0 :y 0))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)
(set-window-buffer (frame-first-window frame)
(exwm--id->buffer id)))))
(defun exwm-workspace-rename-buffer (newname)
"Rename a buffer."
(if (/= ?\s (aref newname 0))
(rename-buffer newname t)
;; If a buffer name is prefixed with a space, Emacs append a random
;; number before renaming it. This is not desired behavior.
(let ((name (replace-regexp-in-string "<[0-9]+>$" "" newname))
(counter 1))
(while (and (get-buffer newname)
(not (eq (get-buffer newname) (current-buffer))))
(setq newname (format "%s<%d>" name (cl-incf counter)))))
(rename-buffer newname)))
(defun exwm-workspace--init ()
"Initialize workspace module."
(cl-assert (and (< 0 exwm-workspace-number) (>= 10 exwm-workspace-number)))
;; Prevent unexpected exit
(setq confirm-kill-emacs
(lambda (prompt)
(pcase (length exwm--id-buffer-alist)
(0 (y-or-n-p prompt))
(x (yes-or-no-p (format "[EXWM] %d window%s currently alive. %s"
x (if (= x 1) "" "s") prompt))))))
;; Initialize workspaces
(setq exwm-workspace--list (frame-list))
(when (< 1 (length exwm-workspace--list))
;; Emacs client creates an extra (but unusable) frame
(dolist (i exwm-workspace--list)
(unless (frame-parameter i 'window-id)
(setq exwm-workspace--list (delq i exwm-workspace--list)))))
(cl-assert (= 1 (length exwm-workspace--list)))
(exwm--make-emacs-idle-for 0.1) ;wait for the frame ready
;; Configure the existing frame
(set-frame-parameter (car exwm-workspace--list) 'fullscreen 'fullboth)
;; Create remaining frames
(dotimes (i (1- exwm-workspace-number))
(nconc exwm-workspace--list
(list (make-frame '((window-system . x) (fullscreen . fullboth))))))
;; Configure workspaces
(dolist (i exwm-workspace--list)
(let ((window-id (string-to-int (frame-parameter i 'window-id)))
(outer-id (string-to-int (frame-parameter i 'outer-window-id))))
;; Save window IDs
(set-frame-parameter i 'exwm-window-id window-id)
(set-frame-parameter i 'exwm-outer-id outer-id)
;; Set OverrideRedirect on all frames
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
:window outer-id :value-mask xcb:CW:OverrideRedirect
:override-redirect 1))
;; Select events on all virtual roots
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
:window window-id :value-mask xcb:CW:EventMask
:event-mask xcb:EventMask:SubstructureRedirect))))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)
;; Handle unexpected frame switch
(add-hook 'focus-in-hook 'exwm-workspace--on-focus-in)
;; Switch to the first workspace
(exwm-workspace-switch 0 t))
(provide 'exwm-workspace)
;;; exwm-workspace.el ends here